TRF Sitcom Moments 2: Electric Boogaloo
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: Feb 29 2004 5:54am
Yup, I'm bored again.


The Deception of Chad

Chadd is standing none-chalantly outside the ORS building, standing next to him is his "associate" from TNO. Chadd coughs lightly, and holds out his hand. His associate looks around once, and hands him the documents.

Suddenly, a nearby Hobo yanks out a pistol and badge.

"Freeze! TRF Staff!"

Kas, Simon, Gash, and other appear from nowhere, cornering the pair.

"There must have been an inside man!" whispered the associate.

"It's all lies!" Shrieks Chadd "I'm not Chadd, it's a trick!"

"Nice try" says Ahnk as he takes out the banning cuffs "We had inside sources. Our witness protection program prevents us from using his name, so let's just call him Olash-day, ok?"

*pan to Dolash hiding in garbage can*

"Well... crap"


The Staff Promotion Incident

*Before Dolash tells this story, the staff silence him. Nothing happened, be about your buisness, citizen.*

Break up of BDE

"Divorce case #1846271, the Judges the Right honourable Kas Katta, and Ahnk presiding."

At one side is Gue, looking bitter. At the other is Jade, looking even more bitter. In between is the small and frightened BDE.

"You know what?" Says Ahnk to Kas "This is wrong on so many levels."

"True dat."


Unsuspecting Right-wingers

A man with a "Bush for 2004" button has gotten lost in TRF at night. Wandering alone, a shadow is following him, not his own. Feeling afraid, he pushes on.

He tries to duck down an alley to lose it, but the alley is a dead end! He turns as the moster rears on its' hind-legs to strike, and the frightenened Republican screams in fear!

Later, at Gash and Kas's place

"Oh Grose, Gash, did you really have to leave chunks of him all over the floor?"

"You're one to talk, you keep using my tooth brush."


Night of the posting TGCers

As night falls on TRF, a crack opens in the side of a mountain overlooking the peaceful message board. Slowly at first, a slimy, degraded creature poked its' head out. Then its' shoulders, until it was completely free. He was followed by what appeared to be an endless swarm of likewise beasts!

Kas and Gash are walking along, when a mob of such deformed monstrosities appear around the corner, wailing and moaning such things as "SUXxxXORS" And "OMFG ROFL!".

"RUN" Shrieked Kas "They're everywhere!"

Gash tries to use his amazing flame ability on them, to no avail.

"They just keep coming!"

The people of TRF flee in terror, until at the last moment, the sun raises, striking down the horrors en masse, and they flee back to their crevice, to wait until another night.


Flame Wars

Moving in and out of the undergrowth, posters like Drayson, Griff, Kyric, Jan, Trachta, and more fire off shots of flame at each other, screaming and wailing their heads off.

Back at Gash and Kas's place, Gash is woken by the noise. He goes to his window.

"F@#$!ing amatures." He says with a sigh, and with a quick wave of his hand and a word of his mouth, the jungle is levelled in a single ball of fiery death.

"What's that noise?" Grumbles Kas, from the room across the hall.

"Just more flamers. Go to bed, christ-boy."

"Oh, ok then."


Shoulder spirits

An innocent poster consideres joining a debate on a political issue. Suddenly, on one shoulder, a tiny Kas appears.

"Verily" He says "Pick the path of the rightious man! Strike down those who would oppresse the rich with taxes, and ignore the voices of those who would lead you down the damning path of pro-welfare."

On the other shoulder, a tiny Gash appears. "F!@# that, go the kick-ass way! Those rich bastards won't go poor if we slice another five-percent off their already-too-big profits, they'll still have their fancy clothes made by cheap indonesian slave labour."

The poster screams, and runs from the room. Kas grins.

"We should do that more often."

"Yeah, but those rich F@#$! could still pay more taxes."


The inactive masses

"Cole!" Shouts Dolash "Cole! Hellooooooooooooooo? Are you there?"

Dolash suddenly slips on a rock, falling down the hill he had been on. Rolling for some time, he came to a stop at the edge of the Boards. Off the edge, he saw spirits in constant torture, working jobs and making life-insurance paymants. For a moment, he even thinks he saw people he knew, like Cole, and others, swilling in the darkness, and he screamed.

"Quick, pull him away!"

Kas and Gash arrive in time to pull him away from the edge. Dolash is unconcious.

"You think he'll be all right?" Asks Kas.

"He only caught a glimps of real life and the outside world, I don't think it will do much lasting harm. Let's get him safely in the Battlegrounds forum for a while, let him rest for a bit, and with luck he'll forget all about it in a few days."


The Advertiser-exterminating orc army

An advertiser appears at TRF, toting his suitcase labled "" Stopping the first two people he sees, who happen to be Sully and Kraken, he shows them his suitcase.

"Excuse me, would either of you be interested in-"

The two roar in fury and leap upon the man, along with a materializing army of orcs, bearing him to the ground and beating him to death. From a hill, Gash and Kas watch on.

"The circle of life continues, God's great plan steps forwards."

"Really? All I see is some advertiser getting F@#$ed up beyond all recognition."
Posts: 7745
  • Posted On: Feb 29 2004 6:20am
HAHA! Even better!

Hmm... now Gash and I are rooming together?

Electric Boogaloo.. heh, name of a very good FiF album.
Posts: 2504
  • Posted On: Feb 29 2004 7:38am
hilarious, but it does scare me that Kas and Gash are room mates hehe
Posts: 405
  • Posted On: Feb 29 2004 8:52am
Why is the first thing everyone notices is Kas and Gash sleeping together?

It's only like God sleeping with the Devil...
  • Posted On: Feb 29 2004 11:12am
Hey, I was active on the flame attacks! while Kas and Gash slept jointly in their King size...

Funny stuff though
Posts: 292
  • Posted On: Feb 29 2004 9:02pm
Yes! I got mentioned!

*pumps fist in air*
Posts: 2504
  • Posted On: Feb 29 2004 9:24pm
you know, no where did anyone mention Gash and Kas sleeping together... being room mates doesn't mean that :b usually it means their both too money poor to pay for the full price of rent without someone else paying half :)
Posts: 2377
  • Posted On: Feb 29 2004 9:45pm
You sick, sick bastards. Take your Gash/Kas sexual fantasies to a furry board or something.

Dolash makes us roommates and suddenly we're @#%$. Man.
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: Mar 1 2004 1:48am
Yeah, Damalis and Theren are right. I said "across the hall", not "from their bed" for exactly that reason.
Posts: 2414
  • Posted On: Mar 1 2004 3:48am
Good stuff, Dolash.