A Troubled Sleep
Posts: 422
  • Posted On: Nov 20 2001 6:06am
Kahn wants to turn and run, to escape the guilt Ahnk inspires. Yet his Jedi instincts kick in once again, urging him to help the injured Sith. Though in the back of his mind he knows Ahnk is dead, it does not register in this dreamworld. Bending down, he reaches slowly, his hand shaking, for a pulse.
Posts: 185
  • Posted On: Nov 20 2001 7:39am
"How could you?"
(Ahnk looks up at Kahn. He feels a hand on his shoulder... Amalia stands behind him looking down at the Sith.)
"Kahn, it's a dream, I want you to wake up."
(The Sith laughs.)
"I have nowhere to go... I'll still be here."
(Amalia clutches firmer on his shoulder.)
"Kahn, I want you to wake up, and go talk to me. Please Kahn... I can help you."
(The Sith sits up with a fire in his eyes.)
"You son of a bitch, you killed me!"
"Don't listen to him Kahn, wake up..."
Posts: 422
  • Posted On: Nov 20 2001 3:40pm
Kahn struggled against Ahnk, trying to escape the dreamworld filled with terrors, trying to escape the memories. As he came back to conciousness, he heard the laugh one more time, echoing in his mind.
  • Posted On: Nov 28 2001 6:35am
Amalia awoke in her private chambers. Sweat dripped down her forehead. She shivered uncontrolably.

"Kahn.." She whispered in a shaken voice.

She reached out with the force, seeking her troubled padawan out, doing what she could at such a far distance away.

Kahn...Come see me...

She wanted to see him, he was troubled, that much she knew, but why? She needed to find out and she would.
Posts: 422
  • Posted On: Nov 28 2001 4:20pm
Kahn heard Amalia and got up, shivering in the cold night air. He, too, was soaked in a cold sweat from his nightmare. Quietly, he made his way to Amalia's room, knocking on the door softly.
  • Posted On: Nov 29 2001 4:57am
Quietly Amalia walked to the door, opening her door just slightly to peek upon who was at her door. She knew that it most likely was Kahn, but it was late, and she took no chances. She opened the door wider, letting Kahn inside.

She gestured to a chair that sat at her work desk and then took a seat upon her own bed.

"Something is troubling you, that much I know. I know because I felt it, I just don't know what it is. I'd like to know, that's only if you wish to tell me."
Posts: 422
  • Posted On: Nov 29 2001 5:07am
Kahn put his head in his hands, trying to figure out how to tell her. His voice was low when he spoke, and choked with guilt and shame.

"When Hanna and I escaped from Ahnk...he was near a cliff edge, and had me there with him, meditating. Hanna and I had planned the escape before, and when I saw her I jumped up and kicked Ahnk...I didn't mean for him to....I was just trying to disable him for a moment, so we could get away. You've got to understand, it was a total accident. I swear Amalia, I know it was not the work of the Dark Side, or my own intention. Please, you have to believe me."

Kahn's eyes were pleading as he looked up at her.

"He...fell over the cliff edge when I kicked him....he did not survive the fall."

Though Kahn knew it had been an accident, he still felt an incredible amount of guilt over what had happened. He had not meant to kill the Sith, merely preoccupy him for a moment so Hanna and him could make good their escape. But Ahnk had not been expecting an attack, and it had caught him off-guard. The result was his death.
  • Posted On: Nov 29 2001 5:57am
She avoided his eyes for a moment. She did so because she did not want Kahn to see the shock in her eyes.

"I see," She said softly and then returned her gaze back to him once she had got over the shock.

"It was indeed and accident, very unfortunate, but there was nothing you could have done, I suppose."

She tilted her head to one side, in wonder as she look at him.

"Why did you not tell me this earlier?"
Posts: 422
  • Posted On: Nov 29 2001 6:01am
Kahn looked away for a moment, then back into Amalia's eyes.

"I blocked it out..I think...it wasn't until tonight that it resurfaced in my mind, in the form of a nightmare."

He remained silent after speaking, watching his Master's face intently for any sign as to what she was thinking.
  • Posted On: Nov 29 2001 6:08am
"You watched him fall over the cliff. You've seen his lifeless body..."

She paused.

"..But how do you know he is dead, you could not have possibly checked for a pulse. I don't believe you waited around either, in fact, in a way, you left him for dead. You did not tell anyone, and you did not try to get help. You are at fault for that..."

She did not mean to harp on Kahn but this was after all, a serious matter.

"This is indeed an unsolved mystery...."

Amalia had a problem on her hands, for once in her life, it was a problem she did not think she could handle. She did not know what to do, at least not yet anyway...