Like Ripples in a Pond (Naboo to Dantooine, Open)
Posts: 2558
  • Posted On: Jun 8 2005 1:58pm
Continued directly after the events of Always More Pratice

Irtar just pulled out of a near crash with a YT-1500 Frieghter that managed to get into his path. Irtar was groaning and shouting at the controls. Unwilling to accept it was his own lack of piloting skill, he blamed it on inresponsive controls. Although R5 pointed out otherwise to Irtar's scolding.

"Stay off the lines if you can't fly!" came a shout over the comms from someone on the frieghter, which began to take it's distance from the old Y-Wing.

It had been a while since Irtar had jumped unto the Hydian Way. It was one of the only major trade routes near Naboo and probably one of the only ways to hopefully not be subjected to Imperial harrassment. There were many other ships, that had cargo that could be a threat. The lightly armed one man ship was, hopefully, going to go unnoticed.

So far Irtar's journey had been stressful. The Hydian Way was full of vessels from across the galaxy. It was one of the few Galaxy spanning trade lanes. There were people from Vinda Corp, the Black Dragon Empire, even some people from the Galactic Coalition, though they became much more rare the closer to the core and Corellia they got. And Irtar's lack of flying skills in such a crowded trade lane was scary, to himself and others.

But he'd find out soon enough if he was safe, the border into Imperial Space was only 10 parsecs away. Irtar made his wishes and prayers and what-have-yous to the Force that everything would be alright with his time in the Empire. It was at this time, Irtar dug through his bag and pulled out his old IDs. He WAS a TNO after all. The might find it suspicious that he's been on Naboo for so long, but he was from Dantooine, and the Empire.

Some text from R5 came up on the screen. 'The Imperial Waystation is up ahead.' And with that, Irtar heaved a sigh. The moment of truth was at hand...
Posts: 2558
  • Posted On: Jun 9 2005 1:24am
Irtar longed for Hyperspace again. It keeps him from having to pilot manually. But alas, they were required to enter real space, not only by protocol, but to those that chose not to listen, there was a gravity well projector installed in the station. The Empire didn't like smugglers and thieves ruining their Order.

On the screen came a list of instructions to follow in the customs. Irtar heaved a sigh, looking at them. 'Slow down to twenty(20)... Wait until given the clear from the station before exiting the system...blah blah blah'. Irtar sighed and leaned back in his seat, watching the station grow closer.

He had to give it to the Empire. They were at least efficient.

Within five or ten minutes, Irtar was passing by the station. Since he was just in a small one man vessel, he was quickly passed by the station. And once more, Irtar was within the streaming lights of hyperspace. Not too much longer, and he should be home.

Hrm... Corellia was close. It was a common hub of trade, and most would normally stop off for a period in between their destinations. Most did on cross-galactic journeys. But the thought of landing there gave Irtar... chills... Was there something wrong with Corellia?

From Jedi trainning, Irtar knew to trust his instincts. So Irtar just made his way further along his path, and looked over his charts. The closest place off the trade lane would be Toprawa. He didn't know much on the planet, but it would be good to strech his legs on a non-Imperial planet.

Irtar knew that the Jedi were not welcome in the Empire. True Jedi at least. And the last thing Irtar wanted was trouble. He just wanted to get home, and see how the family was doing.
Posts: 2558
  • Posted On: Jun 10 2005 1:57pm
Irtar was lost in fiddling with his lightsaber some more, working on defining and maximizing power flow, trying to align the project alittle bit more efficiently and make it more powerful, and so on and so forth. As always, Irtar was passing the time tinkering. He didn't know why he had such a nack for it. He heard some rumors that those strong in the Force were normally guided by the Force in such things. Whatever it was, he enjoyed it. It was one of the things that he used to relax.

Irtar had lots of time to refine his skills to, with his constant injuries, and with Master Organa's 'disappearances'. Some of his more major accomplishments were the beautiful lightsaber he was currently working on, R5, and the TF battle droid he was working on restoring. They were weak and febble, compared to the modern droids, but it was a 'historical artifact'. He'd probably sell it to the Royal Museum of Naboo when he was done. Send the money back home.

After a time of tinkering, a light began flashing on screen. He had reached the other border leading out of Imperial Space. Once more, there was an outpost and once more Irtar had to do the same procedure. Irtar quickly moved his stuff to the side, grasped the controls, and exited hyperspace.

The ship shaked when he left when Irtar got ahold of the controls again. In front of him was a Nebulon-B Frigate, that seemed like it had it's fair share of battle scars. Irtar pulled quickly and began skitting away almost out of control. Irtar was cussing as he tried to regain control before he crashed into something. He missed the frigate, but there were other ships. Irtar cut the throtle, praying to the Force.

As if by a miracle, the little fighter skimmed past all the ships, without damaging anything. Irtar groaned as the ship came to a stop, whiping the sweat from his brow. 'THAT was too close.' Irtar thought as he leaned back in the chair, blissfully forgetful of where he was.

That was when his comm-unit flared up as nearly all the ships were either yelling at him or laughing at him. Irtar sighed as he sat there. 'Not only am I the worst Jedi ever, I'm the worst pilot ever to!' ran through Irtar's mind. There was only one Irtar actually gave heed to.

"What are you doing!?!" came an angry, commanding voice over the comm. It was the Imperial Station.
Posts: 2558
  • Posted On: Jun 14 2005 2:01pm
Irtar sighed as the voice came over the comm. "I'm dead." Irtar muttered to himself as he looked over at the wing of TIE/Ds being deployed by the station. Irtar began to think frantically of what to do. The idea of being slagged before even getting home was not an idea the young Jedi was fond of.

"Prepare to be escorted into the station for inspection and questioning." the voice over the comm boomed. "And if you try anything foolish, you will be fired upon for the safety of the others at this checkpoint."

What to do... what to do... Ah ha! Irtar had come up with an idea that might get him out of this situation. He had learned about a 'Jedi Mindtrick' from one of the Knights. Reaching out with the force to help convince people of you're argument. Masters could entirely fool people and make them believe anything they said. A Jedi at Irtar's level could, at most, just give them a slight push towards their perspective. It would be better than nothing.

Irtar closed his eyes and concentrated, reaching out with the Force over the comm. And then he alllowed some kind of excuse out, that will hopefully be enough to make things take root.

"Sir, it was just a drive malfunction." Irtar said and then groaned. What a horrible excuse. "But everything's under control now, you're scans will indicate there are no problems and I just want to get home."

There were sounds of debating on the other side of the comm. Irtar began praying to the Force that he'd have the fortune to make it out of that situation. It wasn't too bad of an excuse, there were probably worse ones thrown out there.

"Transmit your ID." The voice demanded. Irtar complied by sending over his ID of Imperial Citizenship. He hadn't used it in almost half a year but it would hopefully be accepted.

After several minutes of floating there in suspense of what was going to happen, the Comm fired up again. "Irtar Mal'Gro of Dantooine? That ship isn't registered to you. Nor have you been in Imperial Space for nearly 7 months. The last known location you were at is... Naboo."

Crap. Irtar once more had to go on a limb of an excuse. And once more did Irtar reach out through the Force to try and push his mind in the direction he wanted. This entire stressful situation was beginning to get to him.

"I went there to try and get into art. Sadly I failed at becoming successful, but I was able to make enough money from my work to afford this VERY used Y-Wing to come home to the Empire." Irtar said, as calmly and matter-of-factly as he could. "Now can I please return to my farm?"

Once more did the could of voices argue about things, when a softer voice came over the comm than the one he'd been speaking to so far. Irtar heard the harsher voice grumbling and getting quieter, as if he were walking away. "No real harm's been done. You are permitted to pass on to your home young man."

IT WORKED!?! Well... "Thank-you Sir." Irtar said courteously as he had R5 program the jump co-ordinates to get to his next step in his path. Toprawa. Within a couple of moments, Irtar was back into hyperspace to the relief of himself, and all the other pilots at the station.

Now that Irtar was back in hyperspace, he picked up his lightsaber and resumed his fine tuning. He was dedicated to making one of the best lightsabers in the galaxy... and then learning how to not cut himself up.
Posts: 2558
  • Posted On: Jun 16 2005 3:07am
The fighter jerked slightly as it came out of hyperspace, and Irtar was looking out before the next step on his road. Toprawa. The planet itself wasn't really note-worthy. It had some ships in orbit, coming and going. The dark side of the planet was covered in blotches of light. Irtar had rarely seen planets from space and the site was slightly awe-inspiring.

The planet was different than Naboo in that it was fully integrated in a natural, artistic fashion so the lights were hardly visible from space. Dantooine didn't have any major settlements really left after the decades of war which had ravashed the small planet just a short time ago. Toprawa instead had the activeness, and symbols of technology. The power of the galactic society. If you really thought about it, it was truly amazing...

Irtar was jolted out of his philosophical moment by system security over the comm. What proceeded was just going over the basics. Security wanting to know who Irtar was, and where he was going. With Irtar replying, and answering the questions as truthfully as he could, until after a while, Irtar was given the all clear.

The Padawan was tempted to land on the planet and stretch his legs, and maybe even refuel. But he should have enough fuel to make it to Dantooine and the closer he was getting to home, the more homesick he became. He just wanted to lay down in the field, and watch the clouds go by to the howling of distant kath hounds.

When R5 had the co-ordinates calculated, Irtar was once more making the jump to hyperspace. With this time, Irtar made his way to his pack and pulled out some of the snacks he had gathered. One of which was a small pastry, and real popular in Theed. He'd grabbed several for the rest of the family.

Irtar slowly ate some of the food, watching the starchart carefully as the line co-ordinates between himself and the exit co-ordinates began to get closer and closer together. Not too much longer, and Irtar would be back home.
Posts: 2558
  • Posted On: Jun 16 2005 2:04pm
The vessel was beginning to get to Irtar... it was too confining. His legs were numb. And he had almost completely redesigned the power system and array within his lightsaber for maximum efficency and power. Back when he was on the Hydian, Irtar at least had the option to listen into the radio conversations to help pass the time. But out here... not many other ships came through here. Not many ships had reason to.

Irtar watched the churning vortex that was hyperspace, wondering when it would end and he would be home. When he would be home and off this accursed vessel! He'll never go anywhere alone again... It was just too boring!

After what seemed forever, there was a beeping. The hyperspace alarm! He had finally reached the co-ordinates! He had finally reached home! Now it was a matter of landing... Hrm... now where was his house?

The somewhat purple planet was before him. The one Irtar knew as home. There seemed to be some storms over Khonda, but if memory served Irtar right, it looked like his house was spared as of the moment. He didn't want to come home to a rainstorm.

Irtar grumbled as he tried to remember where his home was on the planet when his comm fired up. It was Dantooine Security. A familiar voice came over the comm and it nearly shocked Irtar. It was the voice of a friend of the family.

"Unknown vessel, please identify yourself." Came a bored voice over the comm. Obviously nothing interesting was happening, thankfully.

"I'm sending my IDs now..." Irtar said softly, trying to throw his voice abit so the man couldn't tell by voice who Irtar was.

"What the? Irtar!?! Where the hell...? How the...? Do your parents...? Welcome back!" Asked the voice, his voice confused and happy at the same time. The man's name was Haldrin Theros. He served Dantooine Security and was a good friend of the family. His patrol was in the area Irtar and his family lived in and because they were isolated from the nearby settlement, he normally checked in from time to time. Irtar had many fond memories...

"Hey Haldrin, have I missed anything?" Irtar asked, a grin comming on his face at the familiar voice and the warm memories.

"Not much... just some friegthers and deliveries, other than that not too much." Haldrin said as he clicked a button, giving Irtar the clear and sending him landing co-ordinates to the nearest free Landing Pad to Irtar's home. "But where have you been?"

"I've been on Naboo doing some sight seeing." Irtar said as he set the ship to automatically land on the planet. It would take longer but Irtar would prefer to wait than crash. The ship began to creak as it made it's way through the ionosphere.

"Naboo? Where's-Bah, doesn't matter. Your back now. Your mother's been worried sick about you. But it's good to have you back boy."
Posts: 40
  • Posted On: Jun 20 2005 7:22pm
The woman stifled a yawn as her small vessel landed on it. The pilot, who had been ordered not to speak a single word to here several hours ago, signaled that it was safe to get off, and so she did, nearly wringing his neck as she did so. He had been nothing but a nuisance to her the entire flight and at several points she came to believe that she could have steered much better than he, despite her complete lack of training in it.

Sometimes she wondered if it was a wise choice to mark Dantooine as a target planet. It was a pleasant world of grasslands, rivers and lakes, a small population which consisted mainly of single family settlements on huge pieces of land they inherited from their forefathers. She found the people rather dull, but some could still be used. In most of those families was a girl who dreamed of the bigger universe, and the woman had manipulated those girls enough times to know how to spot them instantly. The fact that once they were introduced to the "business" she took them for in the first place made most of them die in the two first years played little to none on the chords of her consciousness.

And after all, why should it? They lived comfortably while being in her service. All they had to do was pleasure those who paid. In return, they led comfortable lives, never lacking food or a warm bed to sleep in. It beat the aspects of taking care of your daddy's farm in most cases, and those who survived the diseases that Shery never cared to cure them of became quite rich.

She had undergone such a training herself, not that there was much of a choice. Many a men had offered her a bed, yet none offered her food. It had only been when she was close to death that a brothel owner found her and taken her in, training her in many arts which would eventually lead her to the tempting seductress she was nowadays. The education her first master had given her in books and knowledge never hurt either.

It seemed the nearest house they had landed by was about an hour away of walking. Shery didn't mind. Her muscles needed a good stretching as it was, and her bare feet thanked her as she stepped on the grass and the hay. No one would notice her in the distance. Perhaps once she got a little closer, someone would spot the crimson red cloak that covered her from head to toe, revealing nothing but a set of full lips colored cherry red.

"Great," the woman mumbled to herself once she arrived at the cottage. Her stupid pilot had brought her to such a place that she arrived at the back door. Principles wouldn't allow her to walk around and enter from the front.

Her hand rose, the wide sleeve of the cloak falling back to reveal a nearly deathly white arm with long fingers which ran along the carvings on the wood before knocking gently. A little women opened, and Shery gave a warm and friendly smile. Controlling her body and her expressions to such a degree in which most people thought of her only what she wished them to had always been a great card.

"I am a traveler and have come from afar," she began speaking, her voice sounding as soft and innocent as a child's, "your home is the only one I've spotted in many days. If you were kind enough to allow my weary feet a rest indoors, I would gladly offer my services in return as payment."

Shery masked her signature as she entered the little home, pulling her hood back. The odds of anyone who might want to harm her for knowing what she was quite small, but life had proven to her more than once that small odds happen quite often, and she preferred being safe than sorry.

Long locks of raven black hair spilled down to her lower back, framing her white face like shiny aura. Her dark green eyes sparkled in the dim light of the kitchen, and her smile never left her face. The woman sat her down by the table and brought her some stale bread and milk, which she ate, wearing a glad mask.

Soon, she would inquire as to the rest of the family's members. Very soon.
Posts: 2558
  • Posted On: Jun 21 2005 12:16am
The ship jolted slightly as it came down on the old Druham landing pad. Druham was the settlement that was set up near where Irtar currently lives, about three-hundred years ago. There were many sufferings, from barages to the clone wars which brought the settlements to its knees and the Wrath Virus gave it the finishing blow. The remains of the settlement now acts as a small outpost for TNO troops and patrols in the district. The only reason Irtar wasn't worried about it was of some of the friends he had at the base.

When Irtar got out of the cockpit, Irtar took a deep breath. Even with the smells of the synthoil and the machinery, Irtar could still smell that sweet smell. The smell of the fields... and the hay... and that pure country air. The air here was so much more... light than the dense, humid air of Theed. It was nice to be home.

The figure of Haldrin in a TNO officers uniform came out and extended his hand to Irtar. "I never figured you for a robe type of person." Haldrin said as he shook Irtar's hand and then gave him a hug. "Ahhh... I've missed you boy. The farm hasn't been the same without your help. You always were the tech in your family. Half the time I'm there all I hear is your father complaining about the damn sensor net."

Irtar laughed as the two made their way towards a speeder that was running. The two got in, Haldrin in the drivers seat and Irtar in the passengers. "Aren't you on duty or something?"

"I decided to take lunch a little early. Not every day that the son of my best friend comes home now is it?" Haldrin said with a grin. The man seemed to completely go against the nature of the uniform, and it gave Irtar a smirk.

"So I see you've got a promotion?" Irtar says, looking at the new buttons on Haldrin's uniform.

"Ya, I'm a Lieutenant now. It's good to be an officer. Lots of perks." Haldrin said with a slight grin as they made their way. It'd probably be about five minutes before they got to the house. "But anyhow Irtar, how was your time in Nuba?"

"Naboo." Irtar corrected as he sat back, enjoying being back in the rolling plains of Dantooine. "And it was fun... The city was beautiful. I've got some holovids to show you all. You have no idea the people I've met."

"Oh? Can you give me some examples?" Haldrin asked as he shifted and the speeder went faster.

"I'm not ruining my surprise...." Irtar said with a grin as he leaned back in his seat. He checked his bag quickly to make sure it was zipped shut. He knew about the New Orders dislike of Jedi, and the last thing he wanted to do was put Haldrin in a spot should his training saber, or his incomplete one, fell out. For the next four or so minutes the two just discussed small things about the comings and goings of Dantooine.

The house began to grow in the distance... home was finally almost within reach. The two pulled up to the front of the house and left the vehicle, walking up to the first door. It looked like no one was about yet, except for some of the droids. Irtar gave the door a quick knock and walked into the front door.

"Hello! I'm back!" Irtar shouted triumphantly as he came into the simple entrance hall.
Posts: 2558
  • Posted On: Jun 27 2005 8:00pm
Posts: 105
  • Posted On: Jul 5 2005 3:06am

Within the darkened cockpit of the one manned shuttle, a set of slim fingers moved nimbly over the control console. It was easy for the slim, attractive, seductress to follow the particle emissions signature of the ancient Y - Wing, as she was very accomplished with sensor equipment. In fact, she was very proficient in matters of all electronics. It came naturally to her; the ability to look at a mechanism and just......understand.

Her moist, deep pink, lips curved as she recalled times from her past on her adoptive home world. She had to scrape and beg...sometimes barter, for mere scraps. But once she grew into womanhood the offers never ceased. Her slight smirk faded as her mind wandered to the times she spent on the streets as a helpless child....on how she was disregarded so many times, as a street nothing more then so much trash left in the alley way to rot, or to be devoured by the rodents of the night.

Dehoir remembered, vividly, her stay at the orphanage on Corellia. The staff ignored, denied, and even neglected to care for her. They had said it was because she was "different from the rest of the children." Dehoir caught many a conversation, all of which mentioned her name, in some way, shape or form. Heated discussions accusing her of being possessed...a child of a born of pure evil. How naive. How juvenile. How right.

She closed her radiant emerald eyes as she heaved a heavy sigh. The Sith leaned back in her chair, and brought her hands to her face. As if she were attempting to wipe the memories from her own mind with her bere hands, Dehoir slid her hands down to her throat, and then placed them heavily on the console.

Clearing her mind of her fractured past, the sensuous female began consulting the holo-readout to her right. The trail left by the Jedi Padawan's ship led her to Dantooine. And to be more precise....she activated another sensor scan; locating the landing area of the old relic. Dehoir smiled wickedly as she pointed a slim finger on the exact spot of her prey’s landing....a farm.


~ * ~

Her landing was smooth, and without incident. Dehoir located a secluded area some distance from the farm, but not far enough that she couldn't walk.

Rising from her seat, Dehoir donned her black cloak, clipped her lightsaber to her belt, and left the shuttle. Unmoving in the secluded wood, she opened herself up to the force, piercing the darkside of the elemental field; making it capable for her to follow the Jedi's aura like a beacon in the night.

The test had begun.