
Command Structure

Viral’s integral components were designed to be shielded by one hundred miles of solid natural rock under the surface of Dameo, its central processing core rested on a hydraulically stabilized mount which could withstand the seismic shock and pressure of a severely placed direct hit against the planets surface.

Backup and redundant systems were constructed in triplicate, running in non-parallel fashion to prevent multiple systems from being lost to a single strike or follow up strikes. Viral was hardened and shielded against all forms of radiation and its next generation quantum processing made it immune to the threat of EMP. The central processing core self healing, with multiple logic fortresses and data survival bunkers. The entire system could suffer up to 90% operating capacity loss through software failure and up to 70% hardware failure and still recover. Subspace nodes allowed Viral to upload its data to off world assets, thereby offering terrestrial and near orbit recovery capacity in the event of system failure or damage from attack.

Two Gravametric reactors were also constructed deep underground, in hollowed out caverns which were artificially reinforced and armored, to keep Viral supplied with enough power to operate as well as to provide energy for the newly installed ground and internal defense grids which protected the computer and the complex itself.


Viral had been built with a sense of conservation applied to its overall programming. It was a miser, using the bare minimum assets required to do the job right the first time, conserving its assets and using them in the most efficient manner possible. To that end, Viral was designed and prepared to integrate fluidly and flawlessly with attendant pseudo-super processor arrays in other planetary arrays. Viral’s integral design had been one of componentized symmetry. Viral was infinitely upgradeable, and was designed to last well into the next century.


Viral had been designed as an automated unit for communications to replace specialy made Mysteries, but quickly attained its own Intelligence as so much data was poured into it to attain the neccesary goals. This created AI was thus discovered to be far beyond its uses. Able to communicate itself via any information medium, and being nothing more than an assemblage of programs, Viral was discovered as a powerful weapon against those that would wish the empire harm.


Page Information
Created By
Heir Raktus
Created On
Jan 31 2004 7:10am
Last Updated
Jan 31 2004 7:10am
Version Log