  • Posted On: Jan 1 2002 5:54pm
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Darth Bill was on a inspection. He was inspecting all of his new ships that he borrowed from a friend. He was doing this inspection by himself. While he did his inspection he was thinking. He needed to have a battle plan worked out for when he came out of hyperspace. Oh well. He could think about that later. When he reached the central computer he went to work. He deleted the program that said a mass body was in the way and the automatic stopper. The ships would go right into the star. Then he remebered that he said that he would replace the ships that were blown up. Oh well. He also said he was going to attack Sluis Van and he hadn't. He never was on Fearson's side. Once the sabatoge was done he would be able to plot a course into a star for TRE's ships. Finally Darth Bill finished his sabatoge. He put a set of coordinates into the computer for the enemy ships and then went to the landing bay. There he got back on a TIE Defender and went to the Terror of Togoria. Picking up his com link.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
"To all Avenger fleet ships. Please go into hyperspace on my mark. you already have a set of coordinates in your computer...Mark."
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> The ships then went into hyperspace. The Iron Fist Fleet ships came out right away and went back in to a different set of coordinates. The Avenger fleet ships followed the path put in fro them and they flew into a star. they were never seen again by a living person.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
ooc:Chadd i lied about replacing the ships. I never was your friend. I was just delaying for time. Have a nice day because tomorrow will be a headache for you.
  • Posted On: Jan 2 2002 5:55pm
OOC hehe, you act like I didn't know that. None of my plans were true, you don't even have the fleet you just said you did. If you wanted to capture my ships you'd have to do a 1500 word post per ship, sorry bud, but I never even RPed letting you have them *grin* I am far smarter than that.
  • Posted On: Jan 3 2002 12:00am

Prison planet,used to be full of the worst criminals in the galaxy.Now it was The Rogue Imperial capital.Snake had been to Despayre several times and he knew the place well.He could complete his mission.

His ship the <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Liquid Snake<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> gained access to the planet using Snake's old codes.He touched down near the Imperial Palace,got out and headed in the direction of his target.
  • Posted On: Jan 3 2002 12:07am
ooc:Chadd are you Sure?
  • Posted On: Jan 3 2002 6:38pm
OOC I'm positive Corran
  • Posted On: Jan 3 2002 6:56pm
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> It was time. Time to prove Chadd Fearsons wrong once and for all. They were all ready. The Fleet was formed up and in position. The Fighters were prepped and ready tpo launch and everybody was working twice as hard as usual.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
"Tell the Fleet to begin operation Overture." said Admiral Joe Schmoe
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> With a flash of light the fleet jumped into hyperspace. 5 minutes later they reverted in the Chandrilla system immeaditly fighter were launched.[/i[
ooc:Fleet manifest
Main Fleet

1 - Imperial Star Destroyer mkIII - Destruction(Command Ship)
6 - Imperial Star Destroyer mkII - Imperial Death and Lusankya and Exterminator II and Corrupter and Revenge and Night Hammer
1 - Ion Cannon Cruiser - Avarice
5 - Victory class Star Destroyer MK I - Tyrant and Avenger and Emancipator and Vrulence and Pantolomin
1 - Intredictor cruiser - Immobilizer
1 - Escort carrier - Sluis Van
4 - Corellian Gunships - Despot 1 and Despot 2 and Despot 3 and Despot 4


5 - Landing Bricks F7
7 - Sentenial class shuttles
5 - Modified TransGalMeg XIYITAR class Transports(robot ramships)


12 - TIE Defenders - 1 squadron
96 - TIE Bombers - 6 squadrons
96 - TIE Interceptors - 8 squadrons
28 - Missile Boats - 2.33 squadrons
50 - Shadow Doirds - 4 and 1/6 squadr
Posts: 25
  • Posted On: Jan 3 2002 6:59pm
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> JumpBump had heard Joes order. His flagship menace jumped into hyperspace folowed by vthe rest of his fleet. The game was on!<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
ooc:Fleet manifest

Menace-class SD- Menace
Hapan Battle Dragon- Fierybreath
Hapan Battle Dragon- Firesong
Hapan Battle Dragon- Steadfast
Hapan Battle Dragon- Dragonseye
Hapan Battle Dragon- Victorys lair
Hapan Battle Dragon- Shongnin
Hapan Battle Dragon- Magma flow
Hapan Battle Dragon- Long guard
Abolisher-class Cruiser- Steadfast
Abolisher-class Cruiser- Rook
Legacy-class Torpedo Attack Cruiser- Shellshock
Legacy-class Torpedo Attack Cruiser- Magdela
Lancer-class Frigate- Ralroost
Loronar Strike- Class Cruiser- Katana
Loronar Strike- Class Cruiser- Shirrwok
Armadia thrust ship-shilow
Armadia thrust ship-shogun
Multipurpose Starship and Transport Vessel- Chemelian
Corellian Gunship- Sync
Droid Ramship- Honor
Droid Ramship- Duty
Droid Ramship- Sheild
Droid Ramship- Scepter
Droid Ramship- Schism
Droid Ramship- Sheen
Droid Ramship- Lifer
Droid Ramship- Nautilous
Droid Ramship- Carbin
Droid Ramship- Scatter


155 Swarm-class fighters
  • Posted On: Jan 3 2002 7:03pm
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Chur4855 had also heard Joe's orders. His fleet jumped into hyperspace also on their way to Chandrilla.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
ooc:fleet manifest
1 Imperial SD MKII Revenge
1 Imperial SD MKII Vegeance
1 Imperial SD MKII Killer
1 Imperial SD- Terror of Togoria
1 Victory SD- Destruction
1 Imperial SD- Devestation
1 Victory Star Destroyer- Terrorisier
1 Interdictor Cruiser
2 corellian gunships
72 TIE Defenders-onboard Terror of Togoria
72 TIE Defenders-onboard Killer
60 TIE Defenders-onboard Revenge
9 missile boats-onboard Revenge
  • Posted On: Jan 3 2002 7:03pm
Jackdon was already on patrol, marching back and forth before the garrison, as did the PeFauna at the prison, at the palace, and at the supply depots. He grinned at the satisfaction that came from the heavy security Despayre had to offer. TIEs as far as the eye could see, PeFauna, stormtroopers, you would think that the planet was a military resort in itself.

Jackdon, dressed formally in his perfect black royal guard looking clothes patrolled past the garrison once more, and this time saw the <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Liquid Snake<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->, their ex-operative Snake's ship, pull onto the planet. He did not know the man formally and with thus would not question him, he'd leave that to other guards.

It was then he saw his old friend, Myrdar approach him, and his hand went up to greet him and he foolishly left his post...Snake slipped by him.

"Myrdar my old friend, what're you doing here?" he asked the storm trooper, who's helm was removed. Myrdar smacked his friend's hand and clenched his fist around it.

"Hey hey, I just got reassigned from Yaga Minor, can you believe that?" he said excitedly.

"Did you put in a request?"

"Nah, I was happy wherever I was," Myrdar responded, looking down at the ground. The two were lost in conversation, and with thus Snake had gotten by with no issues.

The stormtroopers patrolled back and forth dignifiably. They were proud of their incredible posture, their ability to stay in perfect ranks with no issues. Sometimes they even believed they were more disciplined than Fearsons' royal PeFauna.

Captain Willard came up to one of the commanders, whom was patrolling equally as perfectly. "How goes the patrol Commander?" he asked. Immediately the commander snapped to attention and saluted with his weapon across his chest.

"Sir, there are no disturbances as of yet," he responded. Willard nodded.

"Good keep your eyes open," he said, and began to walk off. The commander went back to his patrols, watching the palace and several structures Imperial City had to offer.
  • Posted On: Jan 3 2002 7:14pm
Teebo had also heard JoeAScmoe's order on board his flagship, the Defender. He issued the order, and his entire fleet jumped into hyperspace, heading for Chandrilla.

OOC:Fleet Manifest
Main Fleet

3 Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-100a-Defender, Sarah's Glory,Liberty Star
4 Victory-Class Star Destroyers-Eternal Light, Unnamed, Star Shadow, Moon Shadow
4 Nebulon-B Frigates
1 Carrack Cruiser
3 Lancer Frigates
1 Escort Carrier
1 Interdictor Cruiser
17 Corellian Gunships


204 B-Wings
48 X-Wings
60 Y-Wings
36 E-Wings
53 A-Wings
26 Missile Boats
5 Skipray Blastboats
72 Modified TIE Interceptors