The Crocodile Hunter
Posts: 1621
  • Posted On: Sep 5 2006 9:51pm
I am sure that all of us have done idiotic things as a child with our patrents that today would have seemed horrible. Sons of truck drivers may have sat on their fathers lap as it rolled 70 mph down the interstate. Sons of sailors might have gone aloft being held twenty feet above an unforgiving sea...etc

I know my first ride in a Leopardpanzer was when I was two before my father died. There was no helmet my size but wads of cotton were put inside my ears. I bounced around on his lap - I have only the scantest memory of it but I was told I was ecstatic, laughing and giggling as it traversed the obstacles at Ronndorf, one of the Panzerwaffe proving grounds in South-western Germany.

He loved his children and he loved animals. He introduced at a young age. Extreme to us, but probably routine to him.

If the plan says the child must die, then the aligator would have seen to that. It was not, and so it lived. Animals and Nature serve as an infallible form of population control. But it was not to be - -so let us not dwell.

He will be missed. He was the quintessential Australian, along with the Game Warden from Jurassic Park I and the hunter from Jurassic Park the Lost World.
Posts: 1109
  • Posted On: Sep 6 2006 4:47am
pretty fucking sad.
Posts: 2453
  • Posted On: Sep 6 2006 5:24am
I never really saw a lot of the Crocodile Hunter stuff, but anytime someone dies, especially when its unexpected, its a tragedy.
Posts: 383
  • Posted On: Sep 6 2006 6:23pm
I only heard about this about twenty mins before coming on here. Couldn't quite belive it to be honest. He was really entertaining to watch.

It seemed abit ironic to me and my bf though that on the same day it happened me and him randomly re-watched Doctor Dolittle 2, which of course hasSteve Irwin in it where the bites his arm off.

Anyways, really is a shame he's died. He'll defo be missed.
Posts: 1621
  • Posted On: Sep 6 2006 6:40pm
Yes he will - -but on thatnote steda you are neglecting our thread *brandishes whip*
Posts: 383
  • Posted On: Sep 6 2006 7:08pm
Please don't go beatin' me with the whip again mas're, ya know 'ow it 'urts me back
Posts: 1621
  • Posted On: Sep 6 2006 10:22pm
youre turn again.

Honestly, he will be missed. I wonder who the next crazed Australian will be - -there simply must be a list, somewhere
Posts: 143
  • Posted On: Sep 8 2006 3:01pm
I'm used to having an opinion that generally pisses other people off by now. *shrugs* I think I caught it from the jerks I've been around. It's contagious. *sneezes*

But I mostly feel sorry for his kids rather than him. My wording was a bit off earlier due to being in a hurry, but I meant that he died doing what he loved. No better way to go than that. But it may put a damper on the kids and being involved with animals in the future.
Posts: 1621
  • Posted On: Sep 8 2006 4:04pm
Also ttrue - -being killed by the thing you love - certainly makes one reconsider what one loves....
Posts: 573
  • Posted On: Sep 8 2006 4:40pm
Wrong context. Dying while doing what you love and dying at the hands of, say, a loved one, are two very different situations. Steve Irwin understood full well the nature of the animals he worked with and, had he somehow survived the accident, I doubt he would've suddenly changed his mind about the way he perceived or felt about those same creatures.