Shadows on a Fist Pt. I- The Ghosts of Ossus
  • Posted On: Jun 21 2002 2:18pm
The Rogue Jedi Order craft had emerged in the Corellia system, the system which held the council of the New Republic into which Senator Jereck Musaile now strode brazenly. The emergency meeting had been called, and the thousands of senators of the Republic had gathered in the huge council room, modeled for the one on Coruscant. Those Senators who had escaped Ossus -- by Musaile's own design -- also came.

And with a smile, which he hid, of contentment, Musaile strode to the platform.

Jiren was gone. Now, there remained no one to challenge him.

This was his day.

"It is with deepest sadness that I inform you, my peers, of what has occured this day in Ossus, the capital system of the Rogue Jedi Order..."

To Be Continued...