Darkness reigns supreme (Open to any Jedi)
  • Posted On: Mar 10 2002 9:46am
Rusty smiled, standing, his shield still up

"Alright then. But you approach me, as a gesture of goodwill. I'm not coming towards you, to be greeted by a shocking experience."
  • Posted On: Mar 10 2002 9:58am
Malice just stared at Rusty for a while. Something didn't feel right, but he wanted to see what the jedi would do. The lightning from his fingertips dissapeared, though the energy gathered was still present wthin his body. Ready to use if the moment comes.


Malice slowly walked towards Rusty, keeping his senses open incase it was a trap. Upon reaching Rusty Malice held out his hand for the jedi to shake. His whole body tensed up as he waited for the possible trap the jedi might have instore for the sith.
  • Posted On: Mar 10 2002 9:48pm
Rusty dropped the shield, still holding the energy upon sensing the Sith's uncertainty. He flicked his lightsaber off, still gripping it if necessary. Rusty then extended his left hand to shake the Sith's.

"Rusty Metropolis...nice to meet you...on better terms..."
  • Posted On: Mar 11 2002 2:03am
Malice Rusty's han in his and shook as well.

* Same here. I am Malice Draclau. Now if you'll excuse me i have...other matters i must attend to*

Malice turned and walked towards were Kahn ad Daegal were fighting. Sopping a few feet from the two he sent a force message to Rusty.

*So, do you wish to become a sith....That is why we made a truce right*
  • Posted On: Mar 11 2002 3:42am
Rusty ignited his lightsaber, elbowing Malice in the face

"Do you really think I'd turn Sith? Jeez...how stupid can you possibly be. You'll make a fine sacrifice to the Force."

Rusty backflipped, putting distance between himself and Malice, saber humming as Rusty moved. He waited for Malice to strike first.
  • Posted On: Mar 12 2002 5:58am
The sith surprisngly began to laugh. He turned to face Rusty while rubbing the side of his face where the elbow had hit him. Malice spit out some blood before speaking.

*I knew you jedi had no honor. A truce that is made on the battle field is one of sacredness. And for it to be broken is unforgivable. You shall be punished for this*

Malice used a little bit of the force energy he had stored up into a force run, jumping up and over Rusty landing behind him. Before the jedi had time to react, Malice lifted both hands, drawing on the stored up energy, the lightnng came as quickly as it had gone. This time it lept from his fingertips and began electrocuting the jedi.

Malice just stood there laughing maniaclly as the electricity flowed from him and onto the jedi.

*You know not of who you are dealing with child. I could crush you with the slightest of ease. Though i think i'll just make you suffer*
  • Posted On: Mar 13 2002 6:45am
Rusty was taking a beating, that was for sure. He used the energy he had to lift a boulder, dropping it between him and the Sith, disconnecting the electric current. He layed on the ground, standing slowly, raising his speed and allowing the pain to subside as he let the Force flow through him

"Yea...I've read my history. I know Palpatine pulled that stunt on Vader...you got lucky...you reacted before me...As for your sacred trust comment...I never trusted you. I never will. You're a Sith. Sith can't be trusted. And I am no child. I may be age-wise, but physically, as well as mentally, I believe I've been through more hell than your pea brain could ever imagine. Enough talking..."

Rusty stood, waiting for the Sith to strike. Rusty stood near the boulder, ready to deflect anymore of that lightning.
  • Posted On: Mar 13 2002 7:47pm
Snickering Malice used a force push and sent the boulder rolling to the side.

*Trust, you jedi wouldn't know howto trust if it bit you in the ass. I gave you a chance at real power, a chance to rule among the greatest of the great, and you betray me. It is you jedi who can't be trusted. And it is you jedi who are the scumb. Your actions just now proved so*

Spreading his feet apart he grabbed his saber thumbing both sides to life. The sith ran at Rusty, he aimed his right knee to the gut of the jedi while at the same time making a slash with his saber going from left to right. A position which left hardly any open spots.
  • Posted On: Mar 15 2002 9:57am
Rusty said nothing. Despite his previous damage, he moved with lightning speed. He kicked the knee of Malice, blocking the gut shot, and quickly deflected the saber swipes, sparks flying everywhere as the sabers clashed. Rusty blocked each strike of Malice's, while adding in a stab or swipe of his own where he could. The first swipe he took was at Malice's feet, he hoped the Sith would jump to avoid it...
  • Posted On: Mar 16 2002 4:57am
Malice merely jumped backwards avoiding the saber.

* So you have nothing to say for your betrayal. You know what they say, speak now or forever hold your tounge*

With a pull in the force Rusty found himself laying on his back on top of the grassy ground. Running forward with lightning speed, Malice stoped just above Rusty. Planting a foot on the jedi's gut, Malice applide pressure. Taking one side of his saber, Malice put it just an inch away from the jed's throat.

*You jedi have no honor. You are a disgrace to your kind, and not worthy of being a sith*