In the Hands of the Gods OOC #5
Posts: 1381
  • Posted On: Oct 28 2003 8:00am
That popcorn looks kind of BURNED Lup...
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: Oct 28 2003 2:57pm
That's it Lup, I'm warning you, Vontra may make mistakes sometimes, even often, but I will not stand by and listen to you have another round of swearing and utter stupidity and whining. "You can't do this dipshit" "You can't do that because you suck" Just be polite or for gawd's sake shut up. Alright? A little civility, no matter how annoyed you are works wonders, so why don't you try that out for a change? Have you seen any of us getting angry with you? No. (Well, maybe Jan but he's gone now) So you can just adjust your temperment to that of the rest of us or shove off.
Posts: 1549
  • Posted On: Oct 28 2003 5:34pm
My verbal assault as it were was directed against Vontra simply because it made a smarmy attempt to discredit me, basing her posts failings on my post.

If you can't take swear words as accentuation and handle them adultly, don't read my posts. Or grow up even.

"You can't do this dipshit" "You can't do that because you suck"

I never said that. If you actually take the care to read my post, you'll find the only insults are insinuated, based on Vontras misinterpretations of rules, as well as both your and my IC posts. Vontra can't do these things because Vontra can't in fact do these things.

You'd be frustrated too if your opponent recieved numerous chances, despite flagrant rule violations and generally poor play. The only utter stupidity displayed has been from your corner, and is being reflected entirely in your posts. I have never whined. If i whined, i would have had nothing to back up my words. Instead, i do, and as such its more a forced staff realligning that me whining.

"Just be polite or for gawd's sake shut up.", "utter stupidity and whining"

Is this the politeness level i'm expected to maintain? Oh the hypocracy.

Well, fine, i'll just buy into your stereotype of me.

Go @#%$ yourself.
  • Posted On: Oct 28 2003 5:35pm

Ah but there are some NPC crew left.

"Seeing as how the Azguards were a minority on their own ship (This was, by military standards and organization, a Mon Cal commanded vessel, and thus had a mostly Mon-Cal crew) and seeing as how the rest of the crew had left on pods, there were plenty of respirators to go around."

Minority defined as lesser part. From the word minor to mean less then half. A miscalculation. I should have said 4/7 of the azguard crew were working to revive the ship. There are enough azguard for that then.

Many of them were also in hard vacuum suits making repairs manually and setting things like the cluster traps.

6) Like I said most of the command staff is indeed dead.

7) the crew had been working on it in the last posts where they had time too do so. They can and it is plausible.

Time to gather people from around the ship? Implausible but not impossible so you cannot say that I cannot.

I am empowered to work with the fleet or aspects of it. So I can in fact command aspects of this fleet Lup. Especially if they are near by. Dolash set his ships but did not mention the Nubulans. So If I Rped them out taking cover away from the main fleet that it is logical to do so.

Unless Dolash shows that I cannot guide a few ships then I am not seeing a problem here. I am working with the GC for a job so for the purposes of this RP I am GC and can direct aspects of the fleet that are near by.


You have been selective in the damages that you except lup. There are lots of percentages and weapons damages that I could add in but you seem to ignore them readily. There are many ships without shields the Nubulans were not amoung them.

You can claim that 'confused melee' was mismanagment. But the fact remains that these were fighter craft and they were independent from their ships. You choose to RP them as turning into confused pilots when something went wrong so I did the same. Those same fighters could very well have been alert and have avoided alot of destruction but you choose to Rp it other wise as I did.

(Cluster Trap
designed by the New Republic, a cluster trap is a nondescript blister on the hull of a capital ship. Hidden inside the blister are any number of high-powered concussion grenades. When starfighters are close enough, the capital ship's weapons crew can activate the cluster trap, sending the grenades spewing into space. If done right, the grenades explode in the midst of the starfighters. (DFRSB))

From the unofficial star wars encyclopedia. They are perfectly canon.

As for your post lup.

1-has time to set up traps near life support (Far from the Shroud) for the Azguard coming to fight him.

Also, realise it took me 2-3 posts to actually reach life support.

And you got back to your ship in one post.

Moments later they were back at the enterence at which they had waited.

5-has a boarding party of soilders and engineers enter the ship

"The engineers and marines have arrived, and the Cenobites have cleared the ship. Lets go again!"

This is from your last post. Your engineers only arrived last post not at the same time as you landed your boarding party or gased the ship.

6- evacuates his boarding party from the yonos without any further confrontation from surviving crew.

'Actually, i'm not even off the ship yet. Am just about to leave.'

If you are on the ship then why did you post as follows.

Boarding the shroud, Lupercus and Silus could already see a large number of Imperial troops flooding into the Hangar bay, securing the ship once and for all. And as it took off, ready to deliever the Sith Lord and his apprentice to another ship, Lupercus knew the battle had turned completely against the GC.

According to the emboldened section you have already left.

7) races back to the shroud that he came in with his partner sith, from ones side of the ship to the other on a ship that is 5 thousand meters long and has lots and lots of levels to go through.

If it takes you three posts to get to life support how do you get back in one post? And you used force speed to get there in the first place. It takes even a fast speeder minutes to get from point a to be that is several thosand or meters away. And it does not have to contend with corridors and the kind. I say that that is as unresonible to get from Point A-B that quickly on foot when it took you such a long time to get there in the first place.

9- Depressurizes his ship so that it can detatch from the hull.
10- flies far enough away from the Yonos to see more boarding partys.
11- heads for another ship.

Boarding the shroud, Lupercus and Silus could already see a large number of Imperial troops flooding into the Hangar bay, securing the ship once and for all. And as it took off, ready to deliever the Sith Lord and his apprentice to another ship, Lupercus knew the battle had turned completely against the GC.

NPCs, Do I have them. The minority of the crew but use them I did.

Three times you say that you are about to leave and yet your own post contradicts you on three of your counter points. There is validity to my own arguments. You made an overly protracted post, in reality you should have given Dolash more of a chance to Reply but you did not.

The fact remains that both of us have actions that seem confused. This is why Kas is looking into this.

Now, Dolash does have a point. This is a game so do please try to be civil.
Posts: 733
  • Posted On: Oct 29 2003 6:23pm
Yes, Silus is a Sith Apprentice, not a knight, yet.
Posts: 1549
  • Posted On: Oct 30 2003 6:02am
"Seeing as how the Azguards were a minority on their own ship (This was, by military standards and organization, a Mon Cal commanded vessel, and thus had a mostly Mon-Cal crew) and seeing as how the rest of the crew had left on pods, there were plenty of respirators to go around."

Minority defined as lesser part. From the word minor to mean less then half. A miscalculation. I should have said 4/7 of the azguard crew were working to revive the ship. There are enough azguard for that then.

Many of them were also in hard vacuum suits making repairs manually and setting things like the cluster traps.

You fail to understand something Vonta. Any and all Azguard on the ship attacked me and Silus in the reactor room. All are now dead. Now i really can't make this any clearer to you.


6) Like I said most of the command staff is indeed dead.

7) the crew had been working on it in the last posts where they had time too do so. They can and it is plausible.

Both me AND Dolashs posts have stated that all the crew are fighting me in the room. Thats it. They've all died, meaning there are no @#%$ crew. You wonder why i'm getting frustrated? You aren't listening. I feel like you're taking crazy pills.

[/quote]Time to gather people from around the ship? Implausible but not impossible so you cannot say that I cannot.[/quote]

I'm getting sick of this. Fine, hows about i just reach through the computer and hit you upside the head with a 3 iron?

Quantum Mechanics states that a wormhole could open in front of my computer, allowing me to do so. Does that mean its plausable? No. Don't play that card again.


I am empowered to work with the fleet or aspects of it. So I can in fact command aspects of this fleet Lup. Especially if they are near by. Dolash set his ships but did not mention the Nubulans. So If I Rped them out taking cover away from the main fleet that it is logical to do so.

Unless Dolash shows that I cannot guide a few ships then I am not seeing a problem here. I am working with the GC for a job so for the purposes of this RP I am GC and can direct aspects of the fleet that are near by.

Even were this true (which for the sakes of this RP its not, Dolash has been given explicit command of Jans forces, not you), realism states its impossibility. You GC guys really have trouble grasping this principle.

You have been selective in the damages that you except lup. There are lots of percentages and weapons damages that I could add in but you seem to ignore them readily. There are many ships without shields the Nubulans were not amoung them.

You've been extremely selective in your reading Vontra. Firstly, i ignore anything that isn't plausable. As such, you're right, i've pretty much ignored everything you and Jan have posted. And thats your fault, not mine.

The Nebulons have lost all their shields. It was posted as a damage assessment, and was not contested. As such, it stands.

You can claim that 'confused melee' was mismanagment. But the fact remains that these were fighter craft and they were independent from their ships.

Read the post, its his entire fleet, not his fighter craft, which at this point he has none of.

Fine, you think this is just some asinine claim of mine about his mismanagement? Fine, i request every credible fleeter in TRF to post here and state their opinions of the results of Dolashs actions.

I think you'll find that you recieve a swift kick up the behind.

(Cluster Trap
designed by the New Republic, a cluster trap is a nondescript blister on the hull of a capital ship. Hidden inside the blister are any number of high-powered concussion grenades. When starfighters are close enough, the capital ship's weapons crew can activate the cluster trap, sending the grenades spewing into space. If done right, the grenades explode in the midst of the starfighters. (DFRSB))

From the unofficial star wars encyclopedia. They are perfectly canon.

WTF? Was there a point to this, or are you merely senselessly fleshing out your post?

And you got back to your ship in one post.

Moments later they were back at the enterence at which they had waited.

Mainly because by this point we had no need to move with relative stealth or caution, since everyone was dead, whereas before we did.

This is from your last post. Your engineers only arrived last post not at the same time as you landed your boarding party or gased the ship.

Hence why they are only in the Hangar bay and just moving to the rest of the ship.

According to the emboldened section you have already left.

My bad, although simply because the Shroud as taken off does not automatically assume it has left.

7) races back to the shroud that he came in with his partner sith, from ones side of the ship to the other on a ship that is 5 thousand meters long and has lots and lots of levels to go through.

If it takes you three posts to get to life support how do you get back in one post? And you used force speed to get there in the first place. It takes even a fast speeder minutes to get from point a to be that is several thosand or meters away. And it does not have to contend with corridors and the kind

Do i hear a broken record? I think so.

I say that that is as unresonible to get from Point A-B that quickly on foot when it took you such a long time to get there in the first place.

I could say alot of things as well Vontra. For the sake of Dolashs ears, i'll abstain.

There is validity to my own arguments.

Posts from your own allies contradict your post. The only thing i have said incorrectly is that i hadn't left, and that was a slip of memory.

The reason Kas is looking at your post is because i asked him too, based on the incredulousness of your actions.

I am in no way confused about my actions Vontra. There is no ifs or buts to that.
Posts: 2915
  • Posted On: Oct 30 2003 6:08am
4/7 is a majority....
Posts: 1381
  • Posted On: Oct 30 2003 6:22am
You made an overly protracted post, in reality you should have given Dolash more of a chance to Reply but you did not.

Dolash has been given every oppertunity to react and reply. You'll notice we're not enforcing the 72 hour rule in this thread -- if we were, the GC would have been dead long ago.

Not to mean any disrespect to Dolash, because I full well understand the difficulties of fighting an IC war on to many fronts on your own, but if he doesn't respond to something, that's not our problem.

And we're fully entitled to take advantadge of that failure in our posts. So don't blame us for Dolash's actions -- or failure to act.

And Vonta? Having fought more than one war single-handidly, it is my honest opinion that you are not helping anyone. You've raised more OOC @#%$ since you arrived in the thread than anyone else. You're making this harder on everyone, the GC included.
  • Posted On: Oct 30 2003 6:37am
No where does it say that all the azguard attacked you. In any case how can they be attacking you if you are already leaving on the shroud that has left the ship.

So you cannot be fighting the Azguard after your post. So you contradict your self by saying that you are fighting azguard.

I was tired when I wrote that.


Total yonos crew is 58,962

4/9 would be 26,204 azguard as a minority. It takes only 19,754 to run it on a skeleton crew. So I have enough crew to run the ship.

They had plenty of Gas masks.

Did you kill 26 thousand azguard then?

It was not stated that all of the Azguard were killed only some of the forces that were facing you. They were RPed to have Breathers so they are alive.

Unless stated other wise it is not your place to state what forces I cannot use. Especially sense I just came into command of a command ship. That gives me some leway to lead some forces.

You use the impluasible card all of the time Lup. So do not be a hypocrite and pretend that you do not. It is only wrong when you are not the one that is recieving. It is implausible that you make it back to your ship in one post but you still manage it.

There are NPC azguard alive. Unless you kill ever last azguard by your own hand. And you only kill less then a hundered IC. Nothing in the thousands. And again. Dolash reported them to have survived the gas with breathers.

Now consider this. Kas is looking into this he has the final say so how about we stop arguing and wait for him to actually figure this out..
Posts: 1381
  • Posted On: Oct 30 2003 6:55am
Vonta, are you on crack?

Seeing as how the Azguards were a minority on their own ship (This was, by military standards and organization, a Mon Cal commanded vessel, and thus had a mostly Mon-Cal crew) and seeing as how the rest of the crew had left on pods, there were plenty of respirators to go around.

Now, it is clearly implied in this passage that the only remaining crew are those who attacked Lupercus. And those Azguards were killed, by Lupercus and Silius.

So, there are no @#%$ crew members left.