Operation: Enduring Freedom (Gamor)
Posts: 106
  • Posted On: Jan 23 2006 11:32pm

Waracca stood aboard the bridge of his command ship, the newly comissioned battlecruiser Unity, nameship of her class. She was not the only such ship in her fleet, indeed, a second battlecruiser cruised near the first one, one named the Congregation. In addition to the two impressive battlecruisers, sailed in formation around the two ships, an escort of four Longsword class frigates, and eight Defender class gunships. The fleet was assembled for battle, and the wookie was expecting one. Their mission was clear in two respects. Trained crews were needed in the Far Eastern provence, fighting against the threat of the Black Dragons. In this manner this battle would give them badly needed combat experience, a fine virtue to have. The second involved the mission it's self. They were going to a planet whose population had been enslaved by a former Imperial warlord. Waracca bared his teeth at the mention of the word slavery. His own people, the wookies had at one time been enslaved by the Empire. But no more, thanks to the actions of the goverment he was serving, the Galatic Coalition, and their predecessors, the New Republic. Waracca had sworn a life debt to protecting and serving the goverment, and so had enlisted in their armed forces, and had steadily risen until he attained the rank of general.

Turning back from the viewports, Waracca strode down the command walkway of the cruiser's bridge and headed aft. He turned to one of the doors in the command tower and went inside to discuss the details of the operation with his staff officers. Their target was the planet Gamor, home of the Gamorreans. Many people thought of the pig like species crude and unkempt, but Waracca knew better. He used to be great friends with one of the species, and knew that they had the civilized potential. But not with the human slavers that were now in control of their planet. Currently they were using the piggy beings as miners to mine the planet, and were also enforcing them as bodyguards using shock control collers. The enemy had a small space fleet to ward off most enemies attempting to steal their prizes, but this would be the first and last opposition coming to liberate them. The enemy was known to have an Imperial Star Destroyer, along with several patrol ships and starfighter squadrons.

The operation in being was going to be simple. Eliminate or capture the enemy fleet, and then proceed to wage a ground campaign against the defenders on the planet. The second part was by far going to be the most troublesome, as several Gamorrean divisions were at the slavers disposal with shock collars with remote control boxes. If they could destroy the R/C centers, then the piggies would be free, and would undoubtley turn on their controllers and tormentors. However, a long term occupation plan was troublesome, because Gamorrean tribes often quarrled with one another in large battles. However, being one who warrled with his own kind often, Waracca had a plan in mind that should satisfy all.

"Rowwrrr, Hrrrrhhrr, Rufff Rowr Hrr." "How goes the preparations for the assault?" said Waracca to his staff.

"They are completed, General. We await only for you word to depart." responded his aide, Captian Genvea, a calamarian officer.

"Ruuurrrr, Durrr Roofff Hoofff" "Then let's proceed with the assault" responded Waracca.

The staff officers filed out of the meeting room and headed to their respective stations and ships. An hour later, everyone was ready. Standing on the bridge of his flagship, he gave the order.

"Ruff, Rowr." "All ships: Launch" roared Waracca. The starliners expanded into lines around his ship, and with a thunderous roar, the fleet jumped into hyperspace.