Racial Riots
  • Posted On: Oct 14 2003 3:03am
Should I feel honoured?

Early today, I recieved a message addressed to me from none other than D. Kil, the very same man to whom I made great mention of in my recent article about the holonet.

The author admits that his true name is not D. Kil (which I knew already, but that is not the issue at hand). He also says that "even a neutral reporter will speak out against great injustice".

But he fails to realize the point! A reporter who speaks out, either way, is not neutral! And D. Kil repeatedly shows his bias with quotes like this:

When will these mindless attacks by the Coalition cease?

The coalition may attempt to cover up or bury it all they wish.

...a government who brainwashes it's citizens...

...the propaganda machine which is the Coalition.

...a dictating regime of facists.

You that back the coalition insist upon turning the finger to the New Order simply because you cannot handle the heat of the truth.

I find that last quote particularly ammusing, since D. Kil manages to both show his preference to the New Order (defending it at the same time that he slanders the Coalition), and imply that I myself am working for that very Coalition.

If I didn't know that D. Kil was working for the Empire, I might have actually bothered to be moved by that. But then, baseless accusations have never been my type.

This is also of much interest to me:

Indeed my name is not D. Kil, however I will freely admit such. I do not need the people I live near or govern influencing my reporting in any way.

Who are you then, D. Kil? You are obviously not a member of the Galactic Coalition, and you equally cannot belong to any of the other fringe-groups (for example, the Anthos Republic or the Vinda-Corporation) which have remained entirely neutral in their actions and voices since this combat began.

And who, pray tell, does that leave but the Empire?

I have said nothing for or against the New Order yet you assume to know my stance on them.

No, Mr. Kil. You have said enough for the Empire. Reporting against the Coalition in such a way instantly puts the Empire in a better light, whether you mean to or not (and, as I've said, I'm sure that it your intention).

In fact, many of you have assumed much. I reported on one event and the people behind that event. What does that have to do with the New Order? Nothing. You that back the coalition insist upon turning the finger to the New Order simply because you cannot handle the heat of the truth. If you wish to report on events reguarding the New Order, do it. However, the New Order had no bearing on this particular event.

It has nothing to do with the New Order? But Mr. Kil, the Coalition is at war with the Empire! Anything that effects the Coalition, then, also effects the Empire.

And if this has nothing to do with the Empire, why did you write me a paragraph on how it has nothing to do with them?

Allow me to ask one last question of D. Kil. If these Racial Riots were as big as you claim, why is yours the only story relating to them?

I'm sure this is the sort of thing that would easily get out. Look at the public demonstrations on Abregado-rae that have led to that world's rejection of the Coalition government. They've been all over the newsgrids.

Why do these riots gain attention only from an "independent" reporter?
Posts: 380
  • Posted On: Oct 16 2003 12:06am
My good sir,

Why was I the only one to report such an event? I would not know. I happen to be there and relayed the facts to the galaxy. Perhaps others found themselves to scared or greedy to do the same. Perhaps they were threatened or paid by the very government I spoke out against to keep their mouths shut.

In all truth, I can not tell you why others didn't come forward. All I can tell you is what happened. Choose to believe what you wish, after all that is your right. However, do not accuse me of being biased on this matter. I, as a reporter, do not stand on any side of this war. I do, however, stand on a side of this event.

The side of those who died.

I do not accuse all of the coalition of such acts, but I do accuse those who I have witnessed first hand being a party to them. I do point the finger and place the blame of the deaths of many innocent Rodians squarly upon their heads. I will not go silently into the night. I will stand up and be the voice of those who no longer have one.

You do as you wish. Choose whatever side you want. Believe whatever it is you wish to believe. I will speak for the dead who cannot speak for themselves.

D. Kil
Posts: 314
  • Posted On: Oct 16 2003 1:06am
I am writing in response to an article I read a while ago. It was written by someone named D.Kil. It was an article that very specifically talked about brutal attacks made by the Galactic Coalition against members of Rodian society. I read am disturbed by the nature of the reports made by the 'D. Kil'. As Veila stated, the man claims to be a neutral reporter, but his opinions indeed reflect that of GC enemies. His opinions, and views are almost the same with the Empire. And I wonder if this man is receiving Imperial funding. But that is merely my opinion. As a former Imperial officer I do know that the Empire is not above doing such things.the response by the Rodian Grand Protector and the subsequent replies by the noted anchor Ayddar Veila.

Dispite some minor amusement I got out of this whole thing, I

I also wonder why anyone beleives this D. Kil person. By his own admission 'D. Kil' is not even his own name.

Indeed my name is not D. Kil...

So why should anyone beleive this man, a lone reporter, who has not even given his real name, over the Rodian Grand Protector himself? It is simple logic.

Reporters do have the right to say what they want, but they are known to step over the line. Mr. D. Kil, please report on something that actually happened, and people care about. Your article has been both annoying and poorly written. Again, do yourself a favor and take some lessons from Mr. Veila, you could learn a few things.

- Joren Logan, retired Imperial Admiral.
  • Posted On: Oct 16 2003 1:49am
From the Desk of A. Veila

Evidently, the phrase "let sleeping dogs lie" is not one that D. Kil has heard. Or, at any rate, bothers to pay any attention to. I recieved this morning another letter from the reporter, and have decided to take the time out my day to draft a response.

To Mr. Kil's first question, "Why was I the only one to report such an event?", I have only what ammounts to a guess. This is my answer, Mr. Kil: because the event never happened.

I will not attempt to confirm or deny the story, but it must be recognized that all the evidence seems to stack up against the author.

Mr. Kil seems also to be in the habit of ammusing me, for in each of his letters or reports I find something quite funny.
Today, it is this:

However, do not accuse me of being biased on this matter. I, as a reporter, do not stand on any side of this war.

The biases of this D. Kil have already be pointed out, but I thought I would add one more to this ever-growing list. A sort of double whammy, if you will;

Perhaps they were threatened or paid by the very government I spoke out against to keep their mouths shut.

Mr. Kil! If you speak out against a government, as you have here stated you do, then you obviously are biased! And your accusation that the Coalition would bribe or threaten others to keep silent only proves beyond a doubt this fact.

I do not have the time, nor the effort, to respond to your further claims or neutrality or attempts to clear your name. You are an enemy of the Coalition, plain and simple.

In writing this, I also stumbled upon an article written by the recognized military tactician and former leader of the New Alliance, Joren Logan.

Mr. Logan covers mostly the same points I have myself, and even makes mention of my responses to Kil.

Logan does a remarkable job of remaining neutral thoughout his piece, despite his known ties to and sympathy for the Rebels. One thing did attract my attention, however:

As a former Imperial officer I do know that the Empire is not above doing such things.

Perhaps my information is incomplete, but I see no mention in the Imperial Databanks of an Admiral Joren Logan, nor any member of the Empire bearing that name.

And it was my belief that Logan was a long-standing enemy of the Empire. A strange choice to bring on as an Admiral, or a strange claim for an old man to make?
Posts: 380
  • Posted On: Oct 16 2003 2:14am
*** A private message sent to Mr. Veila ***

Mr. Veila,

It is with much amusement I address you today. My sympathies in this war are easy enough to assertain. Not only am I firmly planted on a side of this war but I serve it with honor and pride. This little.. farce, if we want to call it that, has been nothing more than a galactic experiment. A test to the people of the galaxy, a test which went exactly as planned.

The more that the Coalition denied my, completely unfounded and very poorly written, attacks the more people believed them. It is quite humorous that so many galactic citizens would, indeed, fall for such a poor attempt at blatent propaganda. Many of the things I said were true, however.

My name is not D. Kil and I did sponsor this massive experiment with my own funds. However, the story itself, as you and the few others with half a brain might have guessed, is competely falsified. Just goes to show you exactly what it takes to rule a galaxy, doesn't it?

In closing I hope you and whoever you decide to share this with are as amused as I know I am.


D. Kil