Operation Saber Strike(Almania)(Cancelled, Finished, Done)
Posts: 130
  • Posted On: Sep 14 2002 8:16pm
ooc:this thread is closed and cancelled if the thread "Operation Return Fire" becomes active or TJE starts another thread concerning Bimmisaari.

The Mon Calamari First Fleet and elements of the Third Fleet's crewmen raced toawrads their stations. Pilots ran to thier Fighters. Mechanics made final padjustments. The message had just come in. The attack against Alamania was on. Taskforce Saber TSrike were about to start their strike. Taskforce Bravo was waiting in a near by uninhabited system, ready to leand a helping hand. Taskforce Alpha was on it's way.

"All Taskforces are ready. Alpha is ten minutes from "Tosno".

"Excellent. Began the attack."

Taskforce Saber Strike jumped into hyperspace. Five minutes later they came out of hyperspace at Almania.

"Launch all fighters. Target the mines. Shields up. Scan for enemy ships. Power up the gravity well generators. Thor and Strident go to the starboard side of the planet. Venom and Hellfire go to the port side. Attack the mines in that sector. Fighters go to sector 68, 90 and a assault the mines their. If they become active, retreat. Don't use any missiles. Pluto, Shadow Defender, stay with me."

The assault began.

Fleet Manifest:
Taskforce Saber Strike:
Mon Calamari Viscount Star Defender-Viscount *Flagship*
Mon Calamari Viscount Star Defender-Strident
Mon Calamari Viscount Star Defender-Venom
Mon Calamari Viscount Star Defender-Thor
Mon Calamari Viscount Star Defender-Hellfire
Mon Calamari MC-300-Shadow Defender
Mon Calamari MC-300-Pluto

*Full Fighter Complement*
*Full Troop Complement*

Taskforce Bravo:
Undisclosed, near by system, you wouldn't knwo about it. It would take like five minutes to get to Almania.

Taskforce Alpha:
Undisclosed, near by system, you wouldn't knwo about it. It would take like five minutes to get to Almania.

Your stuff there at last count:
Mines: 5,000
Shields: Gencore Level II
Cities- 35 Anti-Infantry batteries per city, 10 missile pads per city, 25 Anti-Vehicle Artillery per city, 12 major cities
Space Stations:
Ground Bases: 82
Garrison: 12,000,000 soldiers
Fighters: 500 TIE Defenders, 500 TIE Interceptors, 600 TIE Shadows
3 Shipyards
With my ships assaulting the mines, I would say you have lost about three hundred mines, being generous.
  • Posted On: Sep 15 2002 4:40pm
OOC: Just a added point. Probably just coincidence but I wanted to clear it up before the issue actually became evident. The name of the thread is Saber Strike, the same name as Vonta's ship. But it has nothing to do with any of my charecters at all.
Posts: 130
  • Posted On: Sep 15 2002 8:01pm
OOC:I wasn't aware that was the name of your ship. It is just a takeover thread of Almania from TJE, not concerning you or any of your character, unless you get them involved yourself. It was just a coincidence. A name suggested by my friend.
  • Posted On: Sep 16 2002 5:14pm
OOC: Just so you know "Return Fire" will be back, I've been suffering from the results of the idiots who set up the school network and nearly killed my computer for the last week, slowed by a recurring illness. As I said in Ylesia, my complete aplogogies for the problem, even though I couldn't do a thing about it.