Articles of Rogue Imperial Cease-Fire
Posts: 118
  • Posted On: Aug 16 2002 12:42pm
How in God's name would you know? This coming from someone who's allegience pends on who gives him Sluis Van.
  • Posted On: Aug 16 2002 5:14pm
Uh-huh. Chadd, I haven't spoken to you since before you attacked Fondor. And as far as I know, none of my members have spoken to you either... save for Darksword, who is not part of the group proper.

Don't try and tell me where my allegiances lay.
  • Posted On: Aug 19 2002 3:52am
<!--EZCODE QUOTE START--><blockquote>Quote:<hr>
How in God's name would you know? This coming from someone who's allegience pends on who gives him Sluis Van.
<hr></blockquote><!--EZCODE QUOTE END-->

Even <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> if<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> that statement had anything to do with the situation, which is does not, it would still be a lie.

My allegiance does not pend on 'who gives me Sluis Van'. Sure, I've made no secret of the fact that I want it, but it doesn't affect who my allies are.

Maybe you're to stupid to have noticed (maybe? no, definately), but the New Order, who I support fully, are <!--EZCODE BOLD START--> not<!--EZCODE BOLD END-->, as far as I know, handing Sluis Van to me, and I'm fine with that.

Furthermore, you have not spoken with anyone with the authority to negotiate on my part, and you have no idea what I want or how I would go about getting it.

My allegiance does not depend on who gives me Sluis Van - GDI does what is best for the galaxy, and if we gain from the process, great. If not, at least you're dead.

Listen closely to this: GDI does <!--EZCODE BOLD START--> not<!--EZCODE BOLD END--> negotiate with terrorists.

Keep Sluis Van. Keep all your worlds. You'll lose them anyway, and it'll be worse on you.
Posts: 141
  • Posted On: Aug 19 2002 1:43pm
<!--EZCODE QUOTE START--><blockquote>Quote:<hr> Keep Sluis Van. Keep all your worlds. You'll lose them anyway, and it'll be worse on you. <hr></blockquote><!--EZCODE QUOTE END-->

Enshallah to that. Dang straight.
Posts: 2788
  • Posted On: Aug 19 2002 11:31pm
Oh, and by the way, your 3 days are long up.

I hope you are content with your decision.

Now its time to take your ass to China Town, punk.
Posts: 141
  • Posted On: Aug 20 2002 2:59am
he's been temp banned for a week. good question.
  • Posted On: Aug 20 2002 5:48am
Prior to his ban, he had plenty of time.
  • Posted On: Aug 20 2002 7:49am
Official Statement:

I, Rear Admiral Viscount Ierin del Forza, Jutraalian Grand Inquisitor, having received no orders officially or unofficial from Command and namely the Emperor himself from his bed of rest, I am therefore:

-Taking my schwerekampfgruppe, the combined elements of the Third and Sixth Fleets, in addition to ships under my command post the Hoth limited withdrawal, and beginning a protracted campaign as per standing orders of Imperial self defense. My two flotillas are, respectively, a Heavy Assault and Bombardment Gruppe, and a Heavy Planetary Assault Gruppe.

-Defending the Jutraalian Empire with all means at my disposal. Such acts will not exceed the scope of galactic military law and discipline, but will force pressure from the Jutraalian Empire.

-Effectively swearing an oath to my Emperor and his memory, and will thusly take countermanding orders only from him. Fleet Admiral Blackblade is currently missing, leaving the remains of the Admiralty in command. <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> If this oath is to be written in blood, then so be it. But know, that no innocents will be harmed intentionally and no neutral party not involved in ANY sort of campaign against the Sovereign Jutraalain Empire need fear attack.

Upon this matter and all others stated, I place my honour at stake for their fulfillment.

Rear Admiral Viscount Ierin del Forza
Grand Inquisitor, Jutraalian Empire
  • Posted On: Aug 20 2002 1:29pm
Oh, goody goody, no innocents will be intentionally harmed!

That doesn't mean much, you ignoramous. I'm almost sure Chadd Fearsons didn't mean to have 1,200,000 people butchered above Hoth in his metal tomb, but it happened anyway, didn't it?

Your reassurance means nothing to a shocked, dismayed, and confused people.

Talk when you have something meaningful to say.

-Viryn Quell,
Freelance Author
Posts: 141
  • Posted On: Aug 20 2002 2:29pm
There's a difference. Fearsons is a megalomaniacal idiot.

For every 1 person regretfully killed in this war and others, such as the 92 Geonosian warriors, there are 50 billion more who are having their standards of living raised by the renewed solidarity and trade between the peace-loving factions of the galaxy. For every man who was forced by Emperor Fearsons to die in that metal tomb above Hoth, there are 10,000 Geonosians who will be able to eat a hot, filling, nutritious meal tonight and go tomorrow to their place of work, in a galaxy-wide effort to rebuild that shattered planet. Conduct a survey on Geonosis, Mr. Pundit, and you'll find that starvation and cannibilism were wiped out the day that one Imperial army division liberated that planet, and issued forth a call to the galaxy to bring aid, food, and the means for reconstruction.

For every 1 man killed when Fearsons the megalomaniacal idiot plunged his Mist Fleet into a gravity well, there are 2,000 men and women on Teth and Ralltiir who are sweeping away the literal rubble of the idiot Snowkan with financial assistance from Bastion, who are taking part in free elections of the local government. They will not go hungry because scarce food will not be allocated to unwilling conscripts. They will be fed, Bastion and the other planets of the New Order will see to that. They will have gainful employment, and their economies will be revitalized through the generosity of two dozen Imperial planets.

And that, Mr. Pundit, whether you spin it around to suit your fiery pen or not, is indeed a step in the right direction.