Who from Episode three. . .
Posts: 7745
  • Posted On: Nov 26 2002 7:57am
Yes, I'm being difficult.

From, past tense.
Is, present tense


[edit, stupid spelling]
Posts: 1549
  • Posted On: Nov 26 2002 1:01pm
I didn't know about the 1000 years old thingy, but i'm right in saying that the original trilogy palpy is a @#%$ load older than the one in ep III, obviously. And he kicks more ass OT than NT.

Thus age doesn't come into it.
Posts: 2788
  • Posted On: Nov 27 2002 6:29am
And he kicks more ass OT than NT.

LOL... Yes, well... that's still to be seen...

*smiles and rubs his hands together in anticipation of Ep. III*

(Which, btw, for Kas, is not out yet.)
Posts: 7745
  • Posted On: Nov 27 2002 7:13am

Oh, right.

That was the Matrix Reloaded teaser trailer I watched...
Posts: 1549
  • Posted On: Nov 27 2002 7:32am
Yes well i'm sure he'll get alot more action in Ep III with the rise of the Empire and all...

Although i'm still not sure of the general plotline of III...
Posts: 7745
  • Posted On: Nov 27 2002 7:53am
Anakin and Amadila have kids
Anakin is found out
Anakin is banished from Jedi Order
Anakin makes contact with sith lord
Anakin has fight with obi wan, and falls into the lavapit
Anakin joins sith lord
Anakin kills Amidala, and tries to kill kids
Obi-Wan hides kids.
You hear the Emporer say... "Kill them all"
YOu see Darth Vader sabering a Jedi
Screen fades out.
Posts: 2788
  • Posted On: Nov 27 2002 3:38pm
I always hoped, and still hope, that it will end with the line "What is thy bidding, my master?"

That's good @#%$ right there. And a cool ending to have with Vader in his full-body black armor standing before the newly appointed Emperor Palpatine.
Posts: 7745
  • Posted On: Nov 27 2002 5:53pm
*in his best palpentine voice* "Kill the allll"

Then, as it fades out, you see a glimps of him sabering a few jedi...

That would be the best ending.
Posts: 2788
  • Posted On: Nov 28 2002 5:39am
No, that would be gay.

Think about it.

No, you think about it.

Posts: 1549
  • Posted On: Nov 28 2002 3:49pm
Heh, i love being the third wheel in convos with you too!

But thing is i didn't think it encompassed all you said Kas.

Especially considering the time differential between Eps III and IV. Like 20 odd years...