Return of Solo-Darklighter (Fearsons, Jamo J.)
  • Posted On: Mar 7 2002 3:40am
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Entering Royal Imperial System...
Approaching Despayre...
Disengageing Hyperdrive...

Jaina Corellia Han Solo-Darklighter was jerked awake as her ship, the <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Millennium Jade Falcon<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->, slid out of hyperdrive. Jai opened her sea green eyes groggily and yawned. She looked out of the viewport at Despayre---a small dot in the distance.
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Well, there it is.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> She thought. <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Good ol' Despayre, Fearsons' RE capital, home...agian. <!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->

Jaina was comming back. It had been a long time, but she was back. She had left TRE in order to spend time with her new family. But now her kids were big enough to take care of themselves for periods of time....and that meant Jai could be The Rogue Empire's Commander of Special Ops agian....AND---her most treasure thought---she could be a smuggler agian. It had been a long time, but Jai was still the best. Always had been.

She wondered if Fearsons would take her back as his Commander. She had left rather sudden and without forewarning...but that Com she had sent a week earlier explained everything:
Why she left
What she had been doing
Why she was comming back
and so on...

Surely ol' Chadd would welcome her back with open arms...and Jamo too...maybe. She smiled at the thought of her scoundril pal, Jamo Jakatta. She wondered if he was still around...and if so, she thought, he was probably locked up in some prison. She probably have to bust his repeat-offender arse out---AGIAN. The memory of the last time she busted him out of a jail almost made her laugh out loud. She had missed Jamo---believe it or not. But the real shocker was, she had missed TRE more.

Jai's ship swooped down and circled a landing pad; she asked for landing clearance in the little city on the outskirts of Desparye's main city, wondering if she would run into anyone...