Raid on a mormon compound in Texas
Posts: 896
  • Posted On: Apr 25 2008 9:40pm
Tell me about it Jan, I've never seen a thread cross so many realms before....
Posts: 2164
  • Posted On: Apr 26 2008 3:12am
Just wait until the subject of porn comes into the matter. Acceptable or degrading?
Posts: 1621
  • Posted On: Apr 26 2008 3:32am
Atypical for the status quo - acceptable for us, for we are anything but normal.

[/Said proudly]
Posts: 4025
  • Posted On: Apr 26 2008 5:06am
Why does the US allow itself to be invaded? Common criminals anyone? I support immigration whole heartedly, but it must be done legally. Those who want to flout the legal system must be punished - in this case severely

Good luck. With the way things are in Mexico right now, and other select countries, the promise of a better life in America, it would be hard to discourage the immigrants from crossing over. Even if we sent them to jail, for some of these people, living in an American jail would bring in more food and roofs over their heads than what they had in their old country.

There are only two main ways, off-hand I can think of, that would discourage immigration. Either we go the Doomsday route, and build a giant wall with 20mm autocannons that kills every heat based living object that approaches to within 500 yards or so of the wall, or we improve the living conditions in Mexico to where people will no longer want to migrate to America.

Personally I would be in favour of annexing, or merging with Mexico.
Posts: 2915
  • Posted On: Apr 26 2008 5:22am
Posts: 217
  • Posted On: Apr 26 2008 1:34pm
if the us annexed mexico or even merged with, especially now, both countries would suffer. not only would the us pour even further money into a useless battle against drugs and crime (the crime rates in mexico are staggering), but the cost of trying to improve dilapidated social and living conditions there would break the fragile american economy and send it into an economic downturn ten times worse than it is now.
Posts: 2915
  • Posted On: Apr 26 2008 1:59pm
A momentary low point in history, to solve a horrible living condition for millions of people. Worth it says I.
Posts: 217
  • Posted On: Apr 26 2008 5:09pm
not a momentary. it would take 60 years to even begin to recover, it would be the great depression only a lot worse. if the us wasnt adamant on engaging the war on "terror" then it would be a strong possibility. right now it would probably destroy the us. beside the entire discussion is null and void it wouldnt happen unless forcibly done so and the us couldnt manage that either, certainly not without retaliation on numerous sides.
Posts: 2915
  • Posted On: Apr 26 2008 5:15pm
Hardly, what you depict is a basic misunderstanding of the economy. The restructuring of Mexico's economic and crime management situation would take less then a couple billion. Check current war and military spending, subtract the proposed border wall plan and you have quite enough to begin the plan.
Posts: 217
  • Posted On: Apr 26 2008 6:49pm
except the current war and military spending is breaking the economy as is. the broder wall plan wont happen because its stupid, so that money isn't getting spent.

and it may save millions in the long run, but how many more lives are ruined by economic downturn? how many more would you like to see roaming the streets of america homeless and starving? the us needs to focus on its on problems, not those of other countries, it's time to pack and fix our own shit before our country fucking collapses under economic, political, and social ruin.