What keeps YOU here?
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: Oct 21 2003 12:50am
Now I was thinking the other day: What is it that makes people want to spend so long at TRF? There are plenty of online or pen-and-paper role-playing games about star wars, there are ample star wars communities that arn't competitive, so why do people come here?

Well, I decided that I probably would not be all that active if the Lightside were in control. If good-guys were winning, I'd figure they wouldn't need any more help and probably pass TRF by. But seeing as the Darkside controls the galaxy, I am drawn to join and try and change that. Also, I created my Azguards, and I have a feeling the instant I leave they will be shredded to little pieces, like TJE was when it officially collapsed.

So after that, I wondered, what draws YOU guys to fight it out at TRF, despite all the arguments and additional responsibilities that come with it?
Posts: 2377
  • Posted On: Oct 21 2003 1:02am
Boredom. Sheer boredom.

Oh, and a desire to bash Christianity on a daily basis.

Though I do that in real life, too... hmm... scratch one off the list...
Posts: 7745
  • Posted On: Oct 21 2003 1:11am
Forum based RPG's are pretty much the only option for me in terms of writing and virtual communities. I'm too impatient to write a book by myself, there are no P&P guilds, groups, or fans around here that I know of, and I don't have the money nor 'net speed to play any sort of massively multiplayer game.

As for staying at TRF, I have an investment as well as friends. I'm on the staff, and I enjoy assisting in running the board. I have character histories that wouldn't transfer over to another board, and a group that would likewise not make the transition.

I also happen to like it here. :)

If the lightsiders were in control, Dolash, you would probably turn darkside.
  • Posted On: Oct 21 2003 1:16am
I'm too impatient to write a book by myself

I hear that.
Posts: 1087
  • Posted On: Oct 21 2003 1:29am
I'm too impatient to write a book by myself.

Obviously, I am too. I still have a half of one yet to be finished, and as for the 500 word story Kas said he would like me to post to read, I keep finding things to edit and make it more funny.
Posts: 1381
  • Posted On: Oct 21 2003 1:51am
I'm too impatient to write a book by myself.

Doesn't stop me from trying. But you @#%$ keep distracting me!
  • Posted On: Oct 21 2003 1:53am
'Cause I've got nothing better to do.

I come here when I'm bored.
Posts: 1200
  • Posted On: Oct 21 2003 3:38am
story ideas..
Posts: 2504
  • Posted On: Oct 21 2003 6:16am
ok, how MANY of us are currently nourishing book dreams?

And while most of my other RP's on the net I am in to keep my writing skills at their peak, I sorta use TRF more for a community than anything else. Being able to come and post jibberish and have people read it AND respond, would be my biggest reason for being here....
Posts: 2011
  • Posted On: Oct 21 2003 9:27am
Hell, I'm writing a book right now.

It's not very good, but its an attempt.

*points to that nasty piece of shizizzle in the showcase*