Democracy works in Iraq but not in America
Posts: 2377
  • Posted On: May 26 2004 12:29am
A theocracy is an not a terrible form of government in theory, and quite a good idea for a world where states are composed uniformly of one faith. If only we lived in one.

Kas, you continue to confuse the concept of "morality" with the concept of "faith". One does not necessarily imply the other, and one does not necessarily define in a universal way the other. Believing what you desire to believe is faith. But unless you feel that every person should be forced to believe what you believe morality dictates that church be separated from the state. If you do believe that people should be forced into your religion, please put a firearm to your temple and pull the trigger.

And demanding that people of a different religion from you move from land they have as much a right to as you is an idiotic concept. (See: Israel vs. Palestine.) But that is the sort of thing fascism -- both actual and idealized -- breeds. A belief that you are entitled to make decisions for other human beings. Once again, if you believe you are entitled to do this, you are not a useful human being.
Posts: 7745
  • Posted On: May 26 2004 1:13am
If you do believe that people should be forced into your religion

No, but I believe that people who have the same thought process have a right to govern themselves in a manner that they believe is right.
Posts: 5387
  • Posted On: May 26 2004 1:14am
So you wouldn't be opposed if California suceeded from the union and became faggyland?
Posts: 7745
  • Posted On: May 26 2004 1:34am
Not at all.

... considering the rate the shoreline is eroding over there... ;)
Posts: 2377
  • Posted On: May 26 2004 1:48am
And if you believe that a totally homogenous culture (in any respect, be it religion, race, or masturbation schedule) is possible, Kas, you have ignored even the most basic teachings of history.

By your logic slavery, racism and apartheid are justifiable so long as the majority believes it to be right. Anything goes as long as a recognizable majority exists to elect it into government and enforce it. Let's not forget that Hitler was democratically elected and his eventual coup supported by the majority of Germans. (No Telan I am not picking on Germans.) I mean the Jews should have wised up and left Germany right? No wait they couldn't because they were busy being dead. Maybe just like the gays will be in the United State of God-Fearing South Carolina.

What you're saying, as far as I understand it, is that the KKK should be a legal organization in the south and cross-burnings should be regular public events. @#%$ we can make Hitler's birthday a holiday! If black people don't like it they should just leave. That is if they aren't hanging from trees by their necks outside their houses. Right? I mean they're supposed to be allowed to govern themselves however they please. So long as there's a rabble-rouser down there smart enough to stir up a predominantly white state into a racist fervor, they should be allowed to shoot whatever minority in the face they so desire and bully for them. Am I right here?
Posts: 7745
  • Posted On: May 26 2004 2:15am
Not really. Remember your argument about why the acceptance of Homosexuality would not, in the future, lead to an acceptance of Pedophilia? Same thing applies here.
Posts: 2377
  • Posted On: May 27 2004 2:42am
And yet Kas we're not reasoning using my logic, we're reasoning using your logic. That's why I used the words "by your logic".
Posts: 7745
  • Posted On: May 27 2004 3:22am
Then no, because that's not my logic, that's your satirized version of my logic.
Posts: 3599
  • Posted On: May 27 2004 7:08am
"...There are no CATS! in Ame-rica!, and the streets are paved with chee-se!..."

Posts: 79
  • Posted On: May 27 2004 11:09am
Back in your cage Fievel.