Rob Stellar
Posts: 4195
  • Posted On: May 10 2010 7:44pm
The Reavers do not subjugate. They mainly terrorize but in much the same manner as a virus or plague or viral plague of zombies.

Just FYI.

Of course, if you wanted to create a group of Reavers that do subjugate, that is all well and good, but please write more about that than 500+ words used to glorify your R&D.
Posts: 359
  • Posted On: May 10 2010 9:17pm
The thread about the reavers is now over 6,700 words long and still not finished Omnae. I even went over some of the things with smarts and he confirmed that I could play them a bit different this time around. I'll be explaining it more as this thread and others progress.

Another thing, that thread was in no way just about my R and D, yes I used it for that purpose as well, but it was mainly created to highlight the return of my character and introduce another side to the reavers that has yet to be seen or understood. Since it was instructed that everyone can play them now, I took some liberties with them that I hoped would advance them characters in the universe and make them less static.
Posts: 5711
  • Posted On: May 10 2010 9:33pm
Rob, I know you haven't been around for a while and you were never a veteran of TRf. A word to the wise, however; Omnae doesn't usually take the time to comment on a thread unless it actually merits posting.
Posts: 359
  • Posted On: May 10 2010 10:17pm
Did i dispute anything that was said beff? I didn't. I agreed completely. Was I not supposed to reply? I don't want to be an ass, I just want to clear things up and state my position on the issue.
Posts: 5387
  • Posted On: May 10 2010 10:21pm
The thing is, Smarts didn't create the Reavers. He's the wrong person to ask if you want to change the way they behave.
Posts: 359
  • Posted On: May 10 2010 10:24pm
Well there wasn't really anything that had rules about them not being able to change and it was clearly stated they are npc now. If I'm supposed to change them at all, that's fine. I can start rping them differently, but I think a discussion on them would be nice to have as to what we can and can't do about them/with them.
Posts: 602
  • Posted On: May 10 2010 10:28pm
It's perfectly fine to change the Reavers, per Omnae's comment to me when I wanted to RP against them as Jaeriel. Just make sure you put the work in.
Posts: 359
  • Posted On: May 10 2010 10:43pm
That's completely fine and understandable, but that thread isn't complete yet.
Posts: 837
  • Posted On: May 10 2010 11:13pm
First off: I do hereby declare that people are no longer allowed to cite offhand conversations with me as legitimate justifications for whatever schemes they may be cooking up (and that's not just for Rob; you know who you are :glance ).

Second: some superfluous and excessive reiteration of "First"

Third: word count is not explicitly synonymous with "effort"

Fourth: Why am I enumerating these?

Five: ignoring the format shift, what Ahnk said, which may simply be further reiteration of First

Also: since there's no record of the conversation (which I only vaguely recollect) in which we discussed the Reavers, it doesn't really count anyway, or something.

Too: "different" and "totally at odds with their nature and historical presence at TRF" are not at all synonymous. That's not necessarily what's going on here, but keep it in mind.
Posts: 4195
  • Posted On: May 11 2010 12:44am
The thread about the reavers is now over 6,700 words long and still not finished Omnae. I even went over some of the things with smarts and he confirmed that I could play them a bit different this time around. I'll be explaining it more as this thread and others progress.

I did not take a word count which is why I said 500+ (the "plus" taking in all the other words over 500)... ok.. .that was a bit dick-ish. Wasn't meant to be but there you go.

Another thing, that thread was in no way just about my R and D, yes I used it for that purpose as well, but it was mainly created to highlight the return of my character and introduce another side to the reavers that has yet to be seen or understood.

That's all well and good too. I just seemed to note that you were focusing more on the return of your character, R&D(s) - plural, and probably a planet-grab with the other "side to the reavers" being merely window dressing.

Since it was instructed that everyone can play them now, I took some liberties with them that I hoped would advance them characters in the universe and make them less static.

Yes, everyone can play them. That is entirely correct. That is why abilities of varying degrees are shown to different groups of Reavers interacting with different people at different times. It is inevitable that the more they spread, the different (from each other) they will become.

I apologize if you felt that your intentions of advancing them as characters in the universe to make them less static were not being appreciated. Quite the contrary.

I shall eagerly await your next installments since Smarts told me they were coming. At least, the last time we spoke.
