Rule Revisions - Your opinions
Posts: 7745
  • Posted On: Dec 17 2003 11:56pm
No hijacking this thread, please. I will delete posts that begin to deviate the topic from the core subject.

The Staff will be rolling out a few new rules and minor changes to a few existing rules fairly soon, most of the change stems from the current war. Since everyone has to abide by the rules, and everyone has to live with them, I thought I would ask if there was anything anyone wanted, specifically.

Are there any new rules you would like? Any rules you would like removed? Any would like revised?

I'm open to discussion about almost anything.
Posts: 4025
  • Posted On: Dec 17 2003 11:59pm
This is one I tryed recentley, and that Griff and Drayson have been arguing about for some time. The thing about scuttling a ship, blowing it's reactor drives, etc. to take out a few enemies with it. The arguement seems to be whether or not this is just another form of ramming. The rules on this need to be stated very clearly.
Posts: 2915
  • Posted On: Dec 18 2003 12:01am
so your issuie is on blast radius of a self destructing ship?
Posts: 7745
  • Posted On: Dec 18 2003 12:03am
Kraken, yep, we got that one.
Posts: 2453
  • Posted On: Dec 18 2003 12:09am
Something about having a consequence if your public manifest is more than 2 weeks out of date.(2 weeks given because it is understandable that not everyone has lots and lots of time to devote to TRF)
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: Dec 18 2003 12:10am
I ask you revise the damage rules and make them a tad more specific and harder to bend. I bet nintey percent of OOC arguments are probably caused by people bickering over how much damage their ship can do. Perhaps the system could include actual statistics?

And maybe some more rules concerning disabling a ship, because it may take three posts at least to kill another ship, but it only takesone post for a hundred-meter vessel to sneak up and blast some important part of a vessel, in effect disabling it for the rest of the battle (Like at corellia).

And I know it is comparativly rare that ground forces are used, but maybe some sort of rule to regulate them would be useful, especially when it comes to effectivness and training.
Posts: 1381
  • Posted On: Dec 18 2003 12:43am
Several, thank you.

1) One set of reinforcements per battle. None of this "Oh, then I bring in another ten ISDs and blast you!"

2) Some stricter rules on reinforcements, in general. Not, "Then my ships happened to come out of hyperspace right where you were. Gee, aint we lucky?"

3) Make it clear that neither ramming nor self destruction, or any other manner of using your ship's destruction, is an acceptable or legal form of causing damage to enemy ships.

4) Guidelines on the ammount of damage orbital shipyards can sustain. Perhaps hull and/or shield ratings can be assigned to them.
  • Posted On: Dec 18 2003 1:10am
I know that I haven't been here for very long. I don't even know what the rules are in there entirety yet, but I'd just like to put in my two cents.

I disagree respectfully with Bhindi's first request to a certain extent. While reinforcements are good, and should be allowed to be brought in without hastle, it should also be limited. Simply pulling a fleet out of your ass isn't too realitic, is it?

So, I guess it would go by where the fleet was jumping from, how long it would take to arrive, and the like. A well planned jump could take anywhere between several hours, to several days. Just for one jump. Within several hours, a fleet battle could potentially be over. It should also be noted that jumps often take start-stop jumps to complete, meaning that you jump from one location to another (in order to avoid going through stars, planets and asteroids), and then jump again, and sometimes over and over again to get to your destination.

From what I have read in the current battles between the Galactic Coalition, and the New Imperial Order, it looks like The Rebel Faction requires that you fully reduce an opponents shields in order to damage their hull. If I'm not mistaken, shields were invented to minimize the devistation of a direct blow, not to block an entire volley of firepower. Shields should be able to hold through very minor blows. Heavier blows (say from a proton torpedo) would impact the shields. The Explosion, however would be able to fluctuate the shield rating, and thus a portion of the explosion would break through. That's what causes the black marks on ship's hulls during engagements. Sure, there shields might hold through the whole battle.... but they are still going to sustain some form of damage. I'm not saying that shields are useless, but they should be regulared more realisticly.

I'm pretty sure I've overstepped my bounds as it stands, and possibly even made a fool out of myself, so I'll just shut up now.
  • Posted On: Dec 18 2003 1:30am
Sy damage etiquete-

1)What or even if a person can add to their manifest when a planet is under attack.

2) consequences of all builds that occur after a SY is damaged and in need of future repairs.

What happens to the builds if the Sy is just damaged.

Kas, you mentioned that damaged would scrap all builds that occurred after a thread.

I am not sure if this is fact as of today though.


A fleeters damage posting responsibility.

1) Does a poster responding to damage from a previous posted attack have to assign themselves damage for making a particular attack manuver to counter said manuver?

Everyone has been guilty of this and argued about it OOC at one point or another.
Posts: 4025
  • Posted On: Dec 18 2003 1:42am
I think a fleeter, if he performs an action that involves combat, or in the middle of combat, then he should take into account what his enemy is likely to do in that time period as a reaction to his action, and add damage accordingly.