Pydyr the land of the hope ful
  • Posted On: Mar 20 2002 3:42am
Almania is in possion of three inhabitable moons Pydyr, Auymesh, and Drewwa. When the TNA came to almania the area was in desolation. The planet in ruins after a culling by a dark jedi that eliminated much of the population. The New Alliance was made and vowed to revitalize the system Turning it into the capitol of the New Alliance.

The Former Royal Guards Man Greyy Trespe was recruted to begin to create a fighter and stormtrooper corp that the Alliance could count on. He started on the moon of Pydyr setting up a Storm trooper training faculty. On the moon of Auyemesh he started the officer and flight schools. It took many months to set up a proper pool of recuits to start what he considered the real challenge. Setting up the Alliance equivalent of the Royal Guard the Freedom guard. All of the best were to be sent to Drewwa for training for the guard.

Drewwa was the main base of opperations for the guard. The opperations started and ended up there. And the planet was cordined off to all but the FG personel.

Freedom guard was developed over a large portion of time. In witch the man known as Greyy Trespe found a new look on life after the empire and the destruction of his home planet of alderaan. It is a organization that is founded on the foundation of the teachings of Allderaan rather then those of the empire. Strive for peace rather to make war. But always protect the innocent.

The men and women of the Freedom guard come from all conceivable parts of the galexy. Unlike the original Royal guard that gave birth to the man that would bring the freedom guard to life. Greyy Trespe, thats his name. He is on of the last of the Empirial Royal Guard and the first of the New Alliance Freedom Guard. Alderaan was his home and where he founded the ideals of the Freedom guard.

The planet of Allderaan. It was a blue orb in the middle of the black obsidian sky of space. It was home to makers of peace, a people that lived their philosophy of peaceful harmony with the galexy in every facet of their lives. The citys were made in a way that they did not domminate nature but worked with it. Almost becoming part of it.

First Greyy trained up a TNA storm trooper corp. Once his troopers were trained he set up base on Pydyr to train his people the ranks grew by the thousands as word of a new age legion of Storm troopers was being trained in the ways of Alderaan. A star fighter academy inevitably followed. The troopers and pilots were swelling the ranks. The main thing he taught in his accademys was the notion of peace in battle and that battle was meant only in defense of your home. No other time it should be permited. The innocent also come first.

Those that made it and qualify for the Freedom guard go to the planet Drewwa for training. The planet is made for the training of the elite every thing. There are firing ranges for all types of weapons. Parts of the moon are limited to fighter flying space and learning to fly in all types of areas and terrains.

The Freedom Guard had grown from the original class of 40 recrutes to a fully trained elite unit. Some of the original graduates of the freedom guard program stayed behind as instructors. While the rest acted as the TNA's arms and ears in the galexy. Three classes of the elite have graduated from the guards man program. 122 in all now fully active.

the new class of 70 students was just now arriveing. Some would become the elite of the elite excelling in all aspects of the training. Some though would only gain profisioncy in only some areas. In the royal guard they would have been sent back to their respective units. But here they are train as the best in certain areas and are employed in the Guard where they can serve the Alliance best as subguards.

The instructors for the institute are in full swing. Breaking in the troops as they come. Toryn Sabreen and Dark star were now vieing for the place as his second. He enjoyed seeing the two compete.

Training directors from the first group: Toryn sabreen and Dark Star


Arwen chol(SE)
salo morn(E)
Kregan bass(SG)
Santo mala(SG)
Vonta Horn(Jedi)

Hundereds of thousands of the best and the brightest caom to pydyr on a daily basis eager to begin training in the New Alliance storm Trooper corps. They gained a reputation for being the place to go to be some one that protects the innocent. Many storys on planet abounded of the Stoorm trooper corps that save lives on planet. The civilian trooper division handled quick respones situations like fires natural disasters and that sort of thing. But others that protect the peace there had been storys of troopers sacraficing their lives to protect civilians.

Others were here just to travel in space. For the chance to see the stars. But do it in a way that they may do some good alone the way. Just as the old Royal Guard was in the Empire the Freedom Guard was the stuff of legends. All that any one knew were whispered rumors. Non of them true most of the speculation.

Only one rumor was really true. That there were a few guards men that looked exclusively for new recrutes. And if you cuaght their eye you would know it.

The Accademy was a pot of all kinds of beings, Tall 4 armed Auyumesh were one of the more common troopers. The 4 armed beings were deadly with hand to hand weaponry and they can handle both a blaster and a melee weapon at the same time.

Many of the instructers were of different species. The hand to hand instructors and intrusion classes tended to be run by Nohgri. The little guys kind of scared all the cadets. Wookies roaring and the little tranlaters that they carry squabling a translation was a familiar tone. Moncalimarians and gungans enjoyed working in the aquatic corps. Althought the gungans tried to get them selves in to every thing. There was a wide veriety of beings from their species, some super clutz's and others are super soilders. Some of the new recrutes were Fallen. Every one has to be care ful not to fall under their phermone trap. The gands are always quick to point out when one happens to try and take advantage of any one with their "Natural charms".

There is another culling to take place in a short time. Out of a class of 10,000 maybe 500 well be chosen to take the trials for the guard. about 250 well make it past the prelimenarys. maybe 20-30 well actually make it. The rest of the canidates that get eliminated still earn a place in the guard though. In some degree or another. So getting chosen at all was a huge thing.

The fights break out about who is goining to get chosen to go. Of course every one knows that at least half of the Nohgri from wayland well go. Those guys eat sleep and breath battle. So it is little surprise that they just happen to excell when it comes to being a guards man.

The wookies would be the next choice althought they normally have some trouble when it comes to the fighter training. The wookies are so tall that they have to squat in the cackpit to fight. But in jungle scenerios they are suberb. As well with their fighting abilitys. Someh have had a hundered or so years to train in that reguard.

Humans make up the vast majority of the group just becuase there are so many of them. And they fit in the fighter cockpits better. Gungans have the same problem as the wookies.

With all the veriety some times the cadets joke that they wonder what would happen if there happened to be a ewoke cadet at some point. The joke was a common one in the cores. That is after word got around that a member of rogue squadron happened to use that as a ploy at one point. But it backfired later. It was actually a smart Gamorrean. On of the most decorated officers in the fleet I might add.

As sleep came to clame the sentients, male, Females and any thing else they all had the same questions. "Could I be chosen?" , "Is so and so going to make it?", "I hope that I make it."

Morning of the next day was hectic the guard trainees were going to be chosen and soon. The cadets all head to their classes with a nervous vigour. Some work just allittle harder, pushing them selves past all logicall physical limitations. On the off chance that this might still count for some thing to get them in.

A announcment came over the Academy comm system. They were all to meet in the aphithiter. The largest room in the academy it could easily handle the ingesten of several thousand cadets. Unlike normally the cadets were stoon quiet. All of them were figity and wondering if they were chosen.

A Guards man steps to the podium at a stage in front of the Amphitheater. The man in a white version of the royal guard armor is a person reguarded by much of the crowd with awe and respect. He made it where so many others failed. It is something that they all strive for.

He takes off his helmet. And all in the room see that a human female stands before them. She sets her helmet on the podium. Tapping the microphone before she begins.

"Fellow sentients, we are all gathered her today for a single task to find out who among you qualified for the royal guard trials. I was once one were you sit now. A scared little cadet hoping that may be just may be the hard work payed off and I may get the chance to prove that I am the best.

But Not all of you well make it today. To those of you that do not. Remember that we need good strong minds and spirits working through out the Alliance. If you are not selected to day find you nitch else where and make your self proud that you are the best in what ever it is that you do."

She makes a change of gears.

"Now to what all of you are waiting for. The next wave that well get a shoot at the guard." She starts flashing off numbers from the varies squads in the school indicating in a much faster manner who is chossen.

There are cries of eleation and hope full faces as the numbers are read off. The nohgri that are chosen are just as stone faced as ever. A Faleen woman must have accidently let a bit of her phermones get away from her becuase some of the guys near her started swuning over her. One gets too close and gets a punch to the gut for his trouble.

The Guards woman looks among the young faces as she reads off the last call numbers. Was she ever that young?

The next wave of Freedom Cadets was congradualted and tole to prepare to leave on the next avalible transport to the Drewwa Training grounds. The students walk out in order a militarily orderly fashion.

Some were sad others ellated. Others still were just standing by and watching this happen. Not caring how it comes out. Many of the cadets are secure with just going for what they can do and never even consider the Guard as a option. The strange thing about this type of cadet is that often these are the ones chosen. Once chosen they roll with the punch and see it to the next level.

The cadets leave at the crack of a pydyr Dusk. Leaving behind every thing that they know. Starting out for what they all saw as a grand adventure.

Those left behind were ailing to be the ones to have gone with the guards woman.

But all return to the routines working to be the best that they can in what ever it is that the do. Working in adiverse community of intersteller beings a true form of the diversity of the Alliance and the successes that they made so far as a people.
  • Posted On: Mar 20 2002 10:20pm
The news of the attack spread like wild fire through the Academy. The question of war hung on many tongues as the rumors abounded.

Some said that the Rogue Empire had finnally made it's move on Almania. Alot of people that doubt that say that the TNO made the attack becuase they have more actually reported terrorist actions. A Falleen started a rumor that they were not at war with a joint TRE/TNR group. The teachers were quick to set things right once they got wind of the speculation.

ON the comm it was annouced that the culpret of this attack was unknown but that the military and civilian corps were doing every thing in their power to find out. Almanian Natives were out raged some even worried about relitives that were in the area. The instructors made it clear that they can serve their loved ones best by sticking to their studys. And with a reassurance that the cadets would be advised of any and all developments in reguard to their families the students continued their classes.
  • Posted On: Mar 20 2002 11:02pm
Those in route to Drewwa and it's training faculties were oblivious to the attacks. When the cadets were taken for guard training there is a total media blackout to them. The out side world does not exist for them only what they do in training matters in their world.

The ship passed over Drewwas main FG base. THe building was giant dome gleaming and white. The base was surrounded by dozens of smaller domes. The fireing ranges and training centers they supposed. They look like a bit of a simmular layout as the buildings that were at the academy.

The Freighter that ferryed them over was setting down. All the passengers felt the slight vibration as the ship touched down on solid ground. The Guards Woman that Accompanied them on this journy came on to the vid screens all over the ship.

Standing with full regallia uniform minus the helmet she addresses them all. " You lucky few have been selected to start the training of your life. The guard well do it's best to turn you into the best that you all can be. Many of you well find that that may not be enough to earn yourself a place in the gaurd it's self but you will indeed have a place in the elite. For even if you are not a Guards mand you well still be one of the best." Hair bunched up in a bun she slips on her helmet and her demenor changes from that of a understanding teacher to that of a unforgiveing soilder.

"Recrutes Disembark and report to your designated squads. Dismissed!" With a single salute she turned and was the first out the hatch.

Out side she keyed into the guard comm system. "Toryn?" she inquired.

Toryn Sabreen was the director of guard training. "Yes Santo"
Santo mala smiles as she hears her friend.

"Trainees are breifed and ready to begin." she waits for his response.

"Understood, Toryn out."
  • Posted On: Mar 21 2002 12:29am
Each cadet was issued fatiques and shown to their quarters for the duration of the training. How the recrutes acted was also some thing to take into account. every 20 students were assigned a watcher. A person that was to make sure that they stayed and line and to report on their progress with each other as well as with the training.

Leadership was a big factor. Those that could lead would be singled out. Some of these would end up in the officers corps on Almania. The place was filled with posiblities.
Posts: 158
  • Posted On: Mar 27 2002 9:22pm
Hiding aboard a civilian transport a dark presence nears Pyrdyr, the place where this fake Emperial Gaurd is being trained. Chikami sits brooding in the back of the shuttle biding his time until he can test himself against many soldiers who claim to be very good.

Captain: "We will be landing on Pyrdyr shortly please fasten your safety harnesses."

Chikami thinking <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> "Good it is nearly time to put a stop to this rediculous Gaurd and to test their training."<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->

The shuttle lands in one of the many hangar bays around the area. The Chikami exits with the few other passengers and begins looking around for something to do until the Guard shows up.

Looking around the hangar Chikami finds that it contains noting of any real use a few transport ships and some useless junk. Leaving the hangar Chikami sees that there are many more lined up in the compound.

Heading towards the largest hangar Chikami seals of his force presence so that he will not be followed at least in that fashion. Chikami walks around the building until he finds a back way in. Once inside he begins making his way to the hangar.

Walking around where he shouldn't be Chikami is stopped by an engineer.

Engineer: "Hey you shouldn't be here I'll need to see some identification."

With an sadistic grin Chikami says "I'll show you my identification." Using the force Chikami slams the engineer into the wall knocking him out. Taking out his saber Chikami decapitates the engineer and again using the force sends his head rolling down the hallway.

Looking around Chikami sees a security camera "Aww...It looks like somebody saw what I just did." Chikami waves to the camera and promptly destroys it.

Chikami continues on his way to the hangar.
  • Posted On: Mar 27 2002 9:45pm
The security around the base was put on high alert. There was a intruder in the pydyr Ports. 25 armed stormtroopers were sent to cut the sith. Off. No one knew what to expect so they went in cuatiously blasters at the ready. Turning a corner the see a lone dark figure with a cylinder in hand.

"Stop right there. " They yell.
Posts: 158
  • Posted On: Mar 27 2002 9:52pm
"And what if I refuse. Your blasters do not scare me." Using the force Chikami sent the leading storm trooper flying backwards into his comrades. Watching about half of them fall over and the others dodging out of the way Chikami laughs at them. "You are not even a challenge to me. Go now or die."

Chikami ignites both sides of his lightsaber watching the storm troopers laughing at them.
  • Posted On: Mar 27 2002 10:02pm
All aroung crisson light fills the night air. From a distance one could see the spatterings of red light mixed with the PInk, A light that could send shivers up your spine. The troopers all fired consecutilevly trying to take out the sith.

It was to no avail though. He begain to parry their shots even as the first bolt reached him. The pink blade showing the sinester snere of a man that was out for the kill. Reveling in it like a primal animal.

The troopers fought on though.
Posts: 158
  • Posted On: Mar 28 2002 12:04am
Laughing maniacally as he slowly walked towards the storm troopers Chikami was kind enough to send thier shots back to their owners.

Chikami spoke as he walked forward cold and sinister "You men used to strike fear into the hearts of millions Emperial Storm Troopers were the best of the best, but look at yourselves now. Working for some Freedom Gaurd. HAH! How can you protect anyones freedom if you cannot even take care of one man. And that Freedom Gaurd business well that is really just a cheap rip-off of the Emporer's Royal Gaurd. Your history has firm founding in the Empire so why do you not return to help rebuild the once glorious Empire."

By the time he was finished with his speach Chikami was practiclly on top of the storm troopers, and still returning every shot sent at him.
Posts: 158
  • Posted On: Mar 28 2002 12:05am
Laughing maniacally as he slowly walked towards the storm troopers Chikami was kind enough to send thier shots back to their owners.

Chikami spoke as he walked forward cold and sinister "You men used to strike fear into the hearts of millions Emperial Storm Troopers were the best of the best, but look at yourselves now. Working for some Freedom Gaurd. HAH! How can you protect anyones freedom if you cannot even take care of one man. And that Freedom Gaurd business well that is really just a cheap rip-off of the Emporer's Royal Gaurd. Your history has firm founding in the Empire so why do you not return to help rebuild the once glorious Empire."

By the time he was finished with his speach Chikami was practiclly on top of the storm troopers, and still returning every shot sent at him.