Most Violent First world Nation
Posts: 1109
  • Posted On: Sep 19 2005 5:17am
we all know telan stands for killing of the free people. hence, i am neither suprised nor amazed. the idea of one country being more violent then another is plain stereotypical. and since the scots never bothered me i wouldnt really care if they carry knives or bullets.

what happened to people learning to defend themselves?

what happened to peace?
Posts: 666
  • Posted On: Sep 19 2005 10:16am
on the plus side...

and on the same page there is a link to this article:


what happened to people learning to defend themselves?

yeeeeah... it doesn't really work like that.
Posts: 473
  • Posted On: Sep 19 2005 11:16am
Indeed, there shouldn't be any fucking need to defend myself.

Although, thanks to those ignorant, insecure and generally stupid folk that carry knives, I have to live in a world where that isn't possible.
Posts: 133
  • Posted On: Sep 28 2005 9:55am

This is actually bloody suprising to me. :(

Mostly because I live there.

Funny how they don't mention WHO does the crime.
Posts: 939
  • Posted On: Oct 1 2005 8:00am
Both Australia and New Zealand had the next highest proportion of assaults among their population at 2.4%, exactly double the level reported for the United States.

Whoopdy whoop!

Go the convict nations!
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: Oct 1 2005 7:12pm
Sol Marzullo
Funny how they don't mention WHO does the crime.

What, you mean you expect them to list every person who commits a crime in Scotland? That'd be really hard and probably pointless for the reason of this survey.
Posts: 1621
  • Posted On: Oct 1 2005 7:20pm
I am not for killing free people - I am for survival of the fittest. When I hear about a man in Scotland - a Scottsman - being assault by a knife and running to the police I ask myself why he was himself not carrying a knife.

No advancements were ever made during peace. Peace is for the lazy, ignorant, simple minded, and those without the vision to Seize the Day.

I can say this with all resolve - I am returning to the military. (((separate thread to come)))
Posts: 733
  • Posted On: Oct 1 2005 8:58pm
When I hear about a man in Scotland - a Scottsman - being assault by a knife and running to the police I ask myself why he was himself not carrying a knife.

Er...? Because killing someone with a knife is this silly thing called "murder?"
Posts: 1621
  • Posted On: Oct 1 2005 9:05pm
I am not saying that murder is not murder and assault is not assault - I am saying that he should have had one himself. That is the prime reason for carrying a pistol - when I am off-duty, I have on in my holster. Why - so if see the commission of a crime, I can immediately react rather than remain somehwat helpless. It is for self defense or the defense of others.

My point is that the man who was assault - he is a man, after all - should have fought back. Or at least been otherwise prepared.

My stance on murder - if it is over a matter of honour and both sides are equally armed - it is not murder, it is a duel.

Assault - the unwarranted attacking of an unarmed or underarmed party. If a man challanges another to a knife fight and brings a gun - it is assault. If a man stabbs/attacks a man without a weapon at all, he is cowardly and that is definitely assault.

The Scots - including the women for they are a hearty lot - are a resilient people who would never have ended their own oppression were it not for the sword. So shall they revolt so shall they live. A warrior people need not be pacified - a shame on the penning of this article and the being that wrote it. A shame or the pox of humanity for trying to stifle the ways of proud peoples the world over - Australians, new Zealanders, Germans, Aboriginies....etal
Posts: 2440
  • Posted On: Oct 1 2005 9:15pm
Honor is a pathetic word that gives people an excuse to put away their morals and stop thinking about right and wrong. As is pride.

They are useless.