Its finally up... sorry Omnae!
Posts: 239
  • Posted On: Aug 16 2013 1:06am
Sorry it took so long Omnae, I accidently LEFT the audio file in utah when I went back to Alaska, got married etc. But your interview is finally up! Enjoy! It was an honor to meet you and it was fun!

Episode 86: Always smiling with DC Comics and Star Wars Roleplaying

Hosts: James and Jeremiah

Guests: 'Shaka' (Chelton) of Teen Titans, Sherry DeWinter of Star Wars Descensions, Omnae of The Rebel Faction, and Jon (Shule)

Synopsis: We discuss the current state of DC and The Teen Titans Project with its director/creator 'Shaka' then we delve into "Why we roleplay Star Wars" with Sherry and Omnae, leaders of their respective Star Wars Roleplaying Communities as well as Jon (long time roleplayer). Join us for a lot of fun and games as we show why we're always smiling!
Listen Now:
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Posts: 218
  • Posted On: Oct 22 2013 10:05am
I finally got round to listening to this, its really good! lol

Great to hear Sherry and Om... ;)

Thanks for posting this up here Bane.