Takeover of Taanab
Posts: 134
  • Posted On: Dec 26 2001 8:05pm
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Geberal Snowkan onboard the Devastation saw the fighters come up from the planet to dock and the other ships come into formation with him. Suddenly after all the ships were docked or in formation the IFF second fleet jumped into hyperspace. This would be easy. The rebels didn't understand how good taanab was. He had to admit though that most people only thought it was a farmer planet. Her was expecting a small force at the planet. At most two carracks and some carriers and some dreadnaughts and maybe just maybe a victory star destroyer. When the fleet came out of hyperspace he was surprised. There was only two carrack cruisers and two dreadnaughts. Intelligence said there should be a lot more in this area. Weary of a trap he launched his fighters and told the interdictor and corellian gunship to take out the first carrack. The victory star destroyer shot on the second carrack and the imperial Star Destroyer went after the rest of the ships. The enemy fighters launched but were soon cut into pieces. They were no match for his TIE defenders. All the enemy ships were shooting on Devastation. General Snowkan laughed at them. if they really wanted to kill something they could have tried on the corellian gunship and they might have succed. After one salvo of eighty concussion missiles the second carrack had lost all of its shields. The victory opened up on the first dreadnaught with its missiles and went after the carrack with its turbolasers. The turbolasers bit into the unshielded hull ripping sections of hull plating. Soon the carrack was destroyed. The first carrack's shields held for the first salvo and the second and the third and the fourth and fifth. On the sixith salvo the shields had pockets in them and pieces of durasteel were coming off. By the seventh all the shields were down and on the eight the carrack was destroyed. The dreadnaughts were having none the better time. The first had stood up to the Devastation and was doing very well Snowkan had to admit, but once the victory came it was all over for it. Soon it was just another piece of space junk. The second was doing well also but with all the ships targeting it it was soon destroyed.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
"Well down men. Tell the fighters to go down to the planet with the troops."
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> The fighters came around to the star destroyers and interdictor and once the troops had came out in space suits they went down to the planet with them and protected the troops. Once at the planet the fighters left the troops and flew around the planet. Suddenly five headhunters came up from the surface. The started to attack the troops from the air. Soon one squadron of TIEs had come and killed them all.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
"your welcome, but a wish that they had been more of a challange. They were just farmboys with a little money saved up too buy some ships."
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Up in orbit around the planet the IFF capital ships were suddenly set upon by two surface ion cannons and two surface trubolasers. The capital ships pulled up and away with only a minor hit to the corellian gunsip by the trubolaser. Luckly it was only a brush and there was no damage. The troops went to the sites and blew them all up untill before they got to the last one they saw 20 AT-STs and 15 AT-ATs and 30 Tank Droids. They retreated.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
"all you fighters i am sending you a visual."<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> the picture of the AT-STs and AT-ATs and Tank Droids appeared in front of the pilots on there screens.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
"We're on it. All fighters go there. use your flight leaders telementry. Go for the Tank droids first. Then the AT-ATs."
"one fight i got a lock."
"Fire on my mark...Mark"
"lets kill them boys, fire now."
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> soon all the AT-ATs and Tank Droids were destroyed.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
"use your lasers for the rest of the walkers."
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Soon all the AT-STs met the same fate by different means as the Tank Droids and AT-ATs. The troops destroyed the rest of the guns and the troops went to the shipyard as the fighters went up to the capital ships.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> General Snowkan was thinking about his wife and children. He had gone to his quarters because there was nothing to do so his second in command could do the rest. Suddenly his comlink rang.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
"Yes General Snowkan speaking."
"Sir this is Commander Than. Captain Betch says that he has one victory star destroyer and two carrack cruisers on his screen."
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> General Snowkan heard a beep and then the voice of Commander Than came on again.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
"He also says that a imperial star destroyer and another victory star destroyer just came out of hyperspace."
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> General Snowkan was surprised. This was a lot more then what he had expected.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
"Open a channel to <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Killer<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> at Togoria. tell the troops to stay were they are. Tell the capital ships to retreat away from the planet and the enemy capital ships. Tell the fighters to do the same."
"We have a channel open with <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Killer<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->. The ships are retreating."
"tell <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> killer to jump here now. are the carracks pulling away from the other capital ships?"
"no sir not yet."
"fine. I'm coming up to the bridge."
"wait sir, the carracks are pulling away from the enemy ships. It looks like they replaced their Ion Cannons with laser cannons."
"good. How stupid of them. Tell all the capital ships to fire on the carracks once the come into range but to keep on retreating."
"yes sir."
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> The fighters swarmed around the capital ships going behind them. The carracks came into range and the IFF ships fired on them. In one salvo from Destruction and the interdictor cruiser and the corellian gunship brought the shields down of the first and on the second the carrack was destroyed. All the capital ships then shot on the remaning carracks. A wall of trubolaser bolts and ion cannon bolts seemed to fly at the carrack. It was completly destroyed in one salvo. Suddenly th Killer jumped into system. It appeared behind the IFF capital ships.[. The IFF now out gunned the enemies. The stoped their retreat and charge forward at the enemy ships. The Killer consentrated all it’s port fire on the first victory and all of it's starboard fire on the second. Destruction fire on the first victory star destroyer. Devastation fired on the imperial and the corellian gunship helped the Devastation.
The interdictor went after the first. the fighters were out numbered but not outgunned. They had missiles which they shot a lot. The corelian gunships shot at the odd passing TIE. Soon all the enemy TIEs were destroyed. The Defenders then went and using the telementry from the leader of one squad. 108 concussion missiles flew at the imperial Star Destroyer. And another salvo and another. Soon the Sytar destroyers shields were down but the corellian gunships was limping a long with a damageed engine and very low shields. Another salvo from the Defenders at the engines made the reactor go critical. In one second the back half of the Imperial was destroyed. The corellian gunship was near the blast and it was destroyed. The Devastation's shields went down a bit but they still held. Then devastaion started shooting on the first Victory Star Destroyer. The first enemy star destroyer was soon destroyed but the interdictor was very low on shields and they left the battle. Then all the remaining capital ships fired on the remaining enemy Star Destroyer blowing it up. Suddenly Terro of Togoria and Terrorisier jumped into the syst
"open a channel with Terro of Togoria."
"Done sir."
"hello sir, as you can see by the junk out side your view port we have just destroyed many ships. I don regret to inform you that the corellian gunship was destroyed and the interdictor is very damaged. We didn't lose any TIEs or other ships. The troops are in the shipyard right now."
  • Posted On: Dec 27 2001 9:42pm
"Yes General. Thank you for the report. I will take control of the fleet now. You had a very good start to a future command. We do have a deadline though and i want to meet it. Take the second fleet minus the <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Killer<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> and go to the other side of the planet to blockaded it. We will stop peolpe on this side."
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> The Devastation, Destruction and interdictor cruiser moved toward the other side of the planet. Before they could get far six YT-2400 and eight YT-1300 came out of hyperspace. Right after them came a dreadnaught. The second fleet kept on moving to their assigned spot. Darth Bill could take care of the meager force. The Terror of Togoria, Terrorisier and Killer all went after the dreadnaught. In two salvos it was destroyed. The terro of togoria and killer used their ion cannons on the freighters.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
"'Tractor those freighters. I would like that cargo for myself."
"Yes sir."
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> The terror of togoria and killer got tractor beam locks and soon the feighters were all onboard. The troops marched down to the landing bay. Once onboard the stunned all the men and took them captive. They were surprised to find that each of the crew were heavely armed and not just with blasters. They had wrist rockets, flame throwers, wrist lasers, and all kinds of other weapons. one evan had a concussion grenade launcher. They were as heavily armed as the Iron Fist Fleet troops. The Iron Fist Fleet troops proceeded in unarming the troops and leaving a guard for them. The rest proceeded in going down to the cargo hold and they found all kinds of weapons.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
  • Posted On: Dec 28 2001 2:00am
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> The troops also foound some good corellian whisky and some food. The most interesting thing was that they found that the crew of the freighters were in fact mercs that had worked for the empire before. The realized that the people of Taanab most be planning a revolt against the rebels. The commander quickly commed this information to Darth Bill. Darth Bill then asked for his com and broadcasted to the planet.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
"Hello i am Darth Bill, a former Grand Admiral of the empire and the leader of Iron Fist Fleet. I have captured some vessels that i believe were heading to you. They were loaded with guns. We assume that you are planning a revolt. We will there for help you and take control of this planet away from the Rebels who i assume that you are fighting against or would have fought against. If any of you still want tofight against the rebels you can join up at the recruitment instalation we will make. We will generaly leave you alone. I will probably talk to you later but right now i must go help some of my people."
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> As Darth Billl was talking the second Iron Fist Fleet had went to the other side of the planet and the interdictor had powered up the gravity wells. Suddenly a com signal came from the shipyard.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
"General Snowkan - Sorry sir, Darth Bill we have succeded in takeing the shipyard."
"Have you taken out the project under construction?"
"no sir we can do that now sir."
"never mind we will send for you to be picked up. You can do that later."
  • Posted On: Dec 28 2001 6:16am
"Proceed to the north point and light a flare. We will come and pick you up. Order the crew of the YT-2400s and YT-1300s to board their craft and proceed to the planet after they pick up the troops. Tell the troops on terror of togoria, killer and terrorisier to board the freighters."
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> All the troops boarded the freighters and they went to the north end of the shipyard. They saw the flare and went and picked up the men and women (Darth Bill didn't follow standard imperial proticals). The freighters then went and docked at the planet. As the troops came out they found a lot of citizens waiting for them and cheering. The also saw a lot of protesters. To the troops surprise the weapons went to the protesters. They had thought that the cheering crowd were the ex-protesters and would get the weapons and that the protesters were the Rebels friends. The troops quickly moved away from the protesters and went to the site on which they would make their camp. The pitched up their tents and called to the terror of togoria.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
"Please call for the construction materials."
"I will Captain Penn."
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Darth Bill Got out his hypercom.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
"I would like 5 construction droids please. Deliver them to these cordinates." Darth Bill said the cordinates for the troops camp.
"We will get them there as soon as possible. It will probably take a day."
"Make it a priority."
"Yes Darth Bill."
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> A day later the construction droids came. The were delivered on time and the construction began. Darth Bill again adresseded the citizens.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
"It is Darth Bill again. I have just received five construction droids. I realized that i only need three so I will build what you the people of Taanab want. We have a camp at this cordinates. Go to the biggest tent and we will take your vote. Pleases vote by Saturday standard time."
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Today was thrusday standard time.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
"Remeber vote for what you want."
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> The construction droids completed the housing for the troops and the workers of the shipyards in five days. The citizens had voted for a beach complex and in second a new housing aparment building. The first two construction droids built the beach complex in seven days and then they joined the last three to build the housing. then they all built a mall and a lot of resturants. In twent days they had finished a zoo, a mall, a apartement building and a beach complex. The majority of the citizens were happy. But on the first day that the housing for the troops was done they were attacked by the protesters. The Iron Fist Fleet troops lost a couple of men but with the majority of the citizens with them they repolesed the attack. they stuuned a few of the protesters but killed none. The stunned protesters were then put in jail but were broken out in a few days. There was some peaceful protests which the Iron Fist Fleet troops attended unarmed and asked the protesters what they wanted. The response was that the Iron Fist Fleet men were destroying tomuch forest. The construction droids then started to make some platforms for the malls and buildings to go on so that the forests could grow back. Unfortunatly this took time and there was still a lot of protests which were on the news every day. More and more of the citizens were taken over to the side of the protesters. The Iron Fist Fleet officials relized that they would have to do something about the protesters. They desided that Darth Bill should call the people again and that he should say that once the platforms were ready that the Iron Fist Fleet troops would leave the planet. After this some of the protests stopped and the Iron Fist Fleet troops were glad.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> In the middle of all this three imperial star destroyers, one victory and a lancer frigate came out of hyperspace. The first iron fist fleet pulled back to meet with the second fleet. once they were on the other side of the planet eight transports came out of hyperspace. The docked at the planet and were caring five thousand troops, two hundred AT-ATs, three hundred AT-STs and six hundred speeder bikes. They safely docked and unloaded. the Iron Fist Fleet troops saw that it was hopeless to fight head on. The retreated to the apartements and found cover. Then a bunch of pockets of troops left and went around to make a strike and fade action against the enemies. THis worked because they were armed with Class-A thermal detenators and could set them on a timer taking out the enemy vehicles. The threw FEX-M3 grenades and concussion grenades against the speeder bikes and troops. But still the men advanced. They had radioed for reinforcements but were told that the capital ships were engaged in a battle. They were also told to draw the enemies away from th cities and into the country. Then they might be able to shoot turbolasers and ion cannons down at the enemies.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Up in space the Killer was shooting on the first imperial star destroyer, the Terror of Togoria on the second and the Devastation on the third. Terrorisier was shooting on the victory star destroyer and Destruction was shooting on the lancer frigate with port guns and the victory with its starboard guns. the interdictor was shooting on the lancer. fighters were flying around shooting on the interdictor with the oncassinal bomb and missile but mostly lasers. Captian Ashoar onboard the interdictor cruiser had taken off the gravity wells and shunted the power to shields. This helped him a lot. The destruction had launched one salvo of missiles. I see a gap in their shields. Fire all missiles their. The missiles all homed in on the gap and completly destroyed the lancer. The fighters then swarmed out of the Iron Fist Fleet ships and shooting missiles destroyed all the enemy fighters. then they went to the planet to help the ground troops. the Destruction and the interdictor then went and shot on the victory taking it out. Then the interdictor went after the first imperial star destroyer with the help of Destruction and Terrorisier. it was soon blown up and the killer went for the second and the victorys went for the third. the interdictor flew dwon to the planet to help the fighters that were helping the troops.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
  • Posted On: Dec 30 2001 12:08am
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> The fighters used their wing mans telementry and soon all of the AT-ATs were blown up. The troops made traps with FEX-M3 grenades and concussion grenades. They set CLASS-A thermal detenators on timers. They took out speeder bikers, troops and AT-STs. The interdictor cruiser was firing on the mass. They were taking put everything. But still the troops advanced and some of the IFF soldiers were killed. The citizens of Taanab were telling eryone about the attack. Some citizens came and joined the fight. Most of them stayed behind and tried to stop their friends from going.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Up in space the battle had been won. The three imperial star destroyers plunged down to the planet. They were followed by the Iron Fist Fleet victory star destroyers who were doing it in controled.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
"To Captain Penn, fighters and the interdictor below. You have three imperial star destroyers coming at you they will hit in three minutes. I suggest you leave the area."
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> The fighters flew away while the interdictor stopped heading to the planet and flew to the spaceport to try and stop the transport from taking off. The troops activated their rocket packs and flew to the spaceport as well. The imperial star destroyers crashed into the planet taking out a huge chunk of ground and all the enemy troops. the victorys stopped their desent to watch. The reactor core on the first imperial star destroyer went critical making the other reactors go critical as well. The chain reactions was beautiful to watch, from a safe distance away. Then the victorys flew over to the spaceport to pick up the troops. The interdictor had manged to stop the transports from leaving and the troops boarded and stunned all the enemy troops. Then the troops boarded the interdictor and the victory star destroyers. They flew to the shipyard and the troops got off. Then they went to the new carrack cruiser that was being built<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
"Place the charges."
"Yes Captain Penn."
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> The demolitions experts went to work placing thermal detenators all the way around the carrack cruiser. On their way out they met some workers which the stunned and stole their weapons.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
"Good work now lets go blow those TIEs and the victory star destroyer."
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> The normal troops went first to try and stun all the workers. Then came the demolitions experts. They were heavily armed. The troops came to the TIEs first on which they quickly put a thermal detenator. The found that the TIEs would have been ready for launch tomorrow and then they proceeded to the victory. the stunned a lot of workers on the way to the victory. The victory was just about to launch when the demolitions inside that the iron fist fleet troops had already put there exploded taking out the victory.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
"Darth-Sorry who are you?"
"I am his aide."
"Oh. Well anyway we have succeeded. The projects under construction are no more and the shipyard is intact for when you feel like building."
"Good work Captain Penn. You might be in for a raise or a promotion."
"I sure hope so. And thanks."
"Go back to the victorys and the interdictor. They will bring you and your troops here."
"ok we will."
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> The troops went to the victorys and the interdictor. Then they flew to the other capital ships.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
  • Posted On: Dec 30 2001 10:24pm
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> As the ships neared the fleet Darth Bill smiled. The people of the planet would soon stop their protesting and realize that an Iron Fist Fleet rule would be good. Heck it would be better then good it would be great. The people of Taanab would finally learn something about the outside life. The would flock to him when the time was right. But suddenly he got a com message. He hadn't expected the com message yet. That must mean the date had been set forward he didn't have time yet. He didn't have all of his ships ready.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
  • Posted On: Dec 31 2001 6:34pm
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Darth Bill was thinking. He would have to call Revenge and Vengeance in and the correlian gunships. General Snowkan could stay hear and finish the takeover while he went with the Revege, Vengeance, Killer, Terro of Togoria, Destruction and Terrorisier. That would leave General Snowkan Devastation, the interdictor and the two corellian gunships. He hoped it would be enough. If only he had more ships. But he was stil a new warlord and needed more time to get more ships. At least he would have the help that was promised.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
"Open a channel to the <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Revenge and Vengeance<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->."
"Done sir."
"Good tell them to get over here now. Then open a channel with all the ships."
"We have a channel for you to talk to the ships. The Revenge and Vegeance should be here in 1 hour."
"Good give the the channel with all the ships."
"Here sir."
"All ships this is Darth BIll. General Snowkan and his fleet will stay here while i go off with the rest of you to another spot. The fighters will all come with me. The <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Revenge and Vegeance<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> will be here in a hour. General Snowkan i must take some of your fleet with me. You will have the interdictor the <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Devastation<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> and two corellian gunships. You will finish the takeover and then join me. I will send some coordinates later for where to meet me."
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> The ships formed up with whatever fleet they would be in. Some of the captains were wondering. What was Darth Bill going to do with three Imperial MKII Star Destroyers, two victory star destroyers and a imperial star destroyer MKI. But wondering wasn't their job and they would follow his orders anyway. Darth Bill was excited. This would be a wonderful battle. Thanks to the reinforcements he was promised it would be easy and he wouldn't need all of his ships in the two fleets. That's why he could afford to leave General Snowkan and his ships behind. This revenge would be good. He had been lied to and he didn't like been lied to. He would win and prevale. He would even get a planet out of it. He had named the two new Imperial MKII Star Destroyers very well for their first battle. With the seventeen squads of TIE Defenders with him he would kill all enemy fighters. The TIE defenders were one of the best starfighters in the galaxy. Darth Bill knew his enemy would not be happy before the next few days were out. Suddenly the Vegeance and Revenge came out of hypersapce. With them also came two corellian gunships.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
"Tell the first six squadrons of fighters to load into the Terror of Togoria. Then the next six go in the Killer and the next five go into the Revenge. Tell the troops to go to their proper ships."
"Yes sir."
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> The fighters quickly organsied them selves into their proper landing bays and the troops went to their ships and then their quarters. Then the first Iron Fist Fleet vanished into hyperspace. All that was left of the Iron Fist Fleet moved toward the planet under the command of General Snowkan again.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
Posts: 134
  • Posted On: Jan 2 2002 12:20am
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> General Snowkan was happy. Darth Bill had left the system and left him in charge of the attack. He was glad that Darth Bill hadn't left that flunky Admiral Turek in charge. That one was an idiot if their ever was one. He would go done to the planet and kill all the protesters and then more would rise up and then Darth Bill would have to come and try to repair the Iron Fist Fleet reputation. Darth Bill was also kind of nervous. The citizens would keep on protesting untill the Iron Fist Fleet ships and fleet left. He though that if they had everything built on platforms then the citizens wouldn't protest. Suddenly their was a beep on his com link.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
"Sir can you caome here for a moment."
"I'm on my way right now."
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> General Snowkan left his quarters to go to the bridge. He wondered what was up. His aide did not sound scared just uncerten. Oh well he would find out in a few minutes. As he reached the brdige his aide ran up.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
"Sir we have one imperial star destroyer on our long range scanners."
"is it just staying there?"
"Yes. Wait sir a conboy that is regestured to a shiping company on the planet just came out of hyperspace. The imerial star destroyer is attacking it."
"give me my com."
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> A few seconds later his aide handed him his com.<!--EZCODE ITALIC START-->
"To the unmarked star destroyer why are you attacking us?" said General Snowkan acting like he was on th ships being attacked.
"We are pirates and we want that food and cargo."
"We'll you will have to fight for it."
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> As General Snowkan spoke these last words he signaled his aided to tell the crew to attack the imperial star de<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
"What are you talking ab-"
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Just then the Deavastatation, the interdictor and the two corellian gunships came into view. They all started moving themselves in between the convoy and the imperial star destroyer. Then they all started firing on the imperial star destroyer. The convoy headed for the planet as General Snowkan sent a message to them telling them how had saved them. The he sent a messega to the imperial star destroyer how was losing shield power rapidly.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
"Ready to surrender yet?"
"Never will we surrender."
"Fine don't surrender just go to a planet with this a hundred and ten million credits. Buy ten construction droids and bring them back here. If you don't we will go and kill you now."
"What if I just take the credits and go buy ships with them."
"This is only a small part of the Iron Fist Fleet. We could go and hunt you down and kill you easily."
"We give up. We will buy the construction droids."
"Transfer one hudred and ten million credits to their acount. Stop firing on them."
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> The credits were transfered and the star destroyer left. The convoy had made it to the planet safe and sound. The construction droids would soon be here and he would order another ten. Then with twenty five construction droids the platforms would soon be done.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
Posts: 134
  • Posted On: Jan 3 2002 3:30am
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> General Snowkan was in his quarter talking into his com.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
"Yes that is right, i want another ten construction droids. We will pay for the delivery and the pickup. Remember i am only renting them not buying them. No i don't now when you can have them back. When i'm finished with them that's when. Fine you need a date, I'll just take my business elsewhere."
"No please don't do that. It is just that is the company policie. One second and i will patch you through to the maneger so that you can talk to him about it."
"That would be fine. But be quick about it. I don't have all day."
"This is the maneger what would yo like?"
"As i was saying to your sales clerk I want ten construction droids delivered to Taanab right away. We are only renting them not buying and we want it as a proority delivery."
"When would you be paying?"
"On delivery. I will also pay you then for the pickup of the droids."
"So you want ten construction droids, delivered to Taanab on a pritority and you will pay us then and we pick them up when you are done with them."
"Yes and do it quickly. Goodbye and i want them here in a day no later."
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> General Sowkan then walked to the bridge.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
"tell the troops to go down to the planet."
"Yes sir."
"Oh and tell them to tell the citizens that we will have another twenty construction droids on the planet tomorrow."
"Yes sir."
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> General Snowkan's aide looked shocked at the amount of construction droids.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
"Um sir are you sure that Darth Bill would be willing to pay for twenty construction droids."
"Yes i'm sure. I am incharge of the takeover and have his permission to do whatever i want to get it and calm down the citizens."
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> One day later the construction droids arrived. General Snowkan gave him the money and the work force was doubled. Then the pirates came and the work force was increased again. The platforms wee almost done. the citizens hadn't done a protest after the convoy had been saved by the Iron Fist Fleet forces. General Snowkan sent one troop in native dress to see what the opinion of the people was about the Iron Fist Fleet. A few well listened in conversation told the spy all he needed to know. There was a couple of unhappy people but the majority was glad to have the Iron Fist Fleet troops there to help them. Once General Snowkan heard this he ordered a convoy to go to the plaet with a lot of food and other cargoes that the citizens would like. Once the convo arrived the last of the unhappy people were swayed onto the Iron Fist Fleet side. The platrforms were done and more were being constructed for the buildings that were already on the planet. The citizens would then be like the people of Ithor and almost never go onto the planet. Forests would be planted and the wildlife would thrive.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
Posts: 134
  • Posted On: Jan 3 2002 3:44am
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> The Iron Fist Fleet troops were recalled. They were not needed on the planet surface any more. General Snowkan ordered another convoy to come to the planet. This time it just had food and plants and seeds and bulbs. General snowkan's aide was becoming sceptical. He had already won over the favour of the planetary citizens why was he continuing o send convoys there.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
"Sir can i have a moment of your time."
"Sure come in."
"Sir i was wondering, why are we still here? Why are you still sending convoys to the planet? Why haven't we met up with Darth Bill?
"To answer your questions i have a few things to say. First we are still here because we ahven't finished what i told the citizens i would do. That answers your first question and your last question. To you second question i must only say that to finish what i sayed i must send some things to the planet."
"What did you tell the citizens you would do?"
"I simply told them that i would make schools for them, regrow forests, and put their city's onto platforms."
"That could take months. Darth Bill acted like he was going to need to do things in a hurry."
"That is why i won't stay untill everything is finished, i will just stay untill the convoys are finished coming and landing. Speaking of which i need to order for another convoy. This time with just plants."
"Sir i don't think Darth Bil would aprove."