Securing More Ores(WMC takeover of Nkllon)
  • Posted On: Nov 13 2002 1:20am
One Month, One Week Ago.

Myn sat in his office waiting. His Hibridium Ore mining operation on Garos IV had become quite profitable. He had over 25 Mole Miners and 12 11-17 Miner Droids all out working mining the Hibridium Ore. Thousands of workers were situated in the factories producing the ore. He had desided that it was tiem to move on to other planets to mine. After long hours of his own research he had desided that Nkllon was an ideal location to being his expantion. It had three valuable ores, all needed in the manufacturign of starships. Hfredium, kammris and dolovite were all waiting for him to come and mine. His research had informed him that Nkllon was in the Athega System, close to the sun. It ahd also informed him that the supply hadn't been mined in a long time, if ever. There for, wanting to know what surprises Nkllonheld in store for him he had sent a group of aides to all of the libraries across of Garos IV, searching for information on why nobody else had desided to mine Nkllon. One aide had been sent to Obra-skai, to search for information at the libraries there. He was expecting a report any minute. Suddenly he heard a nock on the door.

Finally. A report.

He stood up and opened the door. There stood his beautiful secretary, with a look of urgancy on her pretty face.

"Sir one of your aides had just sent me a file sir. It is the access for the Central Garos IV Library System. He told me to give it to you right away."

"Thank you Roseberla, this is just what I was waiting for."

Myn quickly seated himself at the desk. He plugged the file into the computer and was rewarded with a beeping sound as the computer opened up the file.

Thank you for entering the Central Garos IV Library System. Type your topic that you want to research here:

Myn typed in Nkllon.

Nkllon, Athega System.
Population:Lava Worms
TerrainLSearing rock, molten wateralls
Points of Interest:None
Valuable Natural Resources:Hfredium, kammris and dolovite
Nkllon, settles 20 years ago by Lando Calrissian and miners under hsi pay, it has an abundant source of hfredium, kammris and dolovite in ti's crust. Other poeple had not settles Nkllon before him because the planet orbits so close tot eh star, Athega, that any ship trying to approach Nkllon will suffer sensor malfunctions and damage to the hull. In some cases the ship may explode. Also the day side is always bathed in deadly radiation and charred by stellar heat.

No wonder nobody has colonized it, when you wouldn't even be able to get to the planet. But how did Calrissian solve these puzzles?

Lando Calrissian solved these problems by inventing two different things. His first invention was the shieldships. The shieldships were huge circular bowls, around eight hundred meters in diameter with a drive tug extending four hundred meters behidn it. He also invented Nomad City. Nomad City was an old Heavy Dreadnaught Cruiser, supported by fourty All Terrain Armoured Transports. Nomad City would travel across the planet, a a reletivly slow speed, but always staying on the night side. He operated the system by having a Shieldship depot at the edge of the system, where the shieldships woudl wait. Then they would bring in ships, witht he ships traveling behind the ship, protected by the shieldship's own body. When they reached the night side the ships would then dock on Nomad City.

And excellent idea, but how come it isn't still there?

During the wars between Gradn Admiral Thrawn and The New Republic, Thrawn noticed the Empire was running low on hfredium, kammris and dolovite. He attacked the shieldship depot, captured a shieldship and flew a dreadnaught to the ngith side of the planet, which then bombarded the city. Nomad City could no longer move. Luckiyl the New Republic General Garm Bel Iblis was nearvy and heard their distress call. He came to the rescue and everybody was saved. Unfortunatly he was unable to save Nomad City and it was burned down into slagged by the sun. More info on Lando Calrissian?

So that is what happend.

Myn clicked no. He then tried other sources that would tell him about the shieldships and Nomad City, but found none. He walked home that night, feeling tired, but expecting a report from his aide on Obra-Skai at any moment the next day.

The next day in Myn's office.

Myn sighed. It was noon and he had yet to hear form his aide. The more he waited the more time it would be before he got all his hands on that hfredium, kammris and dolovite. To pass the time he searched up about other planets. Kessel would have been a nice planet to occupy, but unfortunatly the Mon Calamari Republic controled in, and there was no way he could compete with them. Alzoc III and it's raw ore would be a good place to start a mining operation, or at least continue form where the Imperials had left off. Aridus was also a good idea, but like Nkllon had it's problems. It's atmosphere stopped any sort of good mining activity going on. The only device ever made that could get signals through the atmosphere was the Iron Tower and it had been destroyed a logn tiem ago, and wreaked havoc on the nervous system of the Chubbits if they went near it. Arkania would be a good place, to export the jewels, but it didn't have a very practical reason to it, like Nkllon and Aridus did. Bespin and Talorran woudl be nice, but unfortuantly the Outer-Rim Federation and Cyronics Industries controlled those two. Roon would be nice, the Roonstones would we great for earning money, but again had little practical value. Roon could also serve as a secert place, difficult for someone to attack him there. Large stores of materials could be kept there, warehoused, safe from enemy's. Sullust would be nice, with that ore used in starship making. But right now his target was Nkllon, and learning about it was the job for today. Suddenly his computer beeped. A file was being transmitted from Obra-skai.

I have it, the information from Obra-skai which will lead me to solving the problem of the shieldships and Nomad City.

He quickly opened the file. The information was the same, with a bit more details, tellign about Thrawn's first strike. Then at the bottom of the page, the information he wanted. A link to specifications on the Shieldships and Nomad City. He clicked on the link. The page had all the specifications, everything a ship builder would need to produce Nomad City and the shieldships. He quickyl grabbed his comlink.

"I am sending a file over. Build me twelve Shieldships and one Nomad City. Amd hurry, i want them within the next month."

He reviewed the information. It would take one week to reach Nkllon from Garos IV, but when he did he would hit the jackpot.

One week ago in Myn's office.

He sat, looking over progress and finacial reports. Suddenly he heard a beeping noise. He looked down and saw it was his comlink. He quickly turned it on.

"Yes, Myn Winger here what can I do for you?"

"This is Captain Perodor, head shipbuilder of the Garos IV shipyards. The five shieldships and Nomad City are done building sir."

"Excellent. Tell Myn's Joy to form up with Miner's Delight and Freedom. They are to then meet up with the shieldships. Get 10 Mole Miners and 4 11-17 Miner Droids up here as well."

The fleet was prepared, the planet was waiting, and the city was made. The plan was to move quickly, get the mining ships in, and get Nomad City active. The capital ships would remain, as standing defenses. The capital ships would stay at the shieldship outpost, defending it, making the system impenetrable, unless the shieldship depot was taken or the enemy produced shieldships of their own. This would improve the system's defensive capability, and at the same time the Defense Fleet would only need to defend a small area of sapce. With a few Gencore Two Shield Generators as the first things to build on the construction yard's waiting list, then he would easily be able to defend the system. Unfortunatly he would be forced to use shieldships to bring in every convoy of ore, which would be quite annoying.
  • Posted On: Nov 14 2002 10:52pm
"All ships move into hyperspace."

The Winger Mining Corporation ships went into hyperspace, heading for Nkllon. They weren't expecting any sort of life there, other then Lava Worms. They were mistaken, and would soon find a terrible foe. The Yuuzhan Vong had set up an encampment on Nkllon, and it had been forgotten by everybody after the Chiss killed the Warmaster and the Yuuzhan Vong left the galaxy. The Yuuzhan Vong had a taskforce there, and the mining corporation was heading straight for them...

Athega System, present day

The Winger Mining Corporation came out of hyperpsace at the edge of the system.

"All fighters launch, get the shield ships infront."

The fighters launched, in their Diamond Parade Formation, consisting of seven Diamonds.

"Shieldships report a very perculiar astroid field infron of them. It has a small 500m astroid and two smaller 250m astroids. There is also ten 10m astroids. They are in a wierd formation and advancing."

"Scan them to locate any minerals."

"No minerals found sir. Coming straight at us."

"Dodge them."

"Yes sir."

The ships moved out, away from the astroid field. Suddenly the astroids sped up and changed course to follow them.

"They are speeding up and following us."

"Are we far enough away from the sun to bring our ships out from under Shieldships?"


"All fighters and capital ships, leave the safety of the shieldships. Fighters, fire on the smaller astroids as you bear. Myn's Joy, fire on the biggest and second biggest ones. Freedom and Miner's Delight, fire on the other one."

The fighters roared in. Myn's Joy Flight Group, consisting of 28 TIE Defenders opened fire on the astroids. They teamed up on them two or three to one. Suddenly blackholes appeared and sucked in their shots.

"All fighters this is Myn's Joy Lead, attack from different angles, each using concussion missiles."

The fighters spread out, and destroyed the small astroids. The same thing was happening with the bigger astroids.

"Freedom and Miner's Delight, attack from both sides. All fighters attack the smaller astroid that Myn's Joy is facing. Launch your concussion missiles and use your tractor beams to move them."

Fighters and capital ships teamed up to destroy these enemies...
  • Posted On: Nov 17 2002 11:48pm
Suddenly burst of plasma shot out from the astroids, impacting on the shields.

"Brace for impact."

"Damage report?"

"Shields at 70%."

"What was that?"

"Most likely this is a leftover Yuuzhan Vong taskforce that doesn't know that the Warmaster is dead. Their will be Yuuzhan Vong warriors on the ground as well."

"Dammit. Why didn't the libraries know about these Yuuzhan Vong here?"

"Because nobody ever comes here anymore, so the Yuuzhan Vong presence wouldn't be found out."

"Well continue with the bombardment. Once we reach Nkllon we will bombard the surface, untill all the Yuuzhan Vong are killed."

"Yes sir."

The bombardment continued, but the dolvin basils sucked most of the shots in.

"All fighters fire missiles on a spread. Then we will hit from the other side, if this doesn't work, prepare to retreat. Miner's Delight and Freedom, continue bombardment with a spread of missiles launched on each side. After the shots are sucked in, immediatly juke and fire at a new area."

Missiles flew out from the ships aiming at the coral, but most of them were sucked in. A few moved by tractor beams inpacted. Then tons of lasers fired rapidly eating into the hull, destroying the largest vessel and the one that Miner's Delight and Freedpm were targeting.

"Miner's Delight and Freedom team up on one side, we have the other."

The ships just overwhelmed the dolvin basils and mroe and more shots sneaked through, impacting on the hull. Then he astroid blew up.

"All ship continue to Nkllon."

The fleet advanced, once again behind the Shieldships...
  • Posted On: Nov 20 2002 1:13am
On the Nkllon the Yuuzhan Vong were preparing for the enemy to come down. They were lead by Prefect Shai, of Domain Shai. He had troops spread accross the planet, including fire-breathers and other genetically created creatures. They were expecting troops landing, but that wasn't what they were going to get. No, they were going to be shot down from above, destroid by the blasts on concussion missiles and the flashes of turbolasers and ion cannons. The Yuuzhan Vong would not make any great victories today, or destroy any "infedel" ships. They would be destroyed by the very mechanical abominatiosn that they hated. The plan that Prefect Shai had made was not going to be effective, with no ships left, all they had was one planetary weapon, a huge dolvin basil, soon to be destroyed.

Up on Myn's Joy

"All ships proceeed with plan Delta Four Seven. I know you don't like it, but we most do it."

"I am getting major gravity flucuations from the ground, a crater in particular."

"Most likely another dolvin basil."

"These are HUGE flucuations."

"All fighters do a bombarding run against the big dolvin basil. It must be destroyed. Then all ships come in and do bombarding runs. If we can we want to destroy the enemy troops from above."

"Sir our sensors are ready human life forms."

"They will already have coral implants on them, we won't be able to save them. It is unfortunate, but the Yuuzhan Vong must be completly pushed from the galaxy. As you can see they are building ships here. Unless we destroy this shipyard then they will come back in full force, ready to destroy again. They must be stopped. Once we get back to Garos IV, I am going to do a full search about any worlds where the Yuuzhan Vong migth have been, and I will go their personally and destroy each and every base. The Yuuzhan Vong came here using war to try and conquer our galaxy. they must be pushed back at all costs."

"Yes sir."

The fighters moved down, firing concussion missiles at the dolvin basil. At that time it tried to suck down Myn's Joy, so it wasn't intent on defending itself. The concussion missile impacted, destroying the giant dolvin basil.

"All capital ships commence bombardement."

The words were uttered, and it began. Nkllon had finally received rain, but not water, no a rain of destructive energy, all aiming at the surface. Mining tunnels were destroyed under the onslaught. Yuuzhan Vong and fire-breathers destroyed in flashes. Humans and other slaves destroyed with them. The assault was working it's way accross the planet, a gigantic decontamination effort, destroying the Yuuzhan Vong and everything to do with them. Ruins on mining vessels and outposts were destroyed even further. Few mining tunnels remained. the Yuuzhan Vong and everylife form ont he palnet ahd been destroyed, with the exception of some lava worms. The decontamination was over, the mining and redrilling of shafts coudl begin.
  • Posted On: Nov 22 2002 4:36am
"All craft prepare for landing, the decontamination is complete. Cease bombardment and land. Repeat, all craft cease bombardment and land. We need Nomad City up and running, plus the mole miners out digging as soon as possible. All craft land Nomad City on sector five fifty one, then send the fighters and mining vehicles down to it. The sooner we get Nomad City up and running the sooner some of us can go home, and make business deals to improve everybodies profits. We will not be sitting at homr doing nothing at Nkllon, we will be planning to see how we can do the same amount of work with less effort at Nkllon and other areas, therefor increasing everybodies pay. we also are giving a prize away to see who can come up with the best plan to reduce our costs, improving everybodies salary."

The crews worked hard and fast, trying to get Nomad City down to the planet so that they could each develope a way to improve the economy of Winger Mining Corporation, which was already well off, but each one knew that if mroe ore wasn't found soon, they wouldbe forced to try and use corporate influence to steal ore producing planets from other corporation, resulting in a corporate war. Chief Mining Advisor Bill Goinar had an idea about that, but had yet to formally produce it, so he kept quite, thinking he would be the one to win. The Chief of Military Defense, Mr. Killan Homer had an idea, but it was more based on a militeristic side, force The Trade Federation into declaring war on them then takeover the Mestra System and Tava Yagen in retaliation. Unfortunatly for him he was unaware that Mr. Myn Winger had soem very opposite ideas for that, like keeping peace with the allies he had, and staying well away from anything that could look like he was intruding on other corporation's areas.

“All mining vessels on the ground. Redrilling of mining shafts has commence.”

“Excellent. All crafts except for Freedom and the mining vessels return to Garos IV. Freedom will set up defenses around the shieldship depot.”

The convoy turned around, commencing the run back to the edge of the system, then to Garos IV.

Ten hours later

The convoy had sucessfully reached the shieldship depot.

"All ships jump to hyperspace on my mark. Thirty, twenty-nine, Twen-"

"Four of the old tunnels have been remined and reinforced. Some kammris and dolovite is heading towards Nomad City as we speak."

"What about the hfredium?"

"None foudn yet but we are posivite we will find some soon."

"Excellent. Five, four, three, two, one, mark."

The fleet jumped into hyperspace, leaving Freedom behind, the only protector of three valuable ores, for now...
  • Posted On: Nov 24 2002 7:41pm
Chief Mining Advisor Bill Goinar’s plan was brilliant. As he sat in his quarters, he debated writing up his finalized plan, and decided it was the best thing to do. While Myn had decided to hunt down the Yuuzhan Ving, and had talked to Killan Homer about strategies, Bill Goinar had gone out to research what planets the Yuuzhan Vong were rumoured to have infiltrated. He had found a large list in the central databank.

Rumored Yuuzhan Vong controlled planets:

Nal Hutta
Nar Shadda

In all these cases they were taken without any major fights, with the exception of Jamineer and Nal Hutta. At Jamineer they fought of The Rogue Empire, and then at Nal Hutta they destroyed some Mon Calamari Republic ships. They also made a strike against Ylesia, but join Mon Calamari, Iron Fist, Rogue and New Alliance forces fought them off. Then the Rogue Empire attacked the Mon Calamari Republic after the other allies had left, taking over the planet.

Note: The Rogue Empire later turned into the Jutraalian Empire, after the Death Star was destroyed. Before then the New Order forced the Iron Fist Empire out of the galaxy, with their Grand Admiral dying in self-sacrifice. The New Alliance then merged into the New Republic.

Excellent. With Myn’s new obsession with hunting down and destroying the Yuuzhan Vong I will defiantly win that prize. Little will they know that this is all to my benefit. They will never guess I am actually a Yuuzhan Vong agent in disguise.

Bill Goinar’s true name was Exucutor Luh, a Yuuzhan Vong advance agent. He had watched as the Paetriote Vong made their advance, knowing that if the galaxy beat them, they wouldn’t expect another attack, this time from a much stronger force. The Paetriote Vong had looked liekt hey were going to win, with two Grand Cruisers and several Heavy Crusiers, but then they let the Warmaster be assassinated. Now the Yuuzhan Vong would bring in their force, led by the true Warmaster, another member of the Exucutor’s domain.

The proposal was quickly written, and then sent to Myn. Then the records of which planets the Yuuzhan Vong had attacked was destroyed. He would be forced to make distractions on Garos IV, so he could modify the records there before Myn could access them. The leftover Paetriote Vong would not be completely destroyed, just sent into a large remission, where the Yuuzhan Vong could come in, and use the shipwombs they had created. The Paetriote Vong base on Ithor would remain secure, building ships and defenses. Then the Yuuzhan Vong would come, commandeer all the ships and start an attack against the galaxy. Winger Mining Corporation, the Chiss, the Mon Calamari Republic and the Jutraalian Empire would all be hit with great force, as they had fought back against the Yuuzhan Vong, destroying several of the Exucutor’s domain. They might even make good sacrifices. Bill Goinar sat down and laughed, knowing that the infidels had not clue about his plan, and would not be ready for the strike that would soon come.
  • Posted On: Nov 24 2002 7:55pm
One week later

Myn sat down at gis desk looking at the profits. The Azguardian Galactic Military had paid in Mole Miners, and the Tholatin Drive Yards had paid witht heir own ores. LFX Industrial was sure to pay with mole miners, so profits were soaring. But still most people had not bought ore. It was depressing realy, because many people would soon try to force their way into getting ore. They would realize that they needed it and then would come and steal it from him. People such as the New Order and the Jutraalian Republic could do it with ease. He wouldn’t stand a chance against them. If they attacked, he might be able to prod off the first attack, but a huge fleet would be sure to follow. Suddenly his com beeped.

“What is it?”

“Jutraalian officials have reach Garos IV. They wish to do an inspection.”

“Try to get them to wait until I can get to the com station.”

“They are insisting.”

“Let them inspect, but do not allow them to take anything I am on my way. And power up shields, weapons and engines on all ships, they might try to make a fight.”

Myn raced towards his airspeeder.

“Communications station immediately.”

The ship raced towards the station.

A few minutes later

“We don’t have any super weapons and we are not building any. We welcome your search and were wondering if you would like some hibridium ore. We would be willing to give you whatever you need, in exchange for two shieldships, this price is of course negotiable.”

With the message sent Myn sat down to review the proposals. The first one on the pile was Killan Homer’s plan.

With limited ore available there is one option. We must somehow get The Trade Federation, Tholatin Drive Yards, Cyronic Industries and LFX Industrial to declare war on us. Then we can takeover their systems and mine their ores, all saying it is a retaliation for what they did to us. That would increase our profits by a lot.

Myn threw the proposal into the garbage.

Excellent plan, lets get four powerful corporations to declare war on us. That is a good way to get ore.

Myn read more and more of them over until he got to Bill Goinar’s plan.

My proposal is that we should send scouting vessels out all over the galaxy. We should also takeover Talorran and planets with ores available on them quite quickly, so then we can get those ores soon. We should reinforce our tie with The Trade Federation and make ties with other corporations in the galaxy. We should also make ties with powerful governments, like the New Order, the Jutraalian Empire and the New Republic, therefore increasing our protection.

“I think I might have a winner here.” Murmured Myn as he read it over.

Twenty minutes later he was done reading over the proposals. He had chosen Bill Goinar’s as the winner.

Now to call him up.

“Bill, this is Myn. Your proposal has been chosen as the best. What would you like as a prize?”
  • Posted On: Nov 27 2002 12:14am
Bill sighed. Naturally his proposal had been chosen as the best. He would have to think hard to know what he would want.

"A promotion to Head of all Mining Activities and Selling Rights."

"That might be available."

"Also I want to inform you of something. I know where the Yuuzhan Vong have infiltrated."

"What? Where?"

"Talorran, Jamineer, Nal Hutta and Nar Shadda. They also have a worldship, floating around Talorran. That will be your hardest target."

"Thank you for this information. You have been given your promotion. And a little extra as well. Ingenuity is now yours."


Bill signed off.

Great now I control an infedel ship. How could this get worse?

Easily. By the infedels learning who you are.

Impossible, I have all possible traces of my infiltration erased.

True, but that if you get in a fight, and they punch you in the nose?

I won't get in a fight, but it will take me two seconds to get rid of an opponent.

So you say.

Shut up and go away, who asked for your input?

You did.

I didn't ask for anything.

Not on perpose, but your mind asked for my input.

Stop talking in riddles and go away. As I have said, you are not wanted here by me.

Maybe not, but maybe so.

The voice faded away in his head.

Those damm infedels, this must be some thing they do, which is jubbing onto me. Luckily I can purify myself.

Bill walked outside, heading for the secret Yuuzhan Vong base, where he would purify himself...
  • Posted On: Nov 27 2002 12:29am
Bill wanted a promotion, just that. He also had received the Heavily Modified Corellian Corvette in exchange for the extra news.

A worlship orbiting around Talorran? Man that had to go.

"A Trade Federation fleet has appeared."

"Tell the Jutraalians that they are here to conduct negotiations. Offer them as much ore as they need in exchange for some help protecting us."

"Yes sir."

Myn waited as the thought about that.

"Azguardian Fleet has arrived for ore. And the Disrupter has arrived."

"Emperor Fearsons? Here? Why?"

"I don't know."

"Inform the Jutraalians that the newly arrived fleet is here to pick up ores, that is all. They, while using ships commenly used by the Mon Cals, are actually not Mon Calamari ships."

"Yes sir."

"Send two Heavily Modified Corellian Corvettes out to do searchs for new planets."

"Yes sir."

The ships were sent out, other ships were armed, and the Jutraalians had yet to answer if they accepted his deal. This would be a long negotiation, Myn could feel that. Suddenly a Yuuzhan Vong vessel appeared.

"All ships move out to destroy the Yuuzhan Vong. Ploy where it came from."

"Plotting course. Do you have any ideas?"

"Talorran, Hutt Space or Jamineer."

"Hutt Space, close to Nal Hutta."

"Remeber that, as it will be our first target for our attack against the Yuuzhan Vong."

The two Allegiance Star Destroyer's Myn's Pride and Myn's Joy fired on the Yuuzhan Vogn Heavy Cruiser. Suddenly it was time to bring in new vessels. Two Imperial Mk.III Star Destroyers and four Freedom Cruiser moved forward, blasting the astroid. Then two Missile Cruisers launched torpedoe salvos, destroying the craft.

"Those things take a lot of pounding. It wil be hard to destroy that worldship of theirs."

"True, but we will manage."

Myn waited...
  • Posted On: Nov 30 2002 5:23am
"Azguardian fleet advancing."

"Tell them to get back to their former positions, the Jutraalians might attack them."

"Yes sir."

"Move troops out around the mine and the city, every squad of twenty four should have a heavy repeating blaster and a miniture proton torpedoe launcher."

"Azguadrians retreating to former positions."

"Excellent. Try and get the Jutraalians to let their two bulk cruisers through, they need their ore as soon as possible. Then try and open peace talks with the Jutraalian Emperor and the Viceroy."

"All messages have been sent."

"Good job. At the end of today you wil receive a three day break."

"Thank you sir, but what do we do now?"

"We wait. Their is nothing else to do, we have to wait for the Jutraalians to make the move, then we can do what is necessary."

"Yes sir. Waiting it is."

The group waited, as commanded...