Revenge...(MCR takeover of Ylesia)
Posts: 130
  • Posted On: Aug 27 2002 4:09pm
Actually Jander I went and looked at the R&D and from what I can tell, you didn't disablel it. You would need a fair bit more then six shots to disable the superlaser. Here is my calculations on the matter.

(Quote from your R&D):
The primary weapon fires a concentrated laser pulse, that causes ships reactors to implode. This does not happen on the first shot (It may on smalled cap ships). The first will disable the ship due to some of the ships circuitry overloading as with the reactor. The second will usually destroy the ship reactor by putting even more stress on it(although more might be needed depending on sheilding of enemy ships (end quote)

The first shot MAY destroy a small vessel (I assume somthing the size of a Hapan Battle dragon, so 500m) That might destroy a hapan battle dragon, two would destroy lets say a Victory SD. A victory SD is, 900m. To simplify it, I’m rounding it up to 1000m. Six times that is 6 000m. That would be destroyed in twelve shots. It would be disabled in six. An ESD is 17 500m. It’s shielding it much better then a VSD, and the Superlaser runs the length of the ship. The superlaser wouldn’t have much damage, if any. It also wouldn't be disabled. You would be lucky to even get through the shields.
Posts: 93
  • Posted On: Aug 27 2002 6:39pm
OOC: We aren't saying it disabled the entire ship. Just the generators for the ESD's superlaser which would likely be separate from the sheild and other generators as well as close to the superlaser that is why we figure it'll disable the superlaser....

Anyway I don't have time to post and won't be able to for a couple days as I have to burn some of my music and such and then format and then install 4 different Operating systems. I'll post then....
  • Posted On: Aug 27 2002 7:34pm
OOC: True Jesmin, but you overlooked the last part of the R&D regarding the DSSD, of which five of the Mark IVs were from. It states the following.

"the Disruptor Star Destroyer will use a newer model of this weapon, the Arakyd Mark VI Cannon, able to disable and implode craft even quicker than its predecessor."

I would translate that into a faster, more efficient firing process. For computation sake, upgrading it to say, 1.5 of the normal Mark IV. That would add up to eight and a half of the normal Mark IV shots, still probably incapable of truly disabling the ESD, but that was not the purpose of firing them on the ESD. Our purpose was to short out as many circuits as we could, perhaps damage the firing lens in the process, hoping to delay it from firing as long as we could. Not something unimaginable, since the damage was directed only on the nose of the craft. We hadn't hoped for more than say, two or three posts.

Just another note. Your estimates regarding size really shouldn't be relevant, as a VSD has only approximately 10% more shields than a Battle Dragon, and actually more than an ISD(SWRPG's "Starships of the Galaxy" sourcebook) On shields alone, basing off the shields of the Battle Dragon(300 Shield Points in this system), 8.5(or thier equivilant) Mark IV shots would easily penetrate the shields of an SSD, with plenty of energy left over to help achieve it's purpose in shorting multitudes of circuits. True, the ESD is over twice it's size, but my calculations, if correct(they're based off your own examples, combined with my book) our tactic should be sufficient.

I will finally get to posting IC here in about an hour and a half. Thanks for your patience.

Hate to add to my complaints, but I did notice there wasn't a mention on exactly what fired on the Gunships to destroy them in a single post. Also, I would like to once again request an updated manifest. I simply don't have the time to delve through the forces both here and at Bimmisaari and count them out one by one to see what is still here. Thank you.

IC: In rare cases, anger and fury can fuel the efficiency of a warrior in combat. Such would be the case with the Phantoms, fighting for thier lives out in the middle of nowhere in the shadow of an Eclipse Star Destroyer, a sight far too common in the galaxy nowadays. Each and every Phantom burned for the chance to avenge thier fallen brothers and sisters, and they would have it.

Just as the TJE forces would do(still in the future) at Bimmisaari, the Phantoms new the advantages of thier ships. As the Mon Calamari charged all of the combined might of the Phantom and TJE fleet unloaded mercilessly into thier attackers, full barrages unlike any seen before as thier reinforcments took thier own positions.

All of the "Pandora's Box"s weaponry save the Mark IV cannon opened up on the weakend shields presented by the roll the Home One cruiser's roll. Hundreds of emplacements devastated the weakened ship, blasting away the shields and opening up it's exsposed hull for Ion fire. Through thier viewports gunners could see lights blinking out on the Mon Calamari ship as blue energy washed over it's hull from bow to stern. It was obvious a continued barrage would quickly fully disable the ship as its remaining shields began swiftly dropping.

The combined TJE/Phantom reinforcments jumped in to assist thier allies. The ASSD "Iron Katana" combined with the Mark IV cannons of the "Pandora's Box" and the newly arrived "Carnage" to devastate the approaching Super Cruiser "Vostok", peeling away at it's bow shields.

On the other flank, the SSD "Elrond's Majesty" approached the "Soyouz"(that is the Viscount in close to the DSSD correct?), trapping it between the two massive ships, each as large as itself and able to bring more guns to bear on the ship due to the short retreat of the Disruptor-class Star Destroyer.

The rest of the fleets joined in to complete thier own objectives. Lancers and Corellian Gunships joined the Interceptor and Protector Cruisers in anti-starfighter warfare. The four 418 series ships had been driving back and forth across the battle line for some time now at insane speeds for capital ships(Protectors can reach 80% speed of a TIE), battering at incoming warheads and fighters. Combined they made the surrounding space deadly for any fighter. It took great care to avoid friendly fire.

The fourteen newly arrived Victory Star Destroyers, combined with the four Phantom MC-200s, and the three TJE Redemption-class Battle Cruisers created carnage of a new kind, each unleashing a solid barrage of missile, torpedo, and heavy rocket fire before they two fired withering turbolaser barrages. Combined they ships fired thousands of warheads at the enemy, intent on destruction of thier foes. The Redemptions, by far the faster ships, were able to duck and dodge in closer to hit thier enemies with heavy rockets.

Smaller ships, like those of the Nebulon series, Carracks, Corvettes, and others used swarm tactics on thier larger opponents, once again relying on speed and maneuver ability to harass the Mon Calamari.

The Phantom pilots were intent on playing thier part as well. Legions of TIE Defenders assisted in keeping the Mon Calamari fighters off of thier home ships as well as escorting the larger, deadlier Deathravens. Nearly two hundred of these squadrons were being lead by the ships designer, smuggler and former Rebel pilot Erron Kell. Kell personally led a full wing of the double B-wing craft against one of the Mon Calamari Super Cruisers charging along with the "Vostok" Other wings performed similar maneuvers on other enemy ships.

Surprisingly agile for thier size due to the number of maneuvering jets on the trailing wing surfaces. They also had the power generators from both B-wings that had spawned them, allowing for powerful shields without sacrificing speed or weapons. They lanced out, protected by thier escorting TIE Defenders as well as the firepower they boasted with four assault laser cannons and eight light ion cannons. Reaching missile range the wing tied into Kell's targeting system and each fired off a torpedo from each of thier launchers. Four torpedoes each combined for a barrage of 288 torpedos inbound for the Mon Cal cruiser.

Fire from the cruiser picked off several torpedos, but a salvo of that size is always devastating. An growing exsplosion grew on the Mon Cals hull as torpedo after torpedo connected.

OOC: Generl overview for a better understanding. In general, all of the Viscount and Super Cruisers in direct combat are being hit either by Mark IVs, heavy barrages of turbolaser and ion fire, massive missile fire from the VSDs, MC-200s, and RBCs, or massive torpedo runs by Deathravens.

All Star Destroyers(other than those specifically listed) are concentrating all weapons into thier forward arcs and onto enemy ships, the smaller MC-40s and other ships as they come in.

Anti-starfighter ships(Lancers, Gunships, Interceptors, Protectors) are doing just that, killing anything within range.

Smaller capitals are swarming the larger Mon Cal ships, or facing off against small Mon Cal ships.

Fighters are either defending thier capital ships, or escorting Deathravens, which are bombing the larger capitals.

I personally would expect severe damage to many ships, particularly those hit by missile fire, either Deathraven or capital. Best of luck in the rest of the battle.

Response to Elian's post after mine:

The Mark IV doesn't require breaching the hull, or the armor. That would make it rather redundant, since if it was designed as such it would be much easier just to punch wholes in ships rather than use it's designed purpose of overloading circuits and reactors. It's effects are considered a massive power surge overloading whatever surge protection may be offered by the ship. There are ways around it of course, I thought of one off the top of my head just writing this, but I'm not about to give it away of course.

Regarding the shields, I said in my earlier post that the book I'm using does use a different system to show shield and hull strength. Different, but equal. I haven't yet quite figured out how to convert between the systems, but it's something I'm working on.

As for the placement of the "superlasers" as you've been calling them, it's one of the features that I dislike about them is that they are locked into the front firing arc, rather than spread throughout the firing arcs. But then, for thier purpose that is sufficient.

Lastly, I might note that the DSSD was developed as a result of the success of the GSDs Mark IV turbolaser against the TNA Eclipse Archammer, as said in the R&D itself.
  • Posted On: Aug 27 2002 10:01pm
ooc:I'm sure the SW RPG source book is official and stuff but that's a load of bull. and it doen't matter if it's better. No way a ship no matter how big should be able to disable a ESD's main weapon while firing 6 friggin guns. 6 of them shouldn't be able to get through the shields no matter how strong they are in one shot and still have energy left over to disable my Superlaser. Because ther'es more than shields on these things there's also. And according to Siather's post it would be impossible for more than maybe 2 of his Arakyd's to be able to target the superlaser because of angles and the placement of it. your shot could but it would hit smack dab on the center of the front. And Jesmin didn't figure in shields just length. And she does have a point there. Also Siather said he only shot once so that means that it was only hit six times. Presuming the the VI can destroy a Vic in one shot and has a 15% power increase over the mk. IV

A vic has 3200

So Siather's shot can take down 3200 times 6 that's a total of 19,200 not counting in hull etc. with your gun that can do 2720 damage by my calculations. with the damage done by Siather's that's a total of 21 920 SBD of shields you can take down a SSD has 96 000 SBD of shields. and around a quarter of a SSD shield power is facing forward at minimum which is 24 000 SBD remember this is a super star destroyer and minimum <!--EZCODE BOLD START--> Shield<!--EZCODE BOLD END--> power not counting in hull and assuming that you all have perfectly angeled shots. You might suceed in overloading a portion of the shields for a bit but not enough to let more than a tiny bit of power through and basically enough to do the damage I credited you with. and you upgraded it by 150% that is extremely unreasonable. sorry but the superlasers up and running.
Posts: 93
  • Posted On: Aug 28 2002 3:42am
OOC: Just pointing out that I made no post saying that I couldn't bring all Arakyd's to bear on your ESD. The Arakyd's would be no different then any other weapon on any other Star Destroyer. They can all be brought to bare when the forward firing arch is presented to a target.
  • Posted On: Aug 28 2002 7:33pm
oo:you could bring them all to bear on the ship but not the superlaser and wherre the hell did you get a SSD from Jander? or a friggin allegiance or half of that crap in your post? you have 1 Galactic and it's currently shooting for the most part at my Home One. I suggest you review your manifest and change your post. A lot.
Posts: 93
  • Posted On: Aug 28 2002 9:48pm
I suggest you read back in Jander's post where he brought in the Venegence and Avenger fleets just outside your abolisher field. By now they would all be in range of you and your fleet.
  • Posted On: Aug 28 2002 9:55pm
Fleet Manifest:
Vostok-Viscount-class Star Defender- Vostok
Soyouz-Viscount-class Star Defender
Pegasus-Viscount Star Defender (Flag)
Mithrrask-Viscount Star Defender
Night Caller-Viscount Star Defender
Delta-Mon Calamari Super Cruiser
Vendetta-Mon Calamari Super Cruiser
Barandis-Mon Calamari Super Cruiser
Fear-Mon Calamari Super Cruiser
Unity-Mon Calamari Home One-Class Cruiser
Saccorria- MC-300
Moter Sea-MC-300
Duchamp-Torpedo Sphere
Phidias-Torpedo Sphere
Heat-Imperial-class Star Destroyer MKIII
Black Moon-Imperial MK.III star Destroyer
Corsair-Imperial MK.III Star Destryer
Vanguard-Imperial MK.III Star Destroyer
Folly-Imperial-class Star Destroyer MKIII
Frimout-Imperial-class Star Destroyer
Freedom-Republic-Class Star Destroyer
Fire-Republic-Class Star Destroyer
Sting-Republic-Class Star Destroyer
Strike-Republic-Class Star Destroyer
Zion-Republic-Class Star Destroyer
Wrath-Republic-Class Star Destroyer
Boldheart-Republic-Class Star Destroyer
Glitterstar-Republic-Class Star Destroyer
Ghost Of Eternity-Republic-Class Star Destroyer
Grey Wolf-Republic-Class Star Destroyer
Inferno-Republic-Class Star Destroyer
Alliance-Aegis-class Star Cruiser mkII
Dark Hawk-Aegis Star Cruiser MK.II
Falcon-Aegis Star Cruiser MK.II
Endeavour-Aegis STar Cruiser MK.II
Hermes-Aegis Star Cruiser MK.II
CHallenger-Aegis Star Cruiser MK.II
Discouvery-Aegis STar Cruiser MK.II
Resonance-Aegis-class Star Cruiser mkII
Harmonic-Aegis-class Star Cruiser mkII
Tone-Aegis-class Star Cruiser mkII
Glory-Dreadnaught Cruiser
Atlantis-Dreadnaught Cruiser
Hyperspace-Dreadnaught Cruiser
Cellestial Arrow-MC-40
Black Crant-MC-40
Ice Blue-MC-40
Red Dog-MC-40
Red Dawn-MC-40
Cold Fire-MC-40
Polycite-Nebulon-B2 Frigate
Rodin-Nebulon-B2 Frigate
Moore-Lancer Frigate
Gemini-Lancer Frigate
Midway-Lancer Frigate
Honorius-Abolisher Cruiser
Battle of Chandrillia-Abolisher Cruiser
Angel-Abolisher Cruiser
Abolisher-Abolisher Cruiser
Dreadnaught-Abolisher Cruiser
Corellia-Abolisher Cruiser
Stellar Web-Abolisher Cruiser
Baudry-Abolisher Cruiser
Death-Abolisher Cruiser
Indomitable-Abolisher Cruiser
Wraith-Abolisher Cruiser
Hope IV-VI-Corellian Gunships
Calamari I-XII-Corellian Gunships

111 Sentinel Shuttles

661 Shadow Droids
468 TIE M1s
1659 TIE Defenders

Full Troop Complement
  • Posted On: Aug 28 2002 9:57pm
OOC: Siather is correct. If you'll review, "Speed-Trap" Maneuver consisted of pulling both the Avenger/Vengence fleets as well as my own reinforcements from HS. You delayed it somewhat with the superlaser shot on the Interdictor, but that was easy enough to work around using the pulsemass mines like those used on Hapan ships. If you have any other questions regarding the ships I used, please let me know. Like I told Jesmin, my AIM nick is Jander E Sunstar. I can also be reached on the ICQ # 60625263. Both (save a program/computer/network crash) are online 24/7.
  • Posted On: Aug 29 2002 2:11am
OOC:Fine you have the fleets. Please provide Full manifest that you have in the system at this moment.