Endgame: The Dark Side of Democracy (TNSO, TJO) #4
  • Posted On: Nov 11 2002 3:03am
Hearing the message, Malice began the walk towards Theed. he could sense his master's presense up ahead, but he decided to take his time. Not wanting to catch up. If Snack and the other's were to enter the city first and cause some havoc, and Malice showed up right after. That would leave more room for him to destroy before the jedi know he was there.

*Ohh the excitement is almost unbearable. The jedi will crumble in that blasted city*

Malice kept an even pace. Keeping a certain distance behind Lord Snack. Although through the force he kept an eye on his former deciple Chikami. Malice did feel guilty about taking his arm off using force destruction. but then again things like that happen.
Posts: 430
  • Posted On: Nov 12 2002 10:30pm
OOC: What is Kenshin and Ky-Vin supposed to do now...?


Kenshin suddenly noticed a dark signature approaching the center of the city where the Academy was. The padawan gave a blank look of confusion. Why were the Sith sending a single knight into the midst of Jedi? A diversion?

Kenshin quickly observed the street he and Ky-Vin were on. They weren't to far away. He wondered if he should confront the dark being...
Posts: 1584
  • Posted On: Nov 13 2002 5:47am
Fifteen minutes.

Usually Leia would have considered 15 minutes on the holocomm to be a blissfully short amount of time. But right now, it was 15 minutes too long.

But it had been a productive 15 minutes. From the Palace Leia had managed to obtain control of half a squadron of N-1 fighters and a small group of guards, who were on their way to meet her at a predetermined point even as she went about the rest of her calls.

From the Republic Embassy in Theed she had pulled rank to yank all of the New Republic Soldiers in Theed off duty, or order them onto duty, to answer to her beck and call. She had then quickly ordered them to be armed, outfitted for combat, and systematically deployed around Theed, with a main stronghold around the Royal palace. She had attempted to contact the Gungans as well, but there had been no reply, which increased her worry.

She hadn't been able to obtain much help, but what she had obtained was that much more help than they had had 15 minutes ago.

And that was the extent of her short notice political power. She rose from her chair in her office and picked up the heavy, worn, standard military issue utility belt that she had used since back in her Alliance days. She strapped it around her waist, and then pulled on a heavy black cloak.

She left her office, and the Academy, headed for the streets of Theed....

The final game would be played out there.
Posts: 113
  • Posted On: Nov 13 2002 8:22am
"Motsi, you can't go to Coruscant without protection. Terrorists are runnign rampant!"

"My Queen," Motsi's voice softened. "I am flattered but I will be fine. You have a planet to worry about now. Soon we both will."

"You will win, Motsi. I know it!"

Ciscero turned to the girl queen and sighed. Just let me get the hell away from this damned planet!

"Watch the Jedi, Carlotta. Always remember that you are Queen. Always."

"Sir. We should go. Already there seems to be trouble brewing in the city and ...and.."

"Have we heard from Senator Balladen? Will the Republic be sending an escort?"

"Yes Sir. They will meet us outside the system. Your shuttle is prepared."

Motsi motioned down the hall, "Lead on then, Soldier."

Turning to his "niece". "Until we meet again my Queen."

"Safe journey, Motsi."


Outskirts of the Naboo System

"ETA is to be four minutes Sir."

"It feels like it's been an eternity already."

Ciscero's hands seemed to shake in nervousness. It was odd because he rarely felt the anxiety when he risked life and limb for that which he held dear.

His mind drifted back to the planning. The careful crafting of identity and circumstance.

Truly our best.

The design of Kaine mirrored the earlier plan called by Isard: Labrynthine.

Endgame took Labrynthine to it's conclusion but also took the power away from Imperial Intelligence.

Imperial Intelligence worried him.

He knew how Isard thought and knew how ruthless the woman could be.

Already he was overdue. ...

But the real question: am I beyond salvage?

Not that General Kaine had given him a choice on his bridge in orbit around the hidden world of Arcadia.

Do or die..

Well, Isard will know where I am soon enough.

"Hyperspacial Reversion! There!" the pilot pointed and sure enough, the mighty Escort Fleet arrived.

Governor Elect Motsi was surprised by the numbers sent.

"I guess Republican Military Command has something special in mind." he murmured.

The colors, the recognition codes, the insignia of the vessels all spoke volumes to those who would harrass Republic interests.

"Let's get this over with.."

[OOC: Escort Fleet - Enroute to Coruscant]

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Corellian Gunship
Posts: 135
  • Posted On: Nov 13 2002 8:31am
There must be more to this.. Perrin thought as he ran through the outskirts of Theed's suburban district.

Darth Snack had sent him to Theed where he would be striking quickly in one section while others rallied to sow more confusion by striking elsewhere in the city.

He had hoped to draw the Jedi out by slaughtering civilians living just outside the city...

How many lives will claim their attention?

Of course, there were also NR soldiers that seemed to be running about herding the people like one does some compliant animal.

Make a statement.. get attention.. make a statement..

...but where?

His eyes caught something in the distance, a bit into the city and he smiled inwardly.

People were running from him and so far no one stood in his path, the reputation of the Sith (as a whole) preceding his steps.

Time to make them look..

He looked at his time piece as another hand flicked a falling dried leaf off his tan, immaculate tunic.

15 minutes pass so quickly...
  • Posted On: Nov 13 2002 10:56am
Malice was within sight of the city theed now. The adrenaline inhis body increasing with every step. Then, a tremor within the force hit him. He felt his somewhat newes deciple Perrin within the city already. The knight decided to see how he was doing and sent him a message via the force.

(Greetings Perrin it is Malice. I see you have come to cause more havoc as well. That is good. We do not have the time to hatnow, so we will meet up later then. Ohh and another thing, i can sense you have gotten stronger. I am pleased)

Malice felt his position, and Snacks, so he decided to change is course and walked towards the right side of theed. His reign of chaos would begin there.
  • Posted On: Nov 14 2002 12:46am
Dante had been meditating quietly when the panic started hitting. He wasn't sure quite what the hell was going on around Naboo, this place had too many weird memories. He heard the screams, and he felt people were dying. This was already bad. He returned to his ship quietly, gathering his coat, and his bag, readying himself for another war.

He felt most of the others all ready dispersed to deal with other crises, and he felt a bit lost. He felt something familiar, two things familiar actually, one was in the streets somewhere, and the other went right past him...

This didn't feel right, he didn't know what he was doing, but perhaps someone would know. He moved quicklyturning on the shield emitter as he did, bag slung over his shoulder. As he came around the corner and the large group of Republic Guards moved in reaction to him, he seriously reconsidered his use of the color Black for everything. The guards immediately raised blasters, and he brought his hands up.

"Don't Shoot, i'm not hostile!" They didn't seem convinced.
"Leia, is that you Leia!" He tried to move to her, thinking this was someone he recognized. His mind started to whirl, as the saber came to his hand. "Leia, help me, please."
Posts: 1584
  • Posted On: Nov 14 2002 2:21am
Leia's comlink beeped, demanding her attention. She distractedly pulled it from her belt, her attention directed towards the horizon, the outskirts of Theed. Reports of small skirmishes and disruptances were beginning to come in, as well as sightings of suspiciously Sithlike figures. Leia had no doubt, the invasion had started.

She had been right.

Leia answered the comlink automatically, her mind still on her own thoughts.

"What is it?"

The voice of one of the sentry Commanders crackled from the comm.

"Ma'am, we have encountered a young male dressed in black, carrying a lightsaber and a few other weapons and tools of combat. Identity unknown, but he called for you almost as soon as we saw him. He did not attack, he surrendured and proclaimed himself an ally. What do you recommend?"

Leia's brow furrowed in thought.

"Confiscate his weapons, bind him up, and bring him to me with an escort of four armed guards. Set your blasters to kill, and keep at least three trained on him at all times. If he resists or attempts to escape, shoot him. Make sure he knows all of this, too. I'm not taking any chances."

Leia turned off the comlink and returned it to her belt.

There was the very dangerous possibility that this man was a Sith, and was trying to get under her defenses.

But the situation did not feel wrong...

She would just have to see. This was very curious indeed.
Posts: 430
  • Posted On: Nov 14 2002 2:48am
Kenshin watched the wave of destruction not so far off from the top of a building. He gave the scene a tired look. Battle was familiar to Kenshin and he gave a tired look as he recalled the memories. The look turned into one of stone as he moved his thoughts foward. There wasn't enough time to dwell on memories. He removed his comlink from his belt and brought it to his mouth, his eyes not leaving the horizon.

"Master Leia, this is Padawan Kenshin. Do you have any further orders?"
  • Posted On: Nov 14 2002 6:33am
Dante nodded at the sentry commander, sliding off his coat, handing it to the man, he looked at him, turning off the shield emitter. the few guns taht weren't in the coat slid out easily, also handed to the man, as well as his bag. The bag almost knocked the sentry commander over as heavy as it was.

"sorry." He handed him the lightsaber as well, leaving only the small cylinder at his belt. "I'd give this to you, but if it leaves my person for an extended period of time, it's going to explode. Besides, the time it would take for me to pull it you'd have me shot and killed."

He brought his hands together, accepting the binders, somehow feeling that this was a common ocurrance at one point in time or another. The guards led him to wherever he was being taken. So much for a quiet day.....