Impending Conflicts and Righteous Alliegences [Rodia]
  • Posted On: Nov 26 2003 2:52pm
Aboard the MBC Fall of the Ni'Korish, deep in Mid Rim space.

"Captain Ellian?"

The Royal Navy Captain stood stoicly in his private quarters, the holowall that allowed him an unprescedented view of the galaxy sat in front of him although it appeared as if there was simply no wall at all. His hair was trimmed down to the minimum allowed from a near flag officer, its rusty red colour evident also on his small van dyke beard.

Not turning, he replied with a simply 'yes'. He knew who it would be, Captain Kalen of RInt, and he knew exactly what he was going to say. Captain Ellian was always prepared.

"Its a beautiful view isn't it..."

Ellian was almost surprised by his compatriots comment, his previous experiences with the decorated intelligence officer had lead him to believe he was a man of business and business only, but he hid his surprise well. He had survived too long in the Per'Agthra's court to release his opinions through the use of emotion.

"It is indeed Captain Kalen. The Mid Rim does bore me though, i'd much prefer a foray into the Transitory Mists than to be sent on a glorified milk run."

Kalen laughed inwardly, accepting his superiors words as fact.

"Quite. Although this mission does have its merits..."

Ellian smiled openly as he continued to stare into space. NOW comes the mission talk... Kalen continued, uninterupted.

"We have, as you well know, identified that the Galactic Coalition has siezed Rodia in the confusion ensuing from the Wrath Virus and the collapse of the New Empire. The Coalition itself seems the equivilent of the Rebel Alliance, only in a more governmental state. Same relative agendas, anti-establishment bias coupled with the predominance of aliens in their politics."

Aliens have predominance?

Ellian voiced his thought and as it was answered, shuddered mentally.

"Indeed it would appear. While the group comes from a number of facets, including the New Rebellion (Ellian smiled at their mention), its primary funding comes from the former Mon Calamari Republic and another alien group known as the Azguards."

Captain Ellian turned his head slightly towards the RInt man before interjecting.


He had never heard of them before. Kalen continued on the new tangent.

"Indeed. A race we have only seen through a traitors eyes. When the dark Prince raided our datafiles on Hapes, prior to the return of the royal heirs, he was nice enough to provide us with information regarding them. Most of it was arrogent filth, but our xenobiologists and psycoanalysts worked in concert to decode the crap and succeded."


"And it would appear that they were allied to the Corporation the dark prince attacked in a pirate raid on Garos IV. Although they were outnumbered, they charged blindly on in an attempt to damage the princes ships despite the destruction of their own. It appears their intentions were to simply to be destroyed so that their explosion would damage the pirates ships."

Kalen paused to allow this to sink in. He watched Captain Ellian and waited for his reply.

"One could say that was courage in the face of overwhelming odds..."

The wizened captain turned to the junior officer, his eyes finally leaving the starscape that had previously covered his vision.

"... Or gross negligence which lead to the loss of their men."

Ellians face showed apparant displeasure at the tactic. He had long been known as the 'soldiers soldier', always taking his men into account first, everything else second and this was a direct affront to that.

"Should he have survived, i certainly hope he was court martialed as a result."

He nodded, indicating for the other man to continue, which Kalen did.

"As i was saying, it appears that the 3 groups maintain relatively equal control over the new entity, although the precedent as set by this coalition is worrying to say the least. It appears that they have no real political links outside the faction, although there remains growing concern over the links between our allies and this terrorist faction..."

Captain Ellians eyes were immediately raised.

"Terrorist faction? And i very much doubt that the Sovreignty would maintain such links, especially were they true."

Ellian turned again to look out the viewscreen while Captain Kalen replied.

"The terrorist faction is the label handed down by the Empire, since they have conflicting ideologies and since the GC PR machine has publically and openly admitted to being a number of less than normal things. In fact, they have admitted rather publically that they are 'murders' among other things."

"Sarcasm perhaps?" Ellian countered.

"Still something entirely irresponsable from a galactic entity." Kalen counter-countered. Ellian snorted in agreement.

"But i still don't believe President Griff would risk our alliance in such a haphazard manner. He is much too level headed for that. He himself would know that the Queen Mother would not accept such actions and would terminate the alliance immediately. Such an action would..."

He was cut short as a typed piece of paper landed on the chair behind him. Ellian moved quickly to read the document, upon which held a text version of an interview with Vice President Meer, head of the Black Hand. It was to the following transcript that Ellians view was drawn.

"Why have you decided to ally yourself with the Galactic Coalition?"

"First off it was not my sole decision nor was it the decision of President Griff. There was a vote taken and it was supported by the Senate. Secondly, the Sovereignty has not allied itself with the Galactic Coalition. We are fighting the same enemy but we are not fighting with them. The Sovereignty has exactly one ally, The Hapes Consortium. We continue to maintain relations with them throughout this crisis. We have decided to fight the Empire because it serves the interests of the citizens of the Sovereignty that the Empire is dis-armed and defeated. Tomorrow it may serve the interests of the citizens of the Sovereignty to fight the Galactic Coalition. We will do what we must to defend our citizens and the citizens of the entire Outer-Rim."

"It would appear they are using us as their shield from fallout in this instance. And while publically they are denying any links other than a common enemy to the Coalition, that is contrary to what our intelligence says. Already a large number of weapons and technology transfers have occured from these terrorists and the Sovreignty.

Even more startling is that in the course of Operation Cleansing Hand, a number of ORS operatives were captured..."

Ellian smiled.

"I always knew those guys weren't too bad."

Kalen continued, slight irritation evident in his voice.

"Well, that didn't help them much now did it?

As i was saying, a number of operatives were captured, including a coalition agent. Now our interrogation has revealed all that they know which, while mostly irrelevant at this point, indicated that not only were the ORS and GC working together, but the Royal House has come to the conclusion that ORS is the public face of the GC maneuvrings."

Ellians face was stony, its tones near ashen. Anyone who knew the Captain, and Kalen did, would know he was furious.

"Which means that we have been mislead, on all parts by all hands."

Captain Kalen nodded, unaware that a storm was brewing. While he had read reports on his compatriots status and political affiliation, he did not know that Captain Ellian was a staunch defender of the longstanding alliance, holding great respect for the Sovreigntys leadership having met Xander Griff during one of his diplomatic visits to Hapes.

Now it appeared to him that respect was illfounded and misplaced.

"I need no more of this background breifing. If you'll care to escort me to the bridge."

Kalen agreed and watched the Captain walk past him, just catching a glimpse of the Matriarchs escort, the Cyclone, begin to appear in the viewport before he too turned and left with a slight sigh.

On the Bridge.

"Officer on deck!!"

Captains Ellian and Kalen appeared from the turbolift at the same time, but it was Ellians purposeful strides that allowed him to be the first on deck. Ahead of him from the primary bridge lay a brilliant starscape as the ship cruised evenly through space. And although he always stopped to take in its beauty, this time Ellian did not.

"Is there a problem sir?"

Commander Ido spoke evenly, her tones calm and controlled.

"I have received part of my breifing for the mission, Ms Ido, and i am greatly displeased."

Ido shot Captain Kalen a distasteful look, her beautiful feline eyes showing a momentary ferocity that warned the army promoted Captain that he was in poor favour with the woman. By the time her eyes settled back on her Captain they were normal again.

"Captain, need i remind you of our mission parameters?"

"You need not remind me of anything, Commander."

His pointed and harsh return shook Ido to the core. Never had she seen her longtime CO in such an anguished state, and that had been ever since this ship was built.

"Are our recon teams prepared?"

Ido interjected.

"Sir, our launch schedule states that the first rotation will be launched when we arrive on station. And thats not for another 2 days."

Captain Ellian nodded, his face having slightly returned to its original colour.

"Orders have been changed. Have the relevant crews brought up to speed. RZ is changed for the first two days to reflect our not being there so that our ships will, if being pursued, procede with a jump to the nearest ORS planet or ship. RZ +2 will remain the same."

Ido knew now not to question her superiors actions and replied with a curt 'Aye Aye Sir.'

Ten minutes later, flight deck.

The Avenger Fighter Bomber was a powerful strike fighter in its own right, able to engage anything in space from a Griffen to an Eclipse and come out tops. But something it had also proven to be, despite its designers intentions, was a truly multi-functioning delivery system. Its twin laser cannons had been removed and replaced with high frequincy monitering equipment, along with its proton torpedo launcher and payload. Instead were massive databases for storing vast amounts of information. A subspace holocom receiver was also installed as was a number of other technological 'bells and whistles' to ensure that the modified Avenger CC is able to provide real-time tactical intelligence and targetting data back to a fleet as well as being capable of scanning entire systems by itself, a distinct advantage over smaller recon TIEs who previously filled this role for the Consortium Navy. In addition to its ability to moniter all aspects of subspace and holocom communications was the fact that due to the small dish embedded in the stealth fighters hull, it could also completely jam them, although on a much smaller scale.

What resulted from this construction and modification was something that was truly a masterwork of technology. Able to detect and prioritise targets from over 5000 kms, as well as moniter and track their targets communications, the Avenger CC was the embodiment of spycraft.

Now, standing behind the 19m Stealth Fighter were its crew, seasoned veterens of conflict, one and all. Nodding to each other in genuine respect, they boarded their craft. Moments later, they had breached the black abyss.

Two hours later, the edge of Coalition space.

"Reversion in three, two, one, mark."

The starstreaks disappeared almost as quickly as they had appeared to the crew of the first rotation, but it was something that none of them took any notice of. Seconds later, the CC01s wingman appeared and could be seen signalling with his hands. CC01A nodded and indicated the thumbs up. They were in perfect positions to complete their task, about 4500kms from Rodia. Activating their stealth sheild, CC01 began to move into orbiting position of a nearby planetary body as he was ordered.

To his left CC02 turned and made ready for another jump. It would go to the polar opposite position of its partner, to ensure everything received was verified. Meanwhile, CC01B turned to his partner.

"So, if we're in Rodian space, does that mean we're commiting an act of war?"

CC01A simply rolled his eyes as he activated the long range subspace transceiver.
  • Posted On: Nov 27 2003 4:13am
Rodia - Palace of the Grand Protector

"We are being beset from all sides, Admiral Harad. I can't help you."

Fleet Admiral Jonstra Harad sighed, leaning back in his chair as the lifesize holo of Jan Dondana shifted slightly, sending rippled through the light.

"I need those troops, and those ships. The Hapes Consortium grows stronger at our doorstep every day. We cannot hold if they attack us." Harad protested.

"I know, but we must focus our strengths where the immidiate threats are." Jan Dondana said, "And it is not at Rodia."

"I think it is. I think we are in immimnent danger." Admiral Harad said, almost pleading.

"I can't help you. Do the best you can." Dondana said, reaching for a switch that would cut the comlink.

"The planet will fall." Harad said quietly.

Dondana froze, "Then it will fall." He said.

The link was cut and Harad sat back in his chair, running his fingers through his hair. He did not hear the footsteps of a large, green Rodian as he approached.

"It is done then." The Rodian, the Grand Protector, said in his own language.

"Yes." Harad responded in kind, also in the Rodian language, "We shall recieve no support."

"Then at the first sign of trouble, the people of Rodia will take up arms. We will fight off any invader." Grand Protector Elandel Karr said.

"Perhaps we should not fight." Harad said into the air.

The Grand Protector was silent.

Edit: Ezcodes, spelling, putting in an NPC
  • Posted On: Nov 27 2003 6:01am
(OOC: Its Hapes Consortium, the Hapan Consortium is a shipbuilding company dammit! :p I'll edit this later today as my reply.

Also Griff, i need to ask you the clan affiliation of the current Grand Protector.)

Aboard CC09, morning of RZ+1.

"Still no real readings?"

A negative buzzed through on the intercom. CC09A grimaced.

"What the hell are we doin' out here anyways then? We're a system wide scanner, scanning sweet @#%$ all!"

A reply crackled through the intercom.

"Ours is not to reason why..."

CC09A grinned as he settled back into his seat. Taping the ships controls idly he brought up the holodisplay, revealing a full rundown on the information that their shift had garnered. Scanning down the list, of which 95% was junk, CC09A was suddenly stopped.

"@#%$, dataspike incoming!"

CC09B was quick to react, activating the ships receivers. Sitting in the back of the Avenger, he was quick to comment.

"Its a random datastream, sent out over frequincy 3425. I'm running translation program now."

On CC09A holocom the translation program started to run as his partner activated it. The massive list of databytes and information was gobbeldygook. Completely useless.


CC09A watched as a section of the data was highlighted, the massive stream of data paused in its tracks.

"That word, its basic for Tetsus."

CC09A smiled as his partner identified their codeword. Suddenly their radar bleeped. CC09A shut the holocom off immediately and watched the screen as strange immediately began to scan their rear horizon with the quad ion.

"Two contacts, bearing 4329, on a common eliptical. No IFF being broadcast."

CC09A looked at his holo.

"Wait, thats 0555 Hapes time. This must be our relief."

And sure enough in CC09Bs gunsight another Avenger appeared. In the slight distance he could see its partner lining up for his next set of jumps to relieve CC10. Strange activated their comms.

"Incoming bogey, we have you in our sights. If you don't identify yourself, we will have to open fire."

CC09A chuckled.

"@#%$ you!" came the reply.

The pair laughed and activated their engines, the ship humming with a life it hadn't felt in almost 6 hours.

"Good huntin' boys. Catch you back at barracks."

CC01B was heard on the comms.

"You still owe me 20 Crowns Kirk!"

CC09As reply was equally amusing, launching the craft into hyperspace...

Debreifing Room 01, aboard the Fall of the Ni'Korish.

"... And it was then that we recieved the dataspike. Our relief arrived moments after the codeword was identified."

Captain Kalen looked between the pair and then to other pair next to them.

"And you recieved identical and corroborating data?"

The crew of CC10 nodded.


"Where is the data now?"

CC09A looked to his partner, who spoke up quickly.

"RInt members were waiting as we landed, they instantly hooked the ships up. They were downloading the information on the tightbeam transmission line before we event stepped onto the deck..."

CC09A interjected.

"Sir, it was as if they already knew we had the information."

Kalen smiled, inwardly commending the NCOs on their aptitude. He also knew that this shift would be the first to receive the dataspike due to a number of factors, elimination being one of them. The missions were pushing the limits of their schedule, and as such the mission would be scrapped had the report not arrived early that morning.

"By 0000 tomorrow, we will be on station. As such, the requirement for jumps and returns has been lowered to its original levels, for that time. Any other modifications to the flightplan will be mentioned in your preflight breifing. Congratulations gentlemen, you've got the rest of the day off.


The men rose sharply from their seats to attention as Captain Kalen left.

Smiling to himself as he only allowed when his operations were coming together, Isolder Kalen was stopped abruptly by Captain Ellian and his XO.

"Captain Ellian, Commander Ido."

He snapped together a quick salute. It was not returned, and the looks on the faces of the pair was not happy.

"You lied to me Captain Kalen."

Isolder smiled, immediately disarming the ships commander.

"I assume you are refering to our briefing?"

Ellians face was hard, his eyes cold.

"You're @#%$ right i'm refering to our briefing!"

The RInt man continued to smile a toothy smile as he asserted control of the situation.

"In fact, Captain, it was you who cut the briefing short. Here."

Kalen leafed through the folders at his side, and handed the paper to the ships CO. The Hapan had anticipated Ellian would have mentioned his speed up of the operation to Royal High Command, and would have tracked down Kalen within an hour of that. That meeting had taken place approximately 10 minutes by Kalens count, and so the Captain was right on time.

Ellian leafed through the document while Kalen continued.

"The first databurst was received earlier, i've just done the debrief. RInt is already decoding it. From what the word was, it would indicate that the sleepers in our clans have been activated/contacted. Everything is proceding as ordered."

Ellian looked up from the papers, his anger visably softened, but over his shoulder Commander Ido scowled with intensity.

"Keep me informed Captain. And do bear in mind this is a navy operation, not intelligence. Everything you do must be past through myself or Commander Ido."

Kalen smiled as he saluted briskly, before taking his leave.

Everything is proceding as ordered, indeed!
  • Posted On: Dec 3 2003 8:09am
"Sign here, sir. And here."

Harad sighed as he signed his name on the durasheet laid out in front of him. These days it seemed like there was just nothing but an endless stream of papers he was forced to sign.

"What is this?" He asked, picking up a particular sheet.

"Our assistant administrators in the weapons plants are complaining of heightend thefts of weapons off the assembly lines. They have made a request to us for allocation of troops for policing duties near the plants. This is the formal request." Harad's secretary said.

"Denied. The last thing we need are for people to think we have troops on the ground, protecting weapons factories. Inform the factories that they should hire their own security." Harad said, "What's next?"



"What is it?" The Grand Protector asked.

"Just a bad feeling about this." Harad said.

"About what?"

"This whole war. I have a feeling we are the next targets." Harad said, "And it angers me High Command doesn't see it."

"Rodia is my world, Admiral." The Grand Protector said, "And it belongs to the Rodian people, not the Coalition. If our planet is attacked, the Rodian people will do what they must to defend our world."

"But it is the Coalition that will undoubtedly give the enemy cause to attack..." Harad said, leaving the thought unfinished.

"Then perhaps it is almost time for the Coalition to distance themselves from Rodia?" The Grabd Protector said.
  • Posted On: Dec 9 2003 2:58pm
Aboard CC07, 0430 RZ+2 .

"Incoming hyperspace reversion, long range. Its bigger than a fighter..."

A tried to turn in his seat to see the ships, but was unable and turned back to his computer. Suddenly a databurst was heard over the ships com, now linked by the bored crewmen to the ships data processor. It ran for about 2 seconds, then cut off.

A waited.

"2.37 seconds, its the Fall."

As per their breifing, the Matriarch battlecruiser had sent the random databurst on its arrival on the edge of the system along with its partner to identify itself, rather than risking long range communications. While there was little to no chance of the message being intercepted by Rodia, the GC had been stretched thin in its attack on Corellia, Captain Kalen believed at this point discretion was the better part of valor.

"Sweet, and we've only got a small trip, which means more time for us to kick Kirk and Stranges ass at sabacc again!"

B laughed and replied quickly.

"Ha, you know i totally carry you! The only reason i keep doin' it is cause there ain't no 'I' in 'team'."

"Bullshit Kazanski!"

"Hey Cougar, don't make me come up there!"

They laughed and continued carrying on for the rest of their shift. Sadly, the witty yet normal reparté that past between the pair was interupted. Twice.

Two more sets of 'random' databursts arrived by the time 0600 came around, and CC09 arrived to take their place.

Surface of Rodia, approximately 0500 RZ+2.

Lompok ducked behind the small plaster wall as the men moved past. They proceded at a light jog, their footfalls coming vaguely in step which signified their military training. Moments later they passed allowing the Rodian to rise and continue on her journey. She stopped again twice under similar circumstances to avoid detection before eventually reaching her goal.

Rushing into the building she was stopped by the cocking of a blaster just behind her.

"I've come alone."

There was a chuckle and the blaster appeared from the shadows, followed closely by a beautiful humanoid.

"Whats the good word Lompok?"

Darius Grazen had been a part of the 'Queens Cells' since they were created only months before the outbreak of the Wrath Virus on the iniative of the the Crowned Prince. His post on Rodia came as it was realised that he had served almost 5 years there as a merchant prior to Hapes supporting of the Tetsus clans rise to power.

His works had gained him high level contacts with most of the clans, as well as with D-Tec and the local branches of Merr-Sonn Munitions and Blas-Tech, making him invaluable to the cells.

Couple that with a decade of naval service and a dedication to the Crown that was second to none, and Grazen was a most valuable agent.

"Digital link has been established. The relay group has established hardlinks to our core in each clan. Beedo of the Tonena mentioned he has a dozen Ghest starfighters being held in the D-Tec planet as we speak, we just need to send word."

The Hapan grinned, knowing full well the newly reborn Tonena Clans desire for combat, no matter the enemy.

"Let us hope it doesn't come to that.

So communications are running?"

Lombok nodded having personally seen the installation of the final cable an hour ago. Although about the same speed as proper transmissions, the cables were only moniterable if found, and then tapped digitally. And while that was extremely improbable, the digital cables encryption would require someone skilled in digital works, something that was considered useless due to obsolesence nowadays.

"We have posted watchers on each garrison, although obviously most people are asleep at the moment.

Also reports say that a number of weapons factories have requested troops to defend their factories against theives. It was denied, thefts continue and the number of armed civillians grows. Chalmat in the Goa-Ato says the Grand Protector is worried about the security of the planet.

He has raised the issue with Fleet Admiral Harad, who reportedly dismissed it."

Grazen smiled, ushering the Rodian inside, away from the soon to be rising sun. Inside talk quickly turned away from the planet itself and to more trivial matters.

Aboard the Fall of the Ni'Korish.

The man was strapped down, his arms and legs as heavy as lead as the drugs coursed through his body, but his eyes moved impatiently, constantly roving around the room in search of something, anything to focus on. He had been here for almost a month now having returned from his training on Haven and he was totally bewildered.

He had a job to do, he was so close, yet so far but for some reason his mind was all messed up. There remained only a few things constant in his mind. His mission, who he was and the fact that every day for the past month he remembers a flash.

Not a terribly brilliant one, perhaps an electrical discharge of some sort, he wasn't sure. One thing he was sure of though is that every time it happened, his desire to complete his mission increased exponentially.

And he would.

Captain Kalen looked through the one way glass with interest. The package was almost ready, as was indicated by the status of the various instruments on this side of the glass, and very soon would be unleashed. Alot had been sacrificed by the Ni'Korish to ensure that everything would go to plan, immense amounts of resources were devoted to this effort.

And Kalen would not fail. He was rightfully considered amongst the brightest of the Orders operatives and for him, failure could only come about through stupidity of the highest order. And that was damn unlikely...

(OOC: Griff, whats the military info on Rodia? Troop numbers, how they are organised, how many barracks etc.

I need to know for the story.)