Force Council Request - Nightsisters
Posts: 3599
  • Posted On: May 18 2007 5:37pm
I was just about to say that!


Nifty list...
Posts: 4
  • Posted On: May 18 2007 6:56pm
That doesn't even make any sense, a semi truck is far less threatening than a giant metal robot....
Posts: 2440
  • Posted On: May 18 2007 7:04pm
Posts: 1584
  • Posted On: May 18 2007 9:09pm
oops, wrong sn.

Zombie Irtar, eh? I guess now you can compete with undead Leia at last! :p

Anyways have you decided to use this list as more of a guide, or are you still going with the invoking specific spells thing where you can't use spells above your rank?

It's not about being wordy or poetic or flashy or anything. It's just about explaining what you are doing... from what I have seen and what you have described to me, the Nightsisters seem to strictly adhere to that spell list and use all spells by name without much embellishment. If Nightsisters have to call upon specific spells to access their powers, that is fine... I think it enhances the sort of witch/sorceress quality they seem to have. But as a common courtesy, what a spell does and how it is invoked should be explained each time it is used rather than acknowledging "well you aren't a Nightsister so of course you don't know... go look it up."
Posts: 347
  • Posted On: May 18 2007 10:04pm
Not preachy at all Zark... ;)

Yeah, sticking with the spell idea with detailed explanations will make a better read and story. As noted, it adds to the witch/sorceress quality.
Posts: 82
  • Posted On: May 20 2007 7:55pm
I for one kind of assumed that to be a given anyway, Zark. The spell names are to be used largely as references or verbal commands IC, with accompanying third-person descriptions being mandatory, of course. I didn't think it was necessary to state that aspect of things specifically because it seemed rather obvious to me, but eh, no harm in clarifying I suppose.
Posts: 82
  • Posted On: May 20 2007 8:13pm
Also, as for the Knight-level abilities being a bit much ... I disagree. Firstly, they were compared to corresponding ranks and powers for other Force groups prior to the group's formation and were approved by the Force Council accordingly. Secondly, it's not as though anyone expects to be promoted from Learner to Warrior and immediately endowed with some miraculous new skill without the requisite training or IC evidence to back it up. Characters generally remain in the Knight phase for a period of a few years or more, and it's natural to assume that during that time they may pick up on more experienced tactics such as Force Lightning or whatnot. The transition from one rank to another is supposed to be gradual and consistent, and I'd expect a disciple to have mastered Force Lighting (again, for example) when she has reached the end of her training as a Knight and nearing her ascension towards the level of a Master. A newly promoted Knight won't necessarily possess the same abilities as her more seasoned counterparts.

In short, no one's going to (dare) try and perform anything too fancy unless and until she has proved her character's prowess IC, and consequently earned an appropriate degree of merit for it. So yeah.
Posts: 2440
  • Posted On: May 21 2007 12:07am
For clarification, my response was triggered by Ishara saying:

but writing some of them being used does become a bit tedious so if we can leave that part out, I'd be open to it.

It wasn't completely unwarranted. :) But yeah, just clarifying.
Posts: 1584
  • Posted On: May 21 2007 12:25am
The spell names are to be used largely as references or verbal commands IC, with accompanying third-person descriptions being mandatory, of course. I didn't think it was necessary to state that aspect of things specifically because it seemed rather obvious to me, but eh, no harm in clarifying I suppose.
It was not obvious to me at all without having to ask about it here to have it confirmed, I'm sure it would be appreciated if it was officially stated somewhere.

Also, as for the Knight-level abilities being a bit much ... I disagree.
Nobody said they were.

In response to a query about Knight promotions I suggested that while training threads are not required, the Nightsisters (and everyone else too) should consider doing a small RP describing specific points of their character's training to show how the Faction does what it does and why. Also to establish how that character interprets it... I read some very interesting content in Dark Sun Rising, but I kind of feel as if this wasn't really touched on. As I mentioned to Ishara, I am interested to know why the Nightsisters vocalize spells, how that enables them to manipulate the force... and based on the original spell list they seem to have a marked focus towards elemental talents as opposed to more physical things like telekinesis? If so, they could achieve things like force lightning faster than regular Sith and Jedi (in my knowledge FL has traditionally been a Master level skill that is never used indiscriminately), but probably at the expense of physical toughness like lightsaber combat. I asked a while back why telekinesis related skills were so high up on the list (I was the one who suggested moving them down since they are beginner skills for everyone else), after hearing some having frustration with having limited abilities to work with. But I can see why that genre of abilities would be so high up if the Nightsisters were a breed of spellcaster. And what really interests me... I want to know if a Nightsister loses her abilities which require vocalized spells when she loses her ability to speak. If you distract a Jedi they lose effectiveness, if you take their mind you take their power. Just how important is this vocalized spell thing? :p

In short, no one's going to (dare) try and perform anything too fancy unless and until she has proved her character's prowess IC, and consequently earned an appropriate degree of merit for it.
I wouldn't quite say that, we've had some... interesting Force personalities over the years. *Shrug* If they do and someone has something to say about it, I am sure the FC will react accordingly.

Anyways if this list is just for the Nightsisters to keep track of their spells since they have to utilize fancy names and all that, I don't see any real reason for the FC to have to officially approve it... Sorry if I'm turning this into a big Nightsister discussion or you think I am criticizing, but I am truly curious about this group... there is the potential for you guys to operate on a completely different level than other Force users, and I wonder what effects it would have on them?
Posts: 5711
  • Posted On: May 21 2007 12:58am
You mean it's not like a Video Game where you get XP, you get levels, you get new powers?
