OOC: Hands of the Gods #2633875312
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: Dec 30 2003 5:25am
But...THAT MUCH? In what? A few moments? And It wouldn't be all that hard to avoid you, we're all cloaked here.
Posts: 1200
  • Posted On: Dec 30 2003 6:05am

Drayson, the whether the loading or unloading of the Shrouds took place is important because, while you didn't fire missiles, it would determine where your Shrouds are at the time of Dolash's flyby.

In my opinion, if they were busy being loaded up with missiles, they wouldn't have been able to fire.

That's all I am saying.
Posts: 1381
  • Posted On: Dec 30 2003 6:18am
Some of the Shrouds were reloaded and ready to fight. Some were in the process of reloading, and some were waiting to dock and reload.

Assuming each group consisted of six ships, then there are still between 12 - 14 Shrouds on station outside the yard (since I have twenty in total).

That's still more than Dolash's entire force of ships, and the Shrouds are twice the size.

I don't consider the damages excessive.
Posts: 1200
  • Posted On: Dec 30 2003 8:55am

But then you never do, do you?


BTW: Dolash, I posted because I didn't fire on you in this round...
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: Dec 30 2003 5:07pm

Anyways, If we can't agree, Drayson, then I guess I have to ask the staff. Rather a silly matter to bother them with, but you seem so stubborn on this detail.
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: Dec 30 2003 5:13pm
P.S. You guys must have some of the weirdest officers in the world. Or at least the most paranoid. You'd think they could make the following connections without jumping to conclusions:

1.You're jamming communications, so we could not have told the stealths we are offering peace and told them to stop firing.

2. When the enemy has ignored your offer and is bearing down on you, a smart commander wants to reduce damage, say, by bracing for impact?

Which is amazing really, because you seem so cunning when you're fighting (Or at least confident).

Anyways, it was still a good post, but oh well.

And now that you've stopped the first, we can power ahead and pound the living day-lights out of them with the first salvo.
Posts: 1200
  • Posted On: Dec 30 2003 9:59pm
1. If our fleets received your peace transmission it stands to reason your other warships did as well.

2. You act like we are really close to your ships. We aren't bearing down on anything. In fact, we slowed our advance.

And while the Destroyer Squadron is reversing itself slowly, I suppose you could increase to flank speed and enter range (which would be a very highly aggressive maneuver and you will burn the olive branch.

And while I may show the thoughts running through our soldier's minds at the moment, you will see that they have not fired because, quite honestly, it may have been a mistake on your part for your stealth ships to have fired. But at the moment, my peeps do not know.
All they can do is "suppose". (I don't like my characters to make OOC connnections IC if I can avoid it.)

However, at this time, if anyone is going to throw away the olive branch, it will be you.
Posts: 2453
  • Posted On: Dec 30 2003 10:18pm
1. The Stealth Intruders were never damaged, their shields were hit.

2. Stealth Intruders are cloaked, so it would be really hard for Drayson to actually be able to fire on them with any sort of accuracy.

3. The Stealth Intruders were designed as combat warships and have excellent crews.

4. The top speed of the Stealth Intruder is 85 MGLT.

5. The Stealth Intruders are on a private mission (destruction of the shipyard) under command of an Intelligence Officer (since Stealth Intruders are an Intelligence ship) so even if another fleet commander offered a peace treaty, they would complete their mission (or at least try to complete it).
Posts: 1381
  • Posted On: Dec 30 2003 11:19pm
No, they were stated as being damaged. None the less, when they start shooting their positions aren't difficult to determine.

And no, they were not designed as warships. They are modified freighters, as stated by the R&D. As such, they do not behave like warships but like modified freighters.

No one calls the Millenium Falcon a warship. It is a modified freighter.

So you're offering peace with one hand and attacking our shipyards with the other? What's our motivation to accept your treaty if "other" fleet commanders continue to attack us?
Posts: 2453
  • Posted On: Dec 30 2003 11:36pm
Maybe they are modified freighters, but they are as capable as a warship. Have you read the second book in the Han Solo trilogy? Modified freighters(smuggling ships) were taking on the Imperial ships(Carrack Cruisers, Guardian Cruisers, TIE Fighters). Modified Freighters can easily take on warships when they are heavily modified, and modified so that they are able to fight.

As for the two hand thing, the not a lot of people know about the Intelligence mission, and the fleet commander can simply say he has no control over the cloaked ships(since he doesn't). Also, I don't think Dolash is actually expecting you to accept the treaty.