Bucking the Trend...
Posts: 4
  • Posted On: Jul 13 2007 11:04pm
Whilst it would appear that this subsection of the forum is normally used only for spam, I'm going to follow the instructions I got whilst signing on and say hello here.

So with no further ado, Hello.

I'm a new player here - I have a little (but not much) experience of star wars RP'ing at the New Imperial Federation and The Jedi Praxeum, and quite a bit of experience RP'ing at an ancient world RP site called Empire of Ashes.


Posts: 2558
  • Posted On: Jul 14 2007 12:40am
Nikomedes pwns your pants.

But anywho, welcome. :P
Posts: 5387
  • Posted On: Jul 14 2007 2:06am
TRF: It's a trap!
Posts: 5711
  • Posted On: Jul 14 2007 2:07am
Welcome to The Rebel Faction; use at your own risk.

That said, start with the following...

Read the Rules & FAQ. Re-read same.

Take a boo at such accoutrement's as our Planets List, Factions and Information, and perhaps even a brief study of our Time Line. That should give you an idea of 'what's up'.

Any additional questions, quandaries, or queries - feel free to contact myself, any other member of the staff, or post your concerns openly.

Welcome to the fold.
Posts: 602
  • Posted On: Jul 14 2007 2:45am
Hello hello. I believe we spoke over PM some time ago.

Like I said, then, TNO (the New Order) is always on the lookout for new members, and if your bio is any indication of your writing ability, you'll fit right in. If you want, put up an application in the TNO forums, and we'll go from there.

Whether or not you decide to join TNO, it is a good idea to take Beff's advice, though I believe you did that before you put your bio up.

Welcome to TRF!
Posts: 5711
  • Posted On: Jul 14 2007 4:04am
From now on any existing member attempting to corner any more 'new talent' without proper reflection for the monopoly currently in place will earn my wrath. My Wrath, By The Gods!

Seriously, TNO rocks. But let's be honest; there's a hell of a lot more to TRF.
Posts: 743
  • Posted On: Jul 14 2007 4:07am
What the F are you talking about Beff?
Posts: 2558
  • Posted On: Jul 14 2007 4:59am
Not every new member with writing talent needs to join TNO.
Posts: 5711
  • Posted On: Jul 14 2007 6:37am
Wilkar: Yo Momma.
Posts: 2440
  • Posted On: Jul 14 2007 8:54am
What Beff means, guys, is that Jenai is more than welcome to pursue roleplays on his own, and is by no means restricted to joining the current factions in existence at TRF, especially the one in control of the fucking galaxy.

Challenge the status quo! Break down paradigms! Reject mediocrity!

Motherfuckers better realize, now is the time to self-actualize!

In a society that is controlled by the unchanging lifelessness in the stagnation of repetition, change the given norm through individualism and self-discovery, and the remaining contradictions will parallel the truth!

Let these newcomers name themselves and claim themselves as the new day, and declare reality unkempt by the unchanging standards of the status quo!

Unravel your navel so that you may ingest the sun!
Be not afraid of the darkness, trust that the moon will guide us!
Determine your future at this very moment.

Make your bid for the galaxy.