In the Hands of the Gods OOC #6
Posts: 1621
  • Posted On: Dec 11 2003 3:53am
You have moved? You are in range????
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: Dec 11 2003 3:55am
Posts: 224
  • Posted On: Dec 11 2003 4:46am
I'm amazed that a ship completely without power is able to be controlled by a single droid with a shitty computer?

The reason i have engineers running around is because only the lighting and the life support systems are currently running. The ships reactor has been disabled. You have issues with my post because i'm ignoring the sections of yours that couldn't possibly work.
Posts: 1621
  • Posted On: Dec 11 2003 4:53am
oi - - and hi Dak. You should im me one of these days....
  • Posted On: Dec 11 2003 6:52am
"Swinging the heavy compressed gas cylinder from his back, Lupercus quickly attached it to the life support systems. They were still offline as the ship still came to terms with its impotence, allowing Lupercus to attach the cylinder without any fuss or mess. Within moments the life support systems of the Yunos were back in operation. Then again, that was about it as the ship drifted, immediately breaking its charge formation in front of the GC fleet to begin to drift as its trajectory took it above the planet."

Your own post Lup.

The main ship is off line. No engine power. No docking shields. No atmospheric shields. No weapons.

But there does appear to be a back up supply of power somewhere. Or else the life support would not have been opperating to circulate your gas throughout the ship with it's system down. The diffussion process would not have been nearly as efficient.

"Download the ships schematics. I want to know this ship down to the last nut. And find out if there is a secondary bridge we can operate from. Otherwise we'll have to establish a command post somewhere."

The ships computer system still works as well or you would not have ordered a download from a computer that had no power.

All emergency systems that run on back up power supplies as defined below.

Main computer to run back up systems such as Life support, emergency systems involving atmospheric and weapons damage containment such as the blast doors, lighting, computer systems to restart downed systems. Escape pod control. All are on line with some power source.

Positronic droids are as advanced as IG-88, who was advanced enough to control a deathstar's systems.

So my droid is more then capable when using IG-88's actions as an example.

By your logic we could have ignored the fact that you gased the entire crew becuase your ion blast should have left all systems without power there would have been no power to circulate the gas quickly enough to get the entire crew before it was noticed. So how about we just add several thousand Azgard to the land of the living. If you do so choose to ignore me?

All right then.


I have a small army of pissed off azgard at my disposal on the ship now that I can ignore what you did completely becuase it was illogical and contradictive to what you are saying now.
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: Dec 11 2003 11:08pm
Sweeeeet, Azguards.
Posts: 2377
  • Posted On: Dec 11 2003 11:10pm
Vonta calling someone else illogical.

Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: Dec 12 2003 12:11am
That is so cool.
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: Dec 12 2003 2:10am
Oh, and the thread can progress.

The issue on the Yunos and Viscounts will have little effect on the battle.
  • Posted On: Dec 12 2003 7:49am
I await either a change in the post in question or a staff ruling on the matter what ever comes first.