Moving On (Ylesia)
Posts: 134
  • Posted On: Mar 3 2002 11:12pm
Admiral Snowkan quickly sized up the situation.
"Tell the fighters to start doing missile runs on that huge astroid. We will help them."
"Yes sir."
The Iron Fist fighters roared in and started to fire on the big astroid. The capital ships moved in as well. They shot salvo after salvo of turbolaser bolts, ion cannon beams, laser cannon bolts, missiles and torpedoes on the huge astroid.

Lord Snowkan watched the Iron Fist Empire's fleet move in on the worldship.
"Fire on that second biggest astroid. Star's Delight joins us again. Defender and Freedom's Hope helps the Iron Fist Empire's fleet with that big astroid. Joren Arden, get those two smaller kinds of astroids, but not the really small ones.. Tell the strike-class fighters to get in there and blow thye really small ones. Order the missile boats and 144 of the TIE Defenders that are attacking the really small astroids to fire on the really big one. All Kessel Attack Fleet fighters, get that big astroid."
Then the Kessel Attack Fleet and Chadd Casas's force moved in on the heavy cruiser, except for two Aegis Mk.II star cruisers. They quickly veered off and went after the worldship. The fighters also went after the worldship, doing multiple missile runs. The Kessel Attack Fleet fired continually at the heavy cruiser. The two remaining Aegis MK.II star cruiser teamed up and shot 40 missiles at one spot. The two MC-300 teamed up and shot 40 torpedoes at another. Shadow Star teamed up with the corellain gunship and fired a mixture of torpedoes and missiles, numbering at 54 at another spot. They fired salvos of turbolasers, heavy turbolasers, ion cannons and laser cannons. This tactic had worked before on another astroid this size at Nal Hutta. Lord Snowkan was hoping that it worked here. Then he read the message from TRE ships. he quickly relaid it to his captains, and the ships started to fire faster and faster, with less power. Then they fired in a couple slavos at higher power, then lower again. Hopefully it would confuse the dolvin basils. He also relayed the informtion to Admiral Snowkan. Immediatly he noticed that his cousin had used the information. They fired continually.

Admirla Snowkan read the information from Lord Snowkan.
"Use the missiles in teams. I want them in teams of thirty."
Each corruption star destroyer shot off four volleys of thirty missiles per volley at different spots. Two hundred and fourty missiles moved in at different spots. The two Aegis MK.II star crusiers from Lord Snowkan teamed up and shot fourty missiles at another spot. the fighters were firing all the time at the worldship, and Admirla Snowkan doubted they could stop all of the shots.
  • Posted On: Mar 3 2002 11:14pm
Teebo sat on board his flagship.
"All of my ships, and Joren's, move in and attack those smaller asteroids. Adjust your shields to all around coverage. Move in now."
The Mon Cal ships began to attack the asteroids with Turbolaser and Ion fire, along with some Torpedos.
  • Posted On: Mar 3 2002 11:21pm
<!--EZCODE BOLD START--> The warmaster enticed the Mon Cal with a smile, welcoming the attack on his Worldship. Their weapons occasionally got past the dovin basals' black holes, but still the damage was minimal. They were chipping off pieces of rock every once and a while, and thus allowed the Yuuzhan Vong to move in for a ground invasion.<!--EZCODE BOLD END-->

"Get the transports to the ground,"<!--EZCODE BOLD START--> the Warmaster demanded of the Yammosk, and a sultious gurgle emitted in agreement from the brain figure.

What weapons were allocated on the Worldship flared at full strength on the MC300s, hoping to take them down in a blaze of glory, and so far it was working. Two coral skippers had made a strafing run on the blasphemous war ship, finishing off the shields to the rear, and in a ping-pong formation, the Yuuzhan Vong emitted a great roar as the giant ionic plasma cannon vomitted out of the center of the asteroid, finishing off the first MC300 attempting to surround and destroy the ship.

Escape pods and shuttles had obviously launched from the downed craft, but were quickly sucked in by the Dovin Basals for later sacrafice, a proper deed to Yun-Yamka and Yun-Yuuzhan.

"We have one more treat for them,"<!--EZCODE BOLD START--> the Warmaster said as he spun to face the colague of Yuuzhan Vong staring at him inquisitively.<!--EZCODE BOLD END--> "Release, the Grutchins."

<!--EZCODE BOLD START--> A wicked laugh poured from the Yuuzhan Vong coterie as if they were one. The Yammosk however was busy dealing out the orders, and the bird-like figures were already pacing out of the primary hangar. It took a moment or two, and in unison with the creatures' exitting the hangar, two more Gunships burst into flames, and were destroyed. By the time the craft were macrojumping back toward the Worldship, transports were already spinning through the atmosphere to prepare the ground invasion. Two more missiles pounded the next MC300, the battle was teetering in the victorious direction of Yun-Yuuzhan.<!--EZCODE BOLD END-->
Posts: 93
  • Posted On: Mar 3 2002 11:24pm
"Sir we are in range to attack the Vong now."

"Have all ships concentrate fire on the Vong Heavy Cruiser. When we get closer to it I want all ships to concentrate fire on the worldship. What is the status of our fighters?"

"We have lost 4 Interceptors so far but the majority of them remain and we have taken down 7 skips."

"Finally we are on somewhat equal terms."

The Admiral's task force began firing on the heavy cruiser. There was so much turbolaser fire from the Raging Night Hammer alone that the massive ship was likely already feeling the effects. Siather eyes widened as he saw hundreds of the bird-like creatures they had encountered at Jaminere.

"Power up the tractor beams, grab as much debris as you can and create a wall of metal with them. We are going to swat some flies."

All the ships under Siather's command began forming individual "fly swatters" as the grutchins voomed in toward them and MCR's ships.
Posts: 134
  • Posted On: Mar 3 2002 11:32pm
Some of the missiles aimed at the worldship plowed into it, breaking off pieces. Then came the turbolaser bolts, heavy turbolaser bolts, laser cannosn bolts and ion cannon bolts. Some of them plowed into the worldship, taking off more pieces. The huge worldship had many chunks ripped out of it. Another slavo came at the huge worldship. Then bugs came flying out of the ship and started to attach themselves onto the fighters. One inventive pilot had five gurtchins on his TIE Defender. He quickly released power to wash off his hull of them. It worked. The five gurthcins were fired.
"This is Apha One, if you release power onto your hull, the bugs are fried."
"Thank-" The transmittion was cut off as the fighter was blown up. Fortunatly for the other fighters they had time to release the power. 30 more gruthchins died. Unfortunalty 40 fighters had already fallen to the bugs before this was invented. The fighters quickly veered off from going after the worldship. They flew down at full speed and shot continually at the transports.

OOC:for my post before this one, i only edited to show you how many missiles were going after the worldship from the capital ships only. Then there was the fighters.

IC:Lord Snowkan watched as the missiles hit the heavy cruiser and the turbolasers hit as well. Huge pieces were ripped out of it.
  • Posted On: Mar 3 2002 11:50pm
Teebo sat on board his battlecruiser, desperately hoping that it wouldn't be destroyed. His ships were pounding away on some of the smaller asteroids, and some large chunks were ripping off of them. Then he heard the transmission from Alpha One.
"This is Apha One, if you release power onto your hull, the bugs are fried."
"All fighters who did not recieve that, if you release power onto your hull you can fry the bugs." Teebo said, forwarding the message to all of his fighters not on that frequency. His fighters did the same, and fried many of the bugs.
  • Posted On: Mar 4 2002 5:24am
<!--EZCODE BOLD START--> With chunks flying off of the Worldship excessively, it would have frightened any infidel taking such a beating. It would have caused damage unrivaled to the blasphemous, infidels' mechanical ships, but it was only minor damage to the mighty world ship. Pounding from the Mon Cals insisted that they intended to destroy the incredile, moon-like structure. That would not be the case.

Rather another macrojump was made, this time sending the World Ship to the far side of Ylesia, well away from the raging battle between the Yuuzhan Vong and the two massed militaries.

Warmaster Zhin felt a ping of regret at the fact that he had to constantly move from point a to point b in such haste, but he was ready to do so. The Yammosk simply had to be defended.

Grutchins, though being destroyed by the plenty by the two infidels' fighters, were now focusing on the <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Corruption<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->-Class Star Destroyers, one of the craft literally losing their bridges at the voracious flow of bug-like birds, tearing right through the infidels.

An enormous explosion ripped through, killing the grutchins, but in turn disabling the ship and sending it into a blinding spin. The Mon Cal craft that had thought they were gaining such an advantage over the Vong, were now being torn to shreds by plasma fire and Grutchin "birds" alike.

Coral skippers as well dealt a serious blow onto the Mon Cal ships, this time detonating a <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Victory<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->-Class Star Destroyer through missile blasts. The weapons were totally outgunning the Mon Cal...and the warships all but disappeared.


<!--EZCODE BOLD START--> Warmaster Zhin exitted the Yammosk Chamber of his mighty worldship, glaring down dubiously at those Yuuzhan Vong warriors around him as if they had done something wrong.<!--EZCODE BOLD END--><!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Their mere presence insults me at this time.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->

<!--EZCODE BOLD START--> The battle was not going as easily as they had hoped, the Rogue Empire's involvement had made things very difficult, but they were not ready for the incredible power bestowed on them by the Yuuzhan Vong, their incredible speed...their great power.

His clawed, shoeless footsteps sent echoing taps throughout the corridors of his enormous, planet-like ship. His world ship, which he named <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Sef'Verla<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->, after his grand-kin. Now it was his, as his grand-kin dominated their own galaxy with it, he was here to dominate this new galaxy with it.

His masterworkd eyes, having been replaced by the shapers many times over, dazed around at the hundreds of warriors throughout the ship, and he even spied a few who had been transported for proper burial rituals after dying near the surface from the air raids.

One of the intendent caste chose to stop him, one Nel Poer.
<!--EZCODE BOLD END--> "Warmaster Zhin, I bring news of the battle,"<!--EZCODE BOLD START--> Poer remarked with a proper cross-chested salute, and a bow.<!--EZCODE BOLD END-->

"What news could possibly interest me?"<!--EZCODE BOLD START--> Zhin scoffed.<!--EZCODE BOLD END-->

"Our next flotilla of warships is here."

<!--EZCODE BOLD START--> Zhin's eyes went wide with excitement as his taloned hand stroked the underside of his chin.<!--EZCODE BOLD END--> "I see, that is remarkable news. How goes the land battle then?"

"It goes excellent Warmaster Zhin of Domain Dwamor."

<!--EZCODE BOLD START--> The warmaster hissed his delecate delight and placed a firm, gripped hand on the member's shoulder.<!--EZCODE BOLD END--> "I am proud of you, bring you much honor the gods shall. I shall participate in the battle soon, but first I must direct the continual offensive against these fisheaded infidels."

"Yes Warmaster Zhin."


<!--EZCODE BOLD START--> The skies had already begun to capsize with ash and soote from the raging battle on the ground. The Mon Cals were expecting the Yuuzhan Vong, and the two forces had met ferociously in one of the plains leading to Ylesia's capital city. The losses of the infidels were becoming extreme as were those of the Chazrach being torn up by the enticing Mon Cals' attacks upon them.

With blood-stained grass and screams to entail the wind, the site of the battle was becoming more and more gruesome as the battle raged. One or two Coral Skippers had escaped into the atomsphere, snaking around the battle flanks and pouring lava-like plasma onto the lines, melting down any of those who were in the way, Chazrach, human, and infidel alike.

Yuuzhan Vong lines were quick to follow the falling Chazrach, and their vonduun crab armor was much more resistant to the Mon Cals' laser blasts than their battle armor was to the amphistaves. The battle was, overall, going well.


Heavy Cruiser Agony's Child
Heavy Cruiser Kin of Torment

Light Cruiser Inquiring Touch
Light Cruiser Babe of Infamy

Yuuzhan Vong Frigate Scarlet Demise
Yuuzhan Vong Frigate Shimmra
Yuuzhan Vong Frigate Traitor's Cause

200 more Coral Skippers

Position: Flanking the Rogue Imperial and Mon Cal Fleets
Posts: 134
  • Posted On: Mar 4 2002 4:49pm
OOC:you can't destroy a Corruption star destroyer in on post! Also, it is not a Mon Cal ship, none of the star destroyers are mon cal ships. So i don't know what victory star destroyer you are talking about blowing up.

Admiral Snowkan blinked as the worldship moved to the other side of the planet.
"Don't follow it, use tractor beams to tractor the drebis and swat those bug like birds."
The tractor beams picked up huge amounts of drebis and sent it at a swarm of fifty bugs. It plowed right into them, killing them completely.
"Sir we have four hundred of the bird like bugs on Serpent's Smile."
"Tell them to release power onto their hulls like the fighters do."
The captain of the star destroyer, Captain Wendor, quickly released power onto the hull, and fried the bugs. Finaly they had killed a large amount of the bugs. They had killed thirty from the fighters, fifty from the swatter and four hundred from the capital ships.
"Tell all the remaining Iron Fist fighters to straf those enemy ground troops."
"Yes sir. Sir that is only thirty fighters. We lost the two skipray blastboats and six TIE Defenders."
"Thank you for the update."
The fighters flew down to the planet, blowing up two coral skippers on the way down. Then they fired their laser cannons and ion cannons at the Yuuzhan Vong warriors. Sixty fell down in the first pass, along with sixty Chazarchs.

Lord Snowkan watched as the 164 strike class-fighters was down to 100 but the original load of coral skippers was down to 140. their was twenty four A-wings left and tons of TIE Defenders. As well as TIE Interceptors. They were joined by 144 TIE Defenders and 200 coral skippers.
  • Posted On: Mar 5 2002 12:55am
OOC The Corruption wasn't in one post, that was over a series of getting hit, then the grutchins flying around, and even then it is <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> not<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> destroyed. Rather, the bridge has been thrown offline, therefore it is still in a way useable. It is not destroyed. Furthermore, watch it with the ration in which you're blowing up these coral skippers...they are <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> not<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> TIE Fighters, you do not fly behind them and blow them up, it honestly requires strategy and a lot more than, "Flew behind them and blew two up." I am letting you escape with a lot...chill it out or there will be massive consequences.

<!--EZCODE BOLD START--> With a chilling slash in the ribs, another Mon Cal fell, spilling warm, dying blood as he thrashed his last few movements of life. Commander Seidao Vai was in lead of the Yuuzhan Vong ground invasion, and so far had a confirmed twenty seven kills to his name, fifteen of which happened from his bare hands when he had thrown his amphistaff in a direct line to ward off several of the oncoming, bulb-headed infidels.

Melee combat had encompassed the whole of the Battle of the Green Pasture as the Yuuzhan Vong had already named it, due to the fact that the once serene, green grass around them was now spilled with infidel and Chazrach blood.

Yun-Yamka would be pleased by the warriors' incredible power, and their willingess to die for the gods. As Warmaster Zhin had sacraficed his arm to see to the victory of this battle, they had surely met his call.

With a ferocious and feral cry hammered into one, the Commander brought his snake-staff down once again, this time plunging it through a Mon Cal's skull, spilling the brains from the sides and facading the Yuuzhan Vong with his foe's life's blood.

There was no rest for the Yuuzhan Vong as they advanced, knowing only destruction in their wake as thud bugs and razor beetles seered from behind their lines and ripping through several more Mon Cal. The seven thousand strong army now nillified to four thousand still outnumbered the Mon Cals and their former twelve thousand to a mere one thousand.

A grand day this was.

<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> For the glory of Yun-Yuuzhan!<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->


<!--EZCODE BOLD START--> Turbo laser cannons pounded out of the <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Imperial<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->-Class Star Destroyers with an intense bellow of might, though most missing off of the now reappearing heavy cruiser from the original task force due to dovin basal's blackholes. Warmaster Zhin had specifically targetted the <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Zealous Mist<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> for his ship's bombardments, deciding rather to take down the command ship rather than the larger craft, such as the <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Raging Night Hammer<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->. It was of no presidence, the infidels would loose sooner or later.

With plasma enveloping the space of the bedaffled Mon Cal, Iron Fist, and Rogue Imperial fleets, the ships took too much damage compared to standard infidel craft.

Grutchins however were beginning to learn the futility in attacking the fighters, and instead turned to the capital ships...the <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Defense<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> in particular. With the telemetric data and armor being torn away by rapidly devouring bird-creatures...there was again little hope for the infidels.
Posts: 93
  • Posted On: Mar 5 2002 3:06am
OOC: Sorry the Zealous Mist isn't here at the moment please leave a message after the beep and it will get back to you as soon as possible. *Grins*

"Inform all Rogue Imperial pilots that they are not to use the same tactic that the MCR pilots are using by discharging energy into their outer hulls to destroy the Grutchins. Not only is it unsafe for the pilot because they are surrounded by metal but it also slowly degrades the effectiveness of their electronic systems. Also inform MCR of the consequences of their actions. Tell them we have done many tests and found that that tactic could only be useful in a properly insulated ship and there just isn't enough room in a fighter to do such a thing."

Grutchins zoomed in on the mighty Rogue Imperial Star Destroyers.

"I want those Grutchins destroyed now. Use the tractor beams to hurl debris at them. If they are not destroyed by the initial impact super heat the metal with our turbolasers."

All Rogue Imperial ships started hurling debris at the tiny bird-like grutchins. Many died in the initial impact but as Siather had suspected would be the case, some survived and were eating away at the debris making them better targets then before. The gunners aboard all the ships fired on the debris super heating it and killing the remaining grutchins that threatened them.

"Send troops to the planet. Those Vong are not going to take this planet unopposed. Make sure that there is 2 Det'aan warriors in every group of stormtroopers, they should make it interesting for the Vong. Resume the attack on that heavy cruiser."