Voyage of the Scoundrels
Posts: 1087
  • Posted On: Apr 12 2002 4:57am
Jade jumps up and storms to her ship, the Dragon Pearl. She was going to Tatooine whether Cairo said so or not. Jai was out there, and Jade can feel her sister in pain. Deeply and overly worried, she sets course for Tatooine.

"I'll be damned if Im gonna sit around and wait for Cairo to tell me bad news on Jaina. I'll find out myself, I swear it." she vows out loud, alone in her quarters as her pilots fly her ship to its destination.

~~~~~MUCH LATER~~~~~~~

Jade gets a com message from her pilots.

"Empress, we have arrived. We are prepared to dock in an open field."

"Very well, just be on guard. Every person in this unverse must know who I am. Prepare to fight if we are attacked. Go back into space if you have to fight them off."

"But Empress Darklighter Universe, what about you?"

"Dont worry about me, I know how to handle myself. If you need repairs, or fight them off, come back here. Wait for me if I am not here."

"Yes, Empress"

Jade exits her ship and looks around, her skin looking tanned under her tight black clothes. She is heavily armed and is prepared for battle.
  • Posted On: Apr 12 2002 8:17pm
After several hours of searching the MJF Cairo and Snake turned up nothing.The young woman seemed to be only slightly worried at her sister's dissapearence.

Snake pulled out his comlink and spoke into it for several minutes.After he concluded the conversation her turned to Cairo.

"C'mon,a friend is on his way.He will be able to tell us where Cairo is"

They left the ship and Snake made Cairo sit down on the landing ramp while he took up position in the shadows near the bay's entrance.After several minutes a small and hooded form entered and Snake reacted like lightning.He slipped just behind the hooded form and placed his sword at it's neck.

"Don't move."

The little being started speaking in it's own language,a jabbering sound that was distinctly like a Jawa.After a short conversation Snake sheathed his sword and pushed the small being toward Cairo.

"Cairo Solo meet Garindan.He is a long time spy and information broker here.Locals call him Long Snoot"

They exchanged pleasentries and Snake finally got down to business.

"Garindan,we need to find Cairo's sister,Jaina Solo Darklighter.She should have been here early today"

Garindan jabbered in his own languarge for a moment and Snake translated.

"He says he did observe a young woman entering the Mos Eisley Cantina...known as Chalmun's Cantina"

More jabbering.

"The young woman left in the company of a middle aged man."

Garindan jabbered a discription and Snake felt his blood run cold.

"The man was big and strong-looking,blond hair,and ice blue eyes.They went to a ship apon leaving the cantina.It was a Carrack-class Light Cruiser.It has landed on the outskirts of Mos Eisley

Snake took a deep breath and slowly let it out.

"Thanks Garindan.Here you go"

Snake quickly handed Long Snoot a few thousand credits.The little spy turned and vanished out of the bay and Snake sat down on the landing ramp.

"She was captured by Liquid Snake"
Posts: 1087
  • Posted On: Apr 12 2002 10:26pm
Jade walks for hours without seeing another person. But then she comes across a hangar bay and enters it. Slowly, she walks around, on guard in case of attacks, her eyes and senses not missing anything.

"Hello! Anyone here?" she calls out.

"This better not be a des place Ive found. I <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> hate<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> it when that happens."
  • Posted On: Apr 13 2002 2:54am
"Liquid Snake? Who's th---"
Cairo didn't get her question out before she heard EJ.
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> "Hello! Anyone here?"<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->

Cairo looked over her shoulder and saw EJ round a corner and waved to her. EJ rushed over, and Cairo & Snake filled her in on what had happened so far...."And now, Snake says someone name Liquid has Jai. Oh, Snake, while you were talking to that little jawa-guy, I took the liberty of calling in another TSS member to help us. It's the new guy.....<!--EZCODE BOLD START--> So<!--EZCODE BOLD END-->," she turned to Snake, "the question is now '<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> who<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> is Liquid?'."
  • Posted On: Apr 13 2002 8:02pm
"Liquid Snake was created alongside me in the exparaments.He and I are identical in every way.After he and I escaped from the labs Liquid and I parted ways and I joined the Rogue Empire.After I left I was a freelance agent untill I found out that Liquid was working for TNA.After that...well it's a long story"
  • Posted On: Apr 13 2002 8:31pm
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> A small shuttle lands and a young man, no older than 17, walks out. He runs a hand through his blonde hair, looking around with bright green eyes. He smiles upon seeing Cairo and walks over, towering over her at 6'1" tall. <!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->

Hey, Cairo, you called? I brought Blaith with me, too. He's on the shuttle.
  • Posted On: Apr 14 2002 9:28pm
AT the Skywalkers big entrance Snake pulled his sword out and jumped in front of Cairo,while preparing to attack the newcomer.when Cairo laid a comforting hand on his arm.The biggest thing was it surprised him and the sword was instinct.He stepped up to the man and offered his hand.

"Hello I am Owen Aiden,I am a smuggler for TSS"
  • Posted On: Apr 14 2002 11:14pm
Cairo smiled at her cousin, "Hello Be---"...she was cut off by Snake's actions, but managed to calm him down.

"And thats smuggler <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> in training<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->, Owen." She gave Snake a playful wink and turned back to Ben.

"Like I was saying, Thanks for comming Ben. I have a feeling we're going to need you and Blaith's help."
She filled him in on what they knew so far, which wasnt much.
"So, now what we should all do, is try to find this LiquidSnake guy. We find him, we find Jai."

(((OOC: Until Blaith posts, it is just to be understood thing that he is around.)))
  • Posted On: Apr 14 2002 11:27pm

Liquid smiled over his Corellian Brandy at the person sitting in front of him.He was glad that she had finally stopped screaming and moaning and the syrum finally started working.

Jaya Suul frowned back at him.She wasn't his least not anymore.She was his top lackey now and he intended to keep it that way.

"When do you think Snake and his band of idiots will arrive"?
  • Posted On: Apr 14 2002 11:57pm
'The syrum' had kicked it...and hard too. The shot the meddriod had gave her made Jaina lose her memory...for it only to be replaced by what Liquid had told her over dinner.

All she knew was this: He was her boss. His name was Liquid. Her name was Suul, Jaya Suul. They were partners, they were pirates, and they were currently pitted agianst a fool named SolidSnake, aka Owen Aiden, <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> and<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> his band of idiot-followers.
Also,This fool had somehow injured her. She had recieved a good blow to the head during battle, and that was why she couldnt remember anything. She had nothing else to believe, so she soaked up what Liquid told her.

Now, there she sat...her smuggler clothes taken and now decked out in pirate-ish gear; her attitude and aura that of a cutthroat; her speach of one also...
"I assume they shall be here soon. He is a good tracker, if nothing else, and probably has found us out...comming to finish me off."
She flashed a devious grin as she toyed with a dagger, twirling it on the table.
"This time, I will be more alert. I will not be injured, makeing a mistake will see and be proud."