Aw, everybody loves Americans...
Posts: 733
  • Posted On: Feb 16 2006 1:41am
It's a silly, stupid movie Kraken. I wouldn't worry myself about it. :ohwell
Posts: 239
  • Posted On: Feb 16 2006 7:53am
Yeah it just kinda pissed me off for a minute.
Posts: 573
  • Posted On: Feb 16 2006 12:15pm
And your point is ? There are countless movies demonizing Arabs and Muslims in general, so why is this so horribly unjust and offensive ?
Posts: 3599
  • Posted On: Feb 16 2006 2:02pm
Gotta say Taja has a point there.

Anyone seen those latest pics from Iraq lately? from that prison Abu Gharib? (SP?)

Or the video of *sigh* British soldiers beating up Iraqi kids?

Or remember that incident in Afghanistan where US accidently blew up a wedding party?

As much as it may hurt , one has to see both sides.

That said, its probably just a cheap way of getting publicity for a bad film, as Ahnk said, it has Tito Ortiz in it.
Posts: 573
  • Posted On: Feb 16 2006 2:43pm
Seth Vinda
Anyone seen those latest pics from Iraq lately? from that prison Abu Gharib? (SP?)

Or the video of *sigh* British soldiers beating up Iraqi kids?

Or remember that incident in Afghanistan where US accidently blew up a wedding party?

Exactly. It doesn't matter whether countless foreigners are being defiled or tortured, or even killed; it's all just another statistic. But when a single American (British, caucasian, whatever) life or reputation is put at risk, even on fictional grounds, the whole world supposedly collapses. Because, of course, the life of one US soldier is worth more than all of ours combined.
Posts: 4195
  • Posted On: Feb 16 2006 2:49pm
So are you saying you like the movie and would recommend it?
Posts: 573
  • Posted On: Feb 16 2006 2:58pm
No. I hadn't even heard of the movie prior to checking this thread. I just find it horribly hypocritical to overlook or condone movies, etc. biased against other nations or cultures, but to get upset when the same acts are reciprocated. If you can do it, then why can't they ?
Posts: 5387
  • Posted On: Feb 16 2006 3:05pm
While this is obviously an anti-American, highly biased and likely almost completely fictionalized tale based on biased reports of events that may have happened, we did get the Jessica Lynch story, which was a pro-American, highly biased and almost completely fictionalized tale based on biased reports of events that may have happened. Someone's feelgood movie is another's evil propoganda.
Posts: 4195
  • Posted On: Feb 16 2006 3:11pm
So you find Kraken's, Silus' and Necros' opinions on the movie hypocritical because they overlook or condone movies biased against other nations or cultures?

Posts: 573
  • Posted On: Feb 16 2006 3:19pm
Isn't Kraken = Necros ?

My comment wasn't specifically directed at anyone here. But, since I fail to see any similar threads in this forum angsting about anti-Arabic/Muslim/blahblah movies, then yes, I do find those opinions somewhat hypocritical.

Flame away. <3