Should I destroy the Coalition?
Posts: 4025
  • Posted On: Mar 29 2007 7:32pm
I stand by the 'TNO refuses to loose' statement.

Not at all true though. I actually contacted Joren at the beginning of the war and offered to let the Galatic Coalition capture Brentaal, just to keep things interested. Although I guess that would fall under pre-arranged battles though now wouldn't it. And then Beff threatened to ban me because he thought I was baiting Joren.

So yeah, there are people on both sides of the moat willing to make something happen, but there are those people who are skeptical as hell and not willing to let something happen. And I'm not sure why that is, so I'll just blame Xilen.
Posts: 2558
  • Posted On: Mar 29 2007 7:33pm
Yeah. Blaming Xilen sounds good.
Posts: 1865
  • Posted On: Mar 29 2007 8:18pm
Staying on topic...

I'm pretty intrigued about the possibility of GC dissolving and TNO having some infighting. It's an interesting combination of events that I think would allow more freedom for a lot of RPers to work with. I pretty much agree on Vos on that topic.

On the insult on TNO writers, I think it was uncalled for. Yeah, there is some pretty competitiveness sometimes. I know I've been guilty about that at times, though I'm trying to steer away from that. There's nothing wrong with being competitive until it starts to break the community apart or damages actual good writing.
Posts: 400
  • Posted On: Mar 29 2007 9:00pm
Drayson, you speak of the integrity of TNO's members, yet you go around personally insulting everyone (Titus, Irtar) who doesn't line up to your point of view.


Ithron: I love you.

Wes: Don't get me started on Bilbringi. You just keep doing what you are doing and support your TNO homies. It's what you do best.
Posts: 551
  • Posted On: Mar 29 2007 9:10pm
I've been thinking about this for a while too.

There are a number of problems with the coalition:

1)Forms of government
I've had this discussion with Dolash a few times, he's always sort of stuck by the position of GC being the UN. I've always sort of seen it more along the lines of Switzerland. Each province has a number of powers concerning things like taxation etc. etc. but there is still a main federal government that has powers over the issues that unite it, war making, foreign affairs etc. The first model is fairly idealistic and is the way we've RPed the Coalition. The problem with the UN and the coalition is that nothing is forcing the members to follow the main line. Basically we've rped ourselves as an alliance of various factions which is great and all for multilateralism but multilateralism is bullshit. You want something done you do it yourself. TNO is a powerful team working together, ready and willing to bend you over and take you up the ass. GC is a bunch of squabbling peaceniks who aren't willing to do jack shit.

Azguard is good for GC in that it gives us a final resort,an area we don't really need to worry about protecting etc. Unfortunately with Regard aka Dolash in charge of affairs that means that a mysterious race with only a fraction of the total population is in charge of GC. A very religious race too. The empire in George Lucas' mind is basically founded on communism minus the shitty economic principles. Possibly its because 3/4 of the people who run GC are Canadian but we've RPed GC as a semi-socialist nanny state very liberal etc. That would imply seperation of church and state, however its hard to appear like a normal liberal democracy when your leader is a religious zealot.

3) The fundamental incompatibility of our goals
Most of the leaders of GC really dont want a war, we like peace and the good times etc. But the purpose of our existence is also to destroy TNO. See the problem?
Since we have a habit of starting the wars it makes it pretty difficult for us to sit there and preach about how we're the peacemakers. Sure TNO may massacre some people every once in a while, but for the most part they keep the peace. The roman empire wasnt very nice either but Pax Romana managed to rule much of the known world for generations. One example of this is Dolash's state of the coalition speech. Beautifally written, gets the fire going makes me want to grab a gun and go fuck up TNO but it was not a good strategic move in that it made us look like war mongers.

4)Our leaders.
This isn't going to be a giant bitch session on Dolash and I'm including myself in the leaders. Most of you know this but the reason GC exists is because a few years back there were basically 4 groups that were active in a military role and weren't TNO. They were the New Rebellion run by Jan, Mon Calamari Republic which at one time or another had been run by me, jan and joren and was basically run by the three of us, the Azguard Republic run by Dolash and the Outer-Rim Sovereignty run by Joren and me. On our own these were four fairly small groups but together they were decent sized. So of course we worked together, basically a continuation of the alliance we'd been running for about 4 years at that point back when me and Jan were starting before Dolash. Back then it was me with the Chimearean Syndicate, Jan/Snowkan with the Iron Fist Empire, Joren with the New Alliance and Teebo(who introduced Dolash to TRF) with Mon Calamari Republic. Anyways besides The new republic which was led by OS and Gash and Hex, the entire leadership of the lightside for the last 6ish years has consisted of me, Jan, Joren, Teebo and Dolash. And we've fucked up. A lot. Jan has his infamous snowkan incidents, I've just been fairly consistently mediocre at best, Dolash had his beginner mistakes which we all have and Joren's also had a few mistakes in there. Anyways this is a long convoluted way of saying that we basically have a rep for sucess, in fact I'm pretty sure we have a war record of something like 1-6 over 6 years. That's why I'm very glad that Corise has joined GC because he's a new step, the next generation per say who hasnt been tainted by our past mistakes.

This is a long and convoluted way of saying that personally, I think GC should be disbanded. The current model doesn't work, I feel like in our current state with out current leadership we will never be sucessfull, at best we just stay around and stay strong enough so that we can keep going without a restart. I don't want a restart at all. I haven't been pleased with the GC model ever since I've came back, I'm basically only staying with it because I feel I owe it to Dolash and Jan to give them some help. I think GC should go back to being seperate factions or something.

I also am pretty sure that I will no longer remain in GC much longer. Whether or not this means my possibly permanent this time retirement from TRF is debatable. Marth Meer will not remain a GC official for much longer nor will I start a new character with GC.

That was pretty long.
Posts: 400
  • Posted On: Mar 29 2007 9:18pm
Couldn't have said it better myself.

I think the verdict is in.
Posts: 2915
  • Posted On: Mar 29 2007 9:29pm
Wow... +5 Cool points to Mister Meer
Posts: 7745
  • Posted On: Mar 29 2007 9:50pm
I've seen a few mentions of restart or galaxy wipe... there won't be another restart. I believe I can say with a level of finality that the Staff does not believe the galaxy to be unfairly balanced in any way, nor the rules restricting someone from greatly damaging any deeply-trenched and long-standing group. All that lacks is the will and the writers.
Posts: 257
  • Posted On: Mar 29 2007 10:18pm
So basically the Coalition will disband and once again become a collection of various governments that will work in close relationship or jsut be seperate all together.
Posts: 2558
  • Posted On: Mar 29 2007 10:27pm
Kraker: Way to jump the gun. I mean really. Wow. Right impressive work in that.

TNO: Don't support Kraker so we can smack him around a bit. Come on! It'll be funny. ;)