Crimson Empire: End of an Age
  • Posted On: Dec 22 2002 1:44am
It had started with one, and now it had begun to spread.
The entire system had been laid down for conquest. Yinchorr itself would not suffice if the Crimson Empire was to form a firm foundation. First the planet of Uhanayiah would have to be taken, and it was to this very task that Vice-Admiral Nox Anor Sadow had been dispatched.

The fleet was comprised of the Dark Shard, Sadows Dictator-Class Star Destroyer and flagship, Guardian 1, Guardian 2, and the Isolation. Nearly seven kilometers of slender dagger shaped command ship slipping along at sublight escorted by two smaller Defenders and one Abolisher-Cruiser, just in case.
* * * * At the command of the task force sat Anor-Sadow, a man of dubious background and devious upbringing. He stood now, aboard the bridge of his flagship. Among his favorite spots in the galaxy,was this place. Here, gazing out the triangular transparisteel viewports, the buzz of the crew pit behind him, he felt most at home.
Raw power poured unrelenting from of his place of command, it seeped into and saturated everything within its scope.
* * * * Worlds were no obstacle, this platform was capable of rendering a planet uninhabitable... and it sat in the hands of one sith.
Though even now, he could not revel too deeply in his own opulence. Nagging thoughts picked at the back of his mind, they pressed on subjects that Sadow would sooner not think upon.
There was no resisting it.
* * * * The Prince, once Dark Lord of the Sith, had sent Sadow upon this task to keep him clear of the proceedings at home. A purest at heart, Sadow could not hold with the idea of abolishing the title Dark Lord and undergoing such changes. Not now, at any rate. This mission would give him time to think upon these matters, and perhaps adapt accordingly. It would keep his opinions from common court and allow functions to flow that much smoother.
* * * * So here he was. Moving across the space between planets en route to subjugate another to the will of the Sith. A petty task, perhaps. This world could mount no defense, so to speak, and so the task at hand was in settling the body with some sort of garrison.
* * * * Unfortunately, very little was known of this planetary body, and Sadow may well have been going into this blind, were it not for the Dark Force.
The facts were few about this planet. It had remained mostly unknown to the Republic forces involved with the Yinchorr conflict. Base to the Yinchorr forces, from this innermost planet of the system they had launched their attacks on the Jedi Knights only prior to the Naboo Conflict. Many myths rotated around the small jungle planet, ancient tales of the dead that stemmed from the ancestry of the reptilian Yinchorri.
Soon, the secrets it held would be revealed to the Crimson Empire, and it would become another base of operations for their even expanding drive.
(Please refer to OOC post Crimson Empire: End of an Age OOC <> )

-Harbinger Fleet- Task Force Omega

Dictator Class Super Star Destroyer - "Dark Shard" (Flagship) (Full Fighter/Crew/Infantry compliment)

Defender-Class Star Destroyer - "Guardian 1"
(4 squadrons TIE Defenders, 1 squadron TIE Bombers, 4 MT/191 Drop-Ships)
Defender-Class Star Destroyer - "Guardian 2"
(4 squadrons TIE Defenders, 1 squadron TIE Bombers, 4 MT/191 Drop-Ships)
Abloisher-Cruiser - Isolation.
  • Posted On: Dec 22 2002 1:45am
The force...

How strange that he could not sense the force within this relm. It did not take the Zabrak long to take note of why he could not sense the force.


Somehow this did not surprise the Sith Lord.

He had been invited, along with Malice to join Maim, along with who knew how many others, to discuss plans of the future.

The building structure that Zeta looked upon was rather large in size, it made Zeta laugh just looking at it.

I expected that too...

He walked on, admiring, in some small form, just what power could bring a person.

As he approached the door to the fortress, he was greeted by several honor guards.

No doubt that Maim kept his home well guarded. Yet even as he spoke of gaining entrance into such a fortress, saying how he had been invited, no one would let him pass through.

Anger filled the features of the Zabrak's face, he had no patience for this.

"Accompany me and my brethren if you so wish, I do not care, so long as I may pass through. Maim is expecting me, see for yourself..."

However angry he was, he wanted no trouble today, so he remained as civil as he could be towards the guards.

Several minutes more passed before he and Malice were lead toward the council chambers, a rather long walk, leading up toward the upper areas of the fortress.

Council chambers that, just as at the front entrance of the fortress, the two Sith Lords were not allowed to enter.

Already he was beginning to silently regret the choice he and Malice had made to come here...
  • Posted On: Dec 22 2002 2:02am

The Grand Master of the Imperial Royal Guard, Carnor Jax, moved silently and swiftly through the halls. His black cloak flowed around his massive form as he moved. He had received reports for the defense officers that Lord Zeta and Lord Malice had arrived. He had also been informed that the honor guard had given them trouble at the gates.

This could not be allowed to stand.

Rounding the corner, he met the Sith and Guard as they reached the council chamber doors. In a black blur, the Grand Master moved past the two Sith. His lethal force glaive came out in a glinting arc, his cloak parted so quickly it was not even noticeable.

In the end, which was mere seconds later, the honor guard lay dead, sprawled across the floor of the hall. He motioned for the bodies to be disposed of, then ushered the Sith into the council chambers.

"I am Grand Master Jax of the Imperial Royal Guard. I am the Prince Regent's top advisor and I shall be your host for the time being. The Prince will be along shortly.

In the mean time, I am fully briefed on all aspects of the upcoming changes. If you have any questions or needs which must be attended to, please let me know."

He looked over each of the Sith Lords slowly. Their power was great, it was no wonder the Prince had chosen to ally with them. He waited, silently, to tend to their needs.

  • Posted On: Dec 22 2002 2:31am
Gaurdsman Silk receeded, stepping from the path to allow the pair of Sith entrance into the Council Chambers.
Remaining quiet, he wacthed them move into the chamber, then turned to adress the Grand Master.
Helm bowed ever so slightly, he spoke in quiet hushed tones. His words were a brief comment to the earlier failure of another Royal Gaurd, spoken in reverance and respect.
Other then this, Silk remained an impassive, indistinct Gaurdsmen, given the advantage of seeing without being seen, he wacthed the room at full attention.
  • Posted On: Dec 22 2002 7:27am
Malice walked in stride with his sith brethren Lord Zeta. Immediatly he too had felt the absence of force within this place. This only served to put the demon sith lord on edge. He never like being out of touch with the was like half of him was missing.

Looking around, Malice somewhat admired the the building they were in.

(Indeed fit for a ruler. I would expect nothing less of Maim)

Malice faced the one known as Grand Master Jax and nodded.

*Yes you could get me something. I would like a bottle of whiskey.....As or my friend here*

Malice motioned a hand towards Zeta, as well as his gaze.

*Get him the same thing*

With that, both sith moved on over to two seats. Sitting down at the table, they awaited for their drinks, but mostly, they awaited the arrival of Lord Maim. This meeting was suppose to make sith history.......let's see if it really would. Or would things turn out in a blood bath? such questions would soon find answers.
  • Posted On: Dec 22 2002 7:40am

Grand Master of the Royal Imperial Guard, Jax called to Dioan Silk.

"Guardsman, fetch a few bottles of Whiskey for our guests. Also, inform Lord Maim of their arrival."

He turned back to the two Sith once more, motioning to the grand table in the center of the room.

"Please, have a seat."

Moving silently, the Sovereign Protector seemed to hover amid his black cloak. His movements fluid and graceful, he found his own seat and stood behind it.

"There are others who have been invited to this meeting as well. Lord Maim.." he stressed the word Lord, to let them know he did not refer to him as Dark Lord.. ".. will be joining us shortly. He has been in meditation for quite some time and I believe he has finished his Sith holocron, atleast for the time being."

  • Posted On: Dec 22 2002 7:51am
It was a fortunate thing for the helm of the Royal Guard. It held back the sneer that crossed Silks features.
He had no qualms about carrying out orders given by the Grand Master...But that saved only a small sting, being tasked with fetching refreshment for these Sith. They were guests of the Lord Maim, not members of the Crimson Empire.
Still, Silk bowed to the Grand Master and receeded from the council chambers.
Moving silently through the halls, it was not hard to chance upon a servant and dispatch them with the order for whiskey.
Such a petty task was beyond someone of his skill, and the Grand Master knew this. So no insult was found in his order.
Infact, Gaurdsman Silk had been given a greater task, one that was reward in itself... for those who survived it.

Silently, with Crimson cape folding around him, Silk lowered himself to one knee before the Prince.
"My Lord. Grand Master Jax sends word, your guests have arrived and request your audience."
Finishing his words, still he remained knelt before Maim, awaiting further instruction.
Posts: 380
  • Posted On: Dec 22 2002 8:07am
Bast Castle: The Prince's Meditation Chamber

The Prince Regent and Sith Lord, Diete Somir the Second, looked up from his meditation.

"Guardsman Silk, you serve the Empire with loyalty and honor. You have done well. Let us depart for the council room and keep my guests waiting no longer."

With that, the Prince rose from his seat and moved to the Guardsman.

"Rise, my friend."

After Silk does so, both men head once more to the Grand Council Chambers, a duplicate of the one contained in his much larger fortress upon Yinchorr.

Reaching the chambers, Maim opens his arms and greets his guests warmly.

"Brothers, I am glad you have come. Let us begin, I will catch our other guests up when and if they arrive."

  • Posted On: Dec 22 2002 8:12am
(He making holocrons........interesting)

The sith lord thought. Even whith his form sitting, his white robes still flowed about him. His dark blue eyes meeting the gaze of Jax.

*Will Maim be showing us these holocrons....or is that at a later time?*
  • Posted On: Dec 22 2002 8:21am
Remaining at quiet attention off to the left and behind the Prince Regent, Silk followed Maim at short distance. Instantly he took in his surroundings as the escort moved into the room. Points of potential problem were identified and marked in the Heads-Up-Display of his mind. Like mathematical equations eventualities passed through tests of likelihood and result in a design to leave Silk with a constant perspective of outcome.

Aware that the Sith present could not touch the Force, the Ysalamiri did little more then put Silk on edge. He relied heavily upon the Sith to be depending upon their skills with the Dark Side.

Tactical analysis was important in situations like this, despite the fact the relatively peaceful nature of the meeting. Though it was doubtful that anything untoward would happen, Royal Guard still kept a rigid regime in their duty.

So, regardless of the nature of the meeting, this was business as usual for the Guard, protection of liege and lord.