The Second American Civil War
Posts: 2915
  • Posted On: Apr 26 2006 1:17am
I still dont see the trouble with annexation...

National Guard + Army Reserves = 2 x Mexican Army
Posts: 551
  • Posted On: Apr 26 2006 2:11am
The National Guard can only be deployed within the state its based in I think. So basically the Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California National Guards would do all the work.

Plus there's the ethical question of killing somebody for seeking a better life. And the fact that I don't think that many people will be pumped about shooting people trying to enter their country with the exclusion of those minutemen wackos.
Posts: 4025
  • Posted On: Apr 26 2006 2:40am
Well I don't think the National Guard should kill the immigrants trying to cross the border. Just rubber bullet them, tazer them, stun grenade them, pack them up into trucks, pack the trucks into airplanes, fly the airplanes to the middle of the Yucatan Penisula.

A probable setup would be to have about 10 meters below the ground to be a solid concrete wall, with sensors, while above the wall would be an electric fence with barbed wire at the top, also with sensors. About every twenty five miles there would be a monitoring station with a battalion of NG troops stationed there, in addition to regular patrols in Humvees, and also have a few dozen Darkstar drones with heat sensors flying at nighttime.
Posts: 5711
  • Posted On: Apr 26 2006 3:03am
And when your empire comes crashing down
And you're left on the street without shoes
And your stomache is empty
And you have nothing left

You'll feel differently. Just keep that in mind when Canadians start picking you Yanks off when you try and skip our border.

There are two sides to every coin...
And you're playing with one double-sided...
Posts: 2915
  • Posted On: Apr 26 2006 3:17am
The American Empire... that would be something.... We have the will and we have the way
Posts: 5711
  • Posted On: Apr 26 2006 3:21am
I'm reminded of the brief description one would find tucked below the New Order forums. Something about Superior this, and Superior that...
Posts: 939
  • Posted On: Apr 26 2006 3:58am
Plus most of the corruption in Latin America is caused by the US's complicity with and support of murderous corrupt regimes mostly because they're right wing and it would be horrible to have a left-wing government in Latin America.

Actually, in the past 12 months every single south american nation that had elections brought to power left wing anti-american governments.
Posts: 2915
  • Posted On: Apr 26 2006 4:17am
Face it, your living in an American world like it or not... the only difference being you dont answer to the American Government... yet
Posts: 5711
  • Posted On: Apr 26 2006 4:28am
you dont answer to the American Government...

In many cases this is untrue... And you're right, most of us are living in a Western World. Western World, not American.
Posts: 7745
  • Posted On: Apr 26 2006 4:32am
Marth Meer
The National Guard can only be deployed within the state its based in I think. So basically the Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California National Guards would do all the work.

*looks at the guard in Iraq*