Manifest Error
Posts: 699
  • Posted On: Aug 11 2004 7:23pm
If TNO kept a simple manifest, it be easier to figure out, I'm sure.
Posts: 151
  • Posted On: Aug 11 2004 8:10pm
I'm now legal.

It was a very painful process.
Posts: 219
  • Posted On: Aug 11 2004 8:44pm
I'm not surprised this happened.

The rule is too short be rememberable and when you throw in a table with all the information about planetary defenses with build time, how do you expect people to think about meterage? Putting the meters would be more logical than the build time that way people would have to do the math rather than go, "Oh it'll take 15 days."
Posts: 2462
  • Posted On: Aug 12 2004 3:52am
Has anyone else seen this?

All space planetary defense stations (NOT THE DEVICES IN THE CHART BELOW) are built in shipyards and count toward the meters/planet allotment.

Bolding mine, CAPS not. That's a contradiction in the rules right there, for starters. The "Planetary Defences" category also lists only the chart, no meters (though it does say it counts, it does not describe how).

Groups may possess 15,000 meters of vessels per planet they own. This is called Maintenance, and includes starfighters.

No mention of planetary defences our ground forces.

Hell, even Theren Gevel, who wrote these rules, didn't include his defences in his meterage. I know - I'm in his group!
Posts: 2915
  • Posted On: Aug 12 2004 4:16am

If a bunch of us groups scrapped a ton of our crap on a mistake, imma call for a fleet restart...

I swears it... ^_^
Posts: 2462
  • Posted On: Aug 12 2004 4:18am
I don't think ANYONE should be scrapping ANYTHING. I think the staff should be owning up to THEIR mistake and giving all groups a generous grace period before scrapping commences. With the planet takeover rule, a month would not be out of line before manifests are examined and penalties are issued.

This has just some up today? IMO, NO scrapping should be done today.
Posts: 5387
  • Posted On: Aug 12 2004 4:20am
No, Isstal, the part you quoted is so that people aren't building Gencores in shipyards. It makes sure that people know that if it's in space, it's built in space. If it goes on the ground, it's buiilt on the ground. That's all, really.

And I dunno about Gash not counting them. But that seems odd to me, since he made the new system for a reason.

Edit: Oh, you guys have a grace period. But there's no reason to ignore it today... might as well get started.
Posts: 2462
  • Posted On: Aug 12 2004 4:28am
Maybe that's what it's intended to do, but if you just read it, it says both those things. The rules don't contain any instructions as to the mantinence defences take - and clearly nobody was aware that they did require meterage. And how, exactly, are we to tell how much? Shipyards build at 100 meters/day. Construction yards have an entirely different system - 200 meters/day for some things, 600 meters/day for others, and set numbers of days for more.

Simply put, the rules are not clear enough, and that is the staff's fault. The writers', yes, but the staff's too. And I am not "ignoring" the grace period (plans are already in motion to bring our mantience up to spec), I am simply saying that because this is the staff's fault more than anyone elses, a VERY generous grace period is in order. People should, imo, have the right to simply claim existing defences as exempt from this rule, but that's not realistic. So they should be given adequete time to repair the problem however they see fit - whether by scrapping or taking planets. To me, because of the numbers some groups now bust by, that means a month.
Posts: 5387
  • Posted On: Aug 12 2004 4:35am
You're right that it's not easy to calculate the meterage, which is why we did it for you.

You're wrong that it's the staff's fault. If you don't know how much something counted against your meterage, you should have asked. I'm thinking most people simply glossed over that rule. It's not a problem because it's been found and is being corrected, but the blame is mutual across the board.

And I'm not implying that you are ignoring this problem, just saying that noone should.
Posts: 2462
  • Posted On: Aug 12 2004 4:44am
I never noticed that rule, myself, which as I think Dogman said is easy to do. The description of mantinence only mentions space-faring vessels, those built in shipyards, so I (obviously) wrongly assumed that it was only things built in shipyards (or space stations built in CYs) that counted...