In the old days: A soilder looks back. (Closed)
  • Posted On: Nov 1 2003 12:47am
Greyy trespe heads out on his own in an Almanian shuttle.

It is getting to that time again for him. When he needs to set out to see why it is that he fights the good fight.

He is now a soilder of peace. But at one time he was a soilder that served an evil task master.

A monster by the name of Palpatine.

Years ago Greyy Trespe was Guard Trespe. A member of the Elite Imperial Royal Guard. He killed when he was told to kill. He fought when told to fight. Like a good little soilder protecting the will of the empire without question.

He pilots out to the site of old Alderaan. His childhood home, his birth planet, and the resting place of his family.

He did many things that he was not proud of as a member of that guard.

He takes a flower sealed into a clear canister and places it inside of a hatch. Closing it off he makes a prayer for his mother, father, and friends and releases the seal on the outer hatch. The flower floats into space amoung the astroids that cover the grave yard of his kin.

Now he sets off on another mission to correct the mistakes of his past.

Taking the pilots seat he sets course for a jump point and engages the hyper drive hoping to find his redemtion as he always seeks it out.
  • Posted On: Nov 1 2003 4:09am
Aboard the shuttle the lone man sits and dreams of days gone by while in hyperspace.

-24 years ago-

Standing aboard an imperial star destroyer Greyy stands at a view port watching the stars. He was assigned to this star destroyer in order to over see the construction of a new imperial out post on the planet of Imdaar Alpha.

This was a new research project headed by an Admiral Sarn. Sarn himself stood behind Trespe who was regalled in full guard uniform. The crimson of the uniform made most humans and other sentiets with the same coloration of bodily fluids think of blood. Spilled blood, often their own, that a guardsman could spill in a moment.

"The research has gone well Trespe." Sarn said as he walk up next to him to join in the view.

"Yes." Greyy stated mono-tonely, "The advent of the E1-4 Tie fighters have proven quite interesting the the emporer."

Sarn was familiar with Royal Guard mannerisms. By the nature of their work they were not the most personible people in the known universe.

"It took me 24 years to get this far and we continue to improve the project..." The good admiral continues to make light of the accomplishments of his program on the planet. The old facility had become out dated hence the building of a new one that Greyy was over seeing. He had seen the new age fighters. They were a marvel for him to behold. Greyy even entertained the idea of being able to someday use these fighters in action. He was fully trained pilot with an ace rating he flew many missions with fighter craft in service of the empire.

He just focuses out onto the surface of the planet he was to leave within the hour. His only regret is that he has to continue to listenn to this man prattle as if talking to a guards man well get him on the emporers good side.


Greyy awakes in his seat. The indicator light tells him that he is about to come out of hyper space.

The streaming lights of hyperspace travel fade. Replace with a normal galactic star scape. The same one that was in his dream. He looks in the direction of the planet and the same veiw there as in his dream.

He sets controls to manuel and procedes to enter the atmosphere.
  • Posted On: Nov 6 2003 10:41pm
As the shuttle came closer to the surface the geography of the location that he was headed became ever clearer. There were mountain sides and hills filled with green forest growth. He often thought that this planet reminded him of the planet of Yavin 4 when he visited that former rebel strong hold after joining the rebellion.

He had a moment of satisfaction as he thought about the rebel victory at Yavin 4. That was the resting place for the first death star. No one thought that that device that had dealt Allderaan it's last hand could be defeated. But defeated it was. One proton torpedo down a lightly defended exaust port. Just one shot and the empires greatest weapon became no more then a pile of floating scrape.

The Shot was fired by a Jedi of all people.

He gives a light laugh at the irony. Greyy himself was rebuilding a world and bringing his own dream to life with the help of a group of such jedi.

No, he corrects himself, the Observers are not like the jedi of old. They are something different. With a curiousity and thurst for knowledge of other lost or forgetten force traditions that sets them appart. They have been a welcome addition to his list of allies.

By now the surface was clear below him. He flys down and lands in was appears to be a clearing filled with mostly under growth that was barefet of larger trees. He arms his weapons and fires a low powered volley at the ground. Clearing a large area as a landing pad.

Stepping out from the lowwered bridge he could see that this was the rubble of a man made structure there was rusted steel all over the ground along with Duracrete rubble.

He remembers this location well from his gaurd days.

-24 years prior-

In the research facility Trespe adorned in full guard uniform was given a tour of all of the Tie fighter prototypes in production and testing.

"We have made large strides with the technology. The E1 and E2 models have turbo lasers mounted on them. WE have recently uped the sublight speeds by thirty percent without losing potency of the turbo laser itself." Admiral Sarn, the man in charge of this project continues on. Regalling the wonders of his new technology.

Greyy tired of this charade. He know quite well that people in the empire sometimes made their projects look far more appealing then they actually were. The emporer expected this as well. He endured this play of words until a something came up that demanded the Admirals immediate attention. Allowing the Crimson Guard to wonder alone for a time.

He heads out of the complex. Into the jungle itself on the pretext that he is going to do some jungle training. He heads out for several miles until he comes to a secluded cave. Entering into a narrow entrance he finds a hatch that is lock tight. a key pad being the only way to get in. He entered a code and the door popped open with a hiss.

Inside was a small room filled with computer consols and screens. Greyy enters his pass codes. They are accepted.

ONline he has a direct feed into all of Sarns data files. Unadulterated. Free of meddleing.

NOw greyy looked at the real figures. They were a bit less then Sarn had let on. But promising none the less. One of the bits that especially interested him was this V-38 that was on the drawing board. The ship was impressive in it's own right.

Satisfied Greyy Exits Sealing his path behind him.

This would be more then sufficient for the emporers continued support.
  • Posted On: Nov 23 2003 11:16pm

On planet Greyy looks around himself. Two facilities on planet were blasted to rubble. From the looks of the forest growth it had been several years since the attack took place.

He marches out onto a changed terrain that was yet oddly familiar to the old soilder. He is dressed in his full guard uniform. Covered in alternating red and white colors. The white was to indicate that he was a soilder of Alderaan. The red is a reminder of his stained past as a member of the Imperial Elite trooper corp and the atrocities that he commited in the service of that corp.

At the entrance to a cave deep in the forest he enters his access code.

As he suspected the Guard fell so fast that they never erased his access to this particular system.

The door opens onto a cramped computer room. Taking out his positronic droid B2 he begins a system download. There was much here that was not here before. The new facility have a ground wire linked here secretly just as it was down for the previous facility.

This was a research facility that armed the empire with it's weapons of destrution.

In the files he found the last versions of the Experimental Tie fighters, series 1 through 5. The V-38 Tie fighter that the admiral had spoken so highly of when it was in it's innitial research phase. Then the Upgrade to the Tie Phantom Series. Complete with a cloaking device. The guard already had the phantom technology but this would add nicely to his body of evidence against the old order. The records even indicate the varies missions that destroyed ships that went through the Kathol sector. Proliferating the Ghost ship myth and giving quantifiable results at the same time.

There was a cloak that was set onto an entire space station along with it's specs. In addition to modifications for Imperial star destroyers. Series 1 and even one for the Super Class star destroyer. The last entries were those on the Tie defender. One how all that was learned here could be put to use to creat the superior fighter of today.

He pours over further data. The empire must have decided that this place was secure enough to be a data dump for back-up files of the emporer's pet preojects.

Not surprising considering that no one but the Royal guard knew of this data storage unit.

He looks over the further data.

"Dark troopers droid project phases 1, 2, and 3."

"Cloaking Shields

Imperial cloaking devices use a massive gravitic spatial distortion field to warp the fabric of space-time completely around a cloaked vessel. This makes the vessel effectively invisible since all electromagnetic radiation and matter will be re-directed around the ship. However, the comprehensive nature of this cloak brings with it a major deficiency: since all incoming matter and energy are directed around the vessel, the ship is completely blind. It is impossible to communicate with the vessel, and inside the vessel nothing can be detected on sensors but a black emptiness around the ship (ref. SWEGWT, SWE)

Cloaking devices were mentioned during TESB, and unbenownst to the bridge officers in TESB (who reacted incredulously to the Millenium Falcon's disappearance and said "no ship that small has a cloaking device!"), these devices had been miniaturized by the time of ROTJ so that Emperor Palpatine's personal shuttle carried a cloaking device. The existence of this cloaking device was top-secret however, and to the best knowledge of most Imperial officers, the only working model was lost when the second Death Star was destroyed (ref. SWEGWT).

Enter Grand Admiral Thrawn: years after the destruction of the second Death Star, he discovered complete technical plans for functional cloaking devices in one of the Emperor's many secret technology warehouses on Wayland and immediately implemented this technology in his fleet. He deployed cloaked vessels during surgical strikes at Sluis Van and Ukio, and he used cloaked asteroids to blockade Coruscant during his counter-offensive against the New Republic (ref SWEGWT, SWE). After his death, cloaking devices became common equipment on Imperial starships. In Spectre of the Past we see cloaking devices being used routinely on Star Destroyers (note that the Star Destroyer Chimaera actually dropped out of hyperspace while cloaked), and in Rebel Assault 2 we see cloaking devices being used to conceal objects as small as V38 starfighters and as large as the Executor-class Star Destroyer Terror, in orbit around the moon of Imdaar Alpha. Cloaking shields were even used to conceal large docking bases such as the Imdaar Alpha station in Rebel Assault 2, which was quite large as can be seen from the Imperial Star Destroyers docked at its tower. Imperial cloaking shields extend a significant distance away from the vessel, and it is possible to fire through the cloak-shield, as seen in Spectre of the Past:

"Pellaeon took a step closer to the viewport and looked down along the Chimaera's sides. The faint blasts of low-level fire were visible, lancing a short distance out from the Star Destroyer and then disappearing as they penetrated the spherical edge of the Star Destroyer's cloaking shield. Blinded by the very device that was now shielding it from it's opponents' view, the Chimaera was firing wildly in an attempt to destroy those opponents." pg. 4
In conclusion, our cloaking technology is superior to Federation cloaking technology in most aspects. They have only one working model of the Romulan cloaking device and only one unused prototype of the phasing-cloak, while we have cloaking devices already installed on most of our Star Destroyers. Their cloaking devices leave them totally shieldless, while we retain full functionality while cloaked; we can fire weapons, make hyperjumps, use tractor beams, and maintain shields (ref. Vision of the Future). However, they can still see while cloaked, while our sensors are completely blinded (so we must navigate and fire using pre-programmed co-ordinates). "

"Orbital Nightcloak

The orbital nightclock is a psychologically devastating siege weapon that blocks out all sunlight from the surface of a planet. It consists of hundreds of orbiting satellites, which deploy into a vast network that encircles the planet. The satellites create energy absorption fields which completely prevent EM radiation in the visible, infrared, and ultraviolet spectra from reaching the planet's surface. These fields also block sensors and communications, completely isolating the target world. It is a truly terrifying sight to primitive species who do not understand the technology, and it is profoundly disturbing even for those who do know what it is.

Once the nightcloak is deployed, massive environmental devastation begins. Surface temperatures drop rapidly, with no source of external heating whatsoever. Plant life withers and dies in the absence of sunlight. Within three weeks, the entire planet has been plunged into an ice age. The planet's inhabitants will be forced to huddle in heated structures, and without sensors or communications they will have no way of knowing when (or if) a rescue or reprieve is coming. The nightcloak does not stop ships, but starships attempting to flee the planet have no idea how many starships are in orbit outside, and they will have to fly through the cloak before they know what they are facing. If the blockade fleet is powerful enough to obliterate any exploratory flights, the planet's inhabitants will only know that ships fly through the cloak and never return.

The former Imperial Warlord Zsinj used an orbital nightcloak on Dathomir, but his fleet was attacked by Hapan forces and the hated Luke Skywalker destroyed a large percentage of the nightcloak satellites. Up to ten percent of a nightcloak's satellites can be destroyed before the cloak fails, and current cloak satellites carry defensive auto-targeting laser cannons to defend themselves against starfighters. The nightcloak is an excellent weapon for planetary conquest rather than outright destruction. Superweapons are awe-inspiring and destructive, but there are many in the Imperial command hierarchy who do not believe in the use of superweapons. A weapon of pure psychological terror like the nightcloak is more effective in conquering planetary populations, since it does no damage to the planet that cannot be repaired (ref. SWEGWT)."

"Positronic Droids."

"Torpedo sphere schematics."

"Tie advance schematics

Tie advanced prototype, tie advanced X1, Tie advanced final procuct."

"Tie Defender schematics."

"Tie schimter schematics."


this Imperial form of space mine was developed in order to prevent its detection by normal starship scanners. Each micromine was a tiny spec of anti-matter, contained within a magnetic shell. Because each micromine was so small, they were virtually undetectable. The Empire mined the space around Shiva IV with micromines to protect their interest in the system, but the full-scale use of micromines turned out to be cost-prohibitive, and the plans for mass manufcture were scrapped."

"Allegiance class stardestroyer Schematics."

this is the brand name of Corellian Engineering's starship decoy system. An addition to a ship's countermeasures system, these small decoys could be deployed during flight. They sent out electromagnetic and holographic signals that duplicated those of the parent ship. The Trickster decoys required Imperial certification for operation during the New Order."

"Galactic deep core maps."

this was the designation of MerenData's espionage droid, manufactured during the height of the New Order. Built to intimidate rather than infiltrate, the RM-2020 was designed to gather information from the battlefield. Its primary mission profile was to spot enemy troop movements and analyze an emeny force's weaknesses, then relay the information back to its base. Measuring a meter in height and equipped with a repulsorlift engine, the RM-2020 was unarmed but sported a variety of sensory packages. "

"Grand admiral thrawn personal file."

"Profile: the Chiss race."

this Imperial target tracking construct is the lowest form of cyborg created. The bio-hound is a malleable blob of organic material which can change shape as the environment dictates. Impregnated in the flesh of the bio-hound are stimuli receptors which send data to a bio-comp interface. A bio-hound is "programmed" by providing it with a genetic clue from the intended target: skin cells and hair are the most common. The bio-hound is then let loose on the planet where the target exists, and it begins testing the environment for signs of the target. The bio-hound is semi-intelligent, and can change shape or solve simple puzzles to maintain its search. Once it finds its target, the bio-hound "tags" the target with a clear, odorless liquid tracer that can be easily detected by Imperial agents. Some bio-hounds are equipped with acidic poisons in place of the tracer liquid, making them deviously simple assassins. "

"Stealth Field
this form of shielding was produced by Imperial engineers for use on the YI-5 surveillance and investigation droid. It monitored the surroundings of the YI-5 droid, and altered its color to match the environment. In this way, the YI-5 was virtually invisible. "

"Systems Infiltration Manager
this small computer module was designed by the programmer Malik for the Empire. It was, at heart, a high-powered problem solver, with programming that gave it the ability to get inside a starship's basic programming and take it apart. Eventually the SIM, as it was called, would take complete control of the starship. Disguised as the Systems Integration Manager, the module was allowed onto the Star of Empire to be tested as a navigation system. Malik got the module installed, and began running the programs to evacuate the ship's passengers and crew. However, at the last moment, Malik refused to enter the necessary codes to free the SIM program to take complete control of the ship. The program tortured him by locking him and room and modifying the environment. The SIM program was able to control life support as well as the droid population of the ship, and sent out several bands of maintenance droids to kill off any of the passengers and crew that remained aboard. In the meatime, the SIM program had found another ally in the yougn boy, Zak Arranda. Zak believed that the SIM program was trying to help, and unwittingly entered the necessary codes. SIM came to life and took control of the Star of Empire. The survivors managed to escape from SIM and the ship by merely waiting the program out and taking a big chance when the opportunity came. Hoole managed to reach the Shroud and Dash Rendar recovered the Outrider, and then shot a pair of proton torpedoes into the engines of the Star of Empire. They then sent a message to the Alliance, giving them the location of the ship. SIM, however, managed to download itself into the computer banks of a nearby space station, and waiting until it could insinuate itself into another starship."

"Systems Integration Manager
this false cover was supposed to be a device hailed as the next generation in shipboard computers by the Empire. The primary difference between a droid or a navigational computer and the SIM (as it was referred to) was that the SIM could actually decide for itself where to go and how to get there. However, SIM was not what it seemed to be. In fact, the real name for the computer was Systems Infiltration Manager, and it was designed to take control of an enemy ship after being inserted into its computer core. "

"Diamond-boron Armor
this armor plating was developed by the Empire late in the Galactic Civil War. It was used to cover missiles, allowing them to be virtually indestructible until they are detonated. "

this artificial material has the unique property of being able to withstand incredibly high temperatures, flux densities, and radiation levels without being damaged. This made hyperbarides a requirement in the production of heavy turbolasers as well as the immense lasers used on the Death Stars. The Empire spent a great deal of money developing and manufacturing hyperbarides, for without them the firepower of the Imperial Navy would have been greatly reduced. However, the production of hyperbarides required incredible amounts of thermal energy, and the process releases highly toxic by-products in its wake. Thus, the production of hyperbarides was often relegated to lifeless worlds or moons. The huge, powerful plants which produce these materials are almost always staffed with live workers, as the process of creating the hyperbarides produces electromagnetic waves and radiation which affects the operation of most droids. Note that Goroth: Slave of the Empire indicates that there are certain hyperbarides which occur naturally in the galaxy."

the strong, clear material used for windows on spaceships. It has the unique property of adjusting to the external lighting conditions, darkening the light is brighter and clearing when the light is lower. Specialized, optically-enhanced transparisteel was developed by Kuat Drive Yards during the early years of the New Order, as a way of providing minimal cloaking for the Empire's huge warships. Nano-tech datalinks were imbedded into the transparisteel, and programmed to filter out specifc wavelengths or other visual data. Thus, a ship plated with this special transparisteel would seem almost invisible. However, this was an expensive technology, and never found widespread use. "

"Veridicator 200
produced by Saldalith Manufacturing, this device appeared to be a beautiful bracelet made from Falasian liquid crystal inlay. In reality, it was a complex sensor device which could interpret the biorhythms of an individual and determine the truth of their words and actions. The use of this type of device was outlawed in many systems during the height of the New Order, unless the being who was scanned had given their expressed permission"

"Anti-blaster Energy Field
this type of energy dissipation field was developed by the Empire during the Galactic Civil War. It was concurrently created by I'att Armaments. The theory behind the field was that the energy from a blaster bolt could be absorbed and dispersed across the surface of stormtrooper armor. The problem with the system was that the dispersion created an intense amount of heat that literally cooked the trooper inside the armor shell. I'att Armaments discovered a way to eliminate this problem with the addition of a heat dissipator unit and by imbedding zersium into the body glove worn by troopers. The body glove was also important because it protected the flesh of the trooper; the dissipation field unpredictably damaged living flesh. Moff Eisen Kerioth executed the leaders of I'att Armaments and tried to replicate the design for himself, but was unable to perfect it because Tinian I'att had appropriated several key components. "

"Force Detector
a device developed by Emperor Palpatine, the Force Detector used two unique sheet-crystal paddles and a control pack to determine whether or not a person was Force-sensitive. Thaissen crystals, found only on the planet Circarpous V, were used in the paddles. If the person had some sensitivity to the Force, a bluish aura was displayed around them when the detector was activated. An individual with a strong connection to the Dark Side of the Force registered a reddish aura. The strength of the aura had come correlation to the amount of Force sensitivity the person had. Anyone without Force sensitivity did not register the blue aura. "

"Sublight Acceleration Module
also known as a SLAM, this device was developed for use on the Imperial missile gunboat during the Galactic Civil War. The SLAM's function was to increase sublight speed by as much as two times, allowing the gunboat to quickly enter and exit an engagement with the enemy. The SLAM's power source drew power from all other shipboard systems, but was not considered a primary component. Thus, if weapons or target control were activated while the SLAM was engaged, the SLAM would be disengagde in favor of routing power to those systems. "

"Surface Charge Capacitance
a weapons-powering system which uses the natural properties of starship hulls to collect and store static energy. As a ship passes through space, it rubs against the various particles which exist in space. This action creates a charge against the ship's hull. In small ships, the hull is able to collect the charge in much the same way a capacitor would. This energy can be shunted into a weapons system, eliminating the need for a separate power generator. This method of powering weapons is not useful on large, capital ships, for the amount of charge is incredible, and cannot be safely shunted into weapons."

"Universal Energy Cage
a holding cell designed by Umak Leth when he was just starting his Imperial service, it uses a continuous energy field to keep most prisoners inside. The energy field also disrupts the normal Force field in the its vicinity, and could be used to contain even the most powerful Jedi Master. The cage itself is a three-meter sphere that floats on a repulsorlift. The prisoner is suspended inside the cage by a secondary repulsorlift. The energy field is maintained by coils of superconducting material coiled around the sphere. A radio key is used to open and lock the cage. "

"Hyperspace Orbiting Scanner
developed by Geothray Camber and implemented by Lindu Sencker, this device was developed for the Empire to eavesdrop into virtually any computer system in the galaxy. The HOS orbits a world in hyperspace, and monitors the hyperspace shadows left by the electrons flowing through computer networks. The HOS is programmed to understand the multitude of intergalactic programming languages, and deciphers the shadows into recognizable system commands. It has been used near almost 500,000 of the galaxy's planets, and boasted a 78% success rate. "

"Spaarti Cylinders

Spaarti cylinders are a left-over from the Clone Wars. They are used to clone adult human beings. Normally, human beings cloned in less than a year's time tend to suffer from a syndrome known as "clone madness". This syndrome is caused by the effect of the Force upon the growing clone, so a Ysalimiri-shielded cloning cylinder can be used to grow clones to adulthood in as little as one week's time. This process was first described in The Last Command, in which Grand Admiral Thrawn cloned armies of soldiers, and the psychotic Joruus C'Baoth cloned Luke Skywalker.

A related technology is flash-learning and mind imprints, which are required to create clones that are fully functional adults rather than babbling infants in adult bodies. Again, these processes were described in The Last Command, and they involve the extraction of a complete memory print from the subject, followed by the duplication of this print into the clone body."

There was even a copy of the death star and...

He looked over an unusual file.

It was filed as a star destroyer called the Eclipse. A Super Star destroyer with a super laser mounted to it.

Greyy stood appalled that such a thing still existed.

The empire itself could yet obtain this somehow, one of these devices could exist in the hands of The New Order.

The thought ran shivers through his spin.

"Data upload complete." the positronic droid B2 chimes in. Indicating that his task was complete.

"If I may say so sir this is some freaky stuff in my systems but it would be benificial if..." The droid stops speaking as it notices Greyys far away expression. He was as sentient as any biological. He knew that this was a journey that meant alot to Trespe so he decided to shut-up and let him be. Greyy had certainly been kind enough to treat him as another sentient creature that was deserving of respect as such. Unlike many other droids that were treated as mere properaty.

Greyy exits placing a number of Proton charges in the chamber.

Walking out into the wilderness once he reached his ship a large boom was heard in the distance.

Greyy had destroyed this data unit but he had a good deal to repent for this data was going to be one step on the path for the Observer Order and perhaps the universe.