Holy Trinity: Rogue Demise | Averam
Posts: 1381
  • Posted On: Jun 4 2003 4:19am
“The High Command has decided that the time has come for an all-out assault on Jutraalian holdings. The invasion of Thyferra has set the music – we must change the holostation.” There was a series of agreements from the combined officers, and Bhindi smiled grimly at their holograms. “The targets have been chosen, the details are being transmitted now. You should have time in hyperspace to make sure you are ready” she continued. “Vice-Admiral Sez, you will be striking the world of Averam.” The officer with one eye nodded and saluted.
“Yes, Admiral.” His hologram flickered out as his ship no doubt brought its deflector shields up, testing systems for the coming conflict. “Admiral Varsenna, you will take Thyferra.” The man, likewise, nodded.
“Yes, Admiral.” He said, his voice hard. A bit to much so, in fact. “Remember, Admiral, this is not a chance at revenge. The Jutraalians will be repaid in full for the destruction of the Thyferran Defence Fleet… and the desecration of our Sovereign Space. But not at the expense of our overall strategy.” The Admiral nodded again, his eyes growing hard as well.
“I understand, Admiral.”
“Be sure you do. I will not tolerate rash actions among this fleet, Admiral.” The hologram vanished with a final salute.
“Admiral Yasson…”


The bridge of the Ancestral Class Carrier was vastly different from that of a Star Destroyer. That much was obvious to Vice-Admiral Sez as he stepped onto the craft that would be serving as his flagvessel for the impending conflict. But the nearly-organic walls, the strange colours, gave some securing sense of a safe haven, even in a battle. It would be interesting, he through briefly, to see how she performed under combat conditions.

“Admiral?” A soft voice, a human voice, came from behind him. Sez turned, his one eye (the other was covered by a mirrored patch) taking in the female’s lithe form.
“Colonel,” he said, returning her salute. “Is the fleet ready?” She nodded.
“Ready and willing, Admiral. These… Swarm types are eager for the battle.”
Sez smiled gravely.
“And with reason, Colonel. Prepare the fleet for hyperspace.” There was a nod, and the Admiral leaned back in his command seat as the orders were relayed. And then, the black void of space was replaced with swirling hyperspace vortex.

The fleet emerged above Averam, spreading out on the Jutraalian sensors like a beautiful, deadly flower. The carrier and her escorts took up their positions in the midst of the fleet, the other vessels spreading out to cover their own small area of space.

“Fighters away.” The female Colonel reported. “All stations reporting ready and able.” The Admiral nodded briefly.
“Right. Shields up. Helm, take us forward. Keep a lookout for Jutraalian defences. Jam all communications save our own, and give me a map of the Jutraalian satallite network.”

There was a chorus of acknowledgments, and Vice-Admiral Sez smiled gravely. This would be a day the Jutraalians would not soon forget… the falling of Averam, and the beginning of the end of their tyrannical reign.


<font size=1>Ancestral-class Carrier~Reletak
(80 Retak Fighters)

Terakesh Gunship Pagasheik
Terakesh Gunship Isllkoash
Terakesh Gunship Shilishamek
Terakesh Gunship Hikoshola
Terakesh Gunship Kirsasha
Terakesh Gunship Lekmaresh
Terakesh Gunship Sensari
Terakesh Gunship Jishyhesh
Terakesh Gunship Ijlajaad
Terakesh Gunship Omashar
Terakesh Gunship Relora
Terakesh Gunship Keshmar
Terakesh Gunship Iskashrak
Terakesh Gunship Sekeshek
Terakesh Gunship Tikishiktu
Terakesh Gunship Sishish
Terakesh Gunship S'aaraad
Terakesh Gunship Issharak
Terakesh Gunship Kemrak
Terakesh Gunship Kikramal
Terakesh Gunship Tashameshla
Terakesh Gunship Tothmokra
Terakesh Gunship Felashek
Terakesh Gunship Hekleshakla
Terakesh Gunship Arvaresh
Terakesh Gunship Sheeshla
Terakesh Gunship Ihgranash
Terakesh Gunship Lopaskakish
Terakesh Gunship Lemetesh
Terakesh Gunship Ponotesh

-4000 Swarm Warriors
Posts: 171
  • Posted On: Jun 5 2003 1:03am
Bridge of ISD II Charlemagne, Panzer Flotilla
Admiral Sabrino stood on the bridge of the Charlemagne watching the approach of the enemy forces. They seemed to think that they had gotten the drop on the planet. Such a pity Sabrino often moved about the worlds of the Jutraalian Empire for inspections.

"Captian, prepare the rest of the flotilla for combat, activate the interdictors, and jam the enemies long range frequencies. All ships are to go to battle stations."

The captain nodded and carried out his orders as Sabrino watched the continued approach of the enemy ships. They looked to be very numerous, but that wouldn't stop Sabrino from slaughtering all of them.

"Bring us about to face the enemy fleet, battle stations!" Sabrino roared vigorously as the klaxons sounds and the fleet moved to intercept the attacking force. These were the moments he loved the most: pure combat.

Panzer Flotilla Manifest
Imperial-class Star Destroyer MkII Charlemagne
Victory-class Star Destroyer Indigo
Carrack-class light cruiser Nova
Carrack-class light cruiser Diliverance
Lancer-Class Anti-Fighter Frigate Monstrous One
Lancer-Class Anti-Fighter Frigate Monstrous Two
Lancer-Class Anti-Fighter Frigate Monstrous Three
Interdictor-Class Immobilizer Cruiser Black Viper
Tholatin-class Star Destroyer Maker
Marauder-class Corvette Gemstone
Marauder-class Corvette Firebird
Interdictor Cruiser Cobra
Interdictor Cruiser Black Ops
Nebulon B Katie's Fire 2
Nebulon B Katie's Pride
Dreadnaught Starfire
Dreadnaught Lightfire

Flotilla Starfighters
116 TIE Interceptors
24 Scimitar Assault Bombers

Support Craft
20 Raptor Transports

Planetary Forces
48 Type 717 Tie Vanguards
108 Rapyir-class Starfighters

Ground Forces
100 Yuuzhan Vong Hunters
8 Grievance Main Battle Tanks
40 AT-XTs
6 million ground troops
  • Posted On: Jun 5 2003 1:34am
Manifest'll be up shortly
Posts: 1381
  • Posted On: Jun 7 2003 9:01pm
Combat, especcially combat in space, where you do not see the face of your enemy, but rather only the ships and fighters they ride in, has always been divided by a thin line. A line that, more often than not, is crossed untold numbers of times by all sides in any one battle.

It could be said that the Empire stepped across that line in the Battle of Endor by obliterating Rebel capital ships with the Death Star's superlaser. Destroying the ships utterly and leaving not a chane of their crews surviving. And it could be said that the Alliance stepped past that same line in destroying the Death Star; watching it explode so instantly that it is remarkable that anyone managed to escape at all.

Some would argue though, that the lines of combat are blurred by neccessity. Evils of war can be forgotten when the results are for the betterment of everyone. So it would be when the Unholy Alliance liberated Averam and set the oppressed peoples of the Jutraalian Empire free.

"Admiral, ComScan confirms the presence of a large Jutraalian naval force in the system. Seventeen capital ships, most of them are Cruisers or better."

Admiral Sez nodded, checking his own tactical display and confirming the numbers.

"Identifications?" He asked calmly.

"Looks like a Jutraalian Star Destroyer leading them. The rest appear to be Tholatin craft. Several of the ships were present at the Battle of Tholatin, under different names, of course."

Sez nodded.

"Divide the fleet as arranged. Alpha Group to take up sentry line position, Beta to act to flank the first, and Delta to await further orders. Order all craft to arm their missile tubes and prepare for Attack Pattern Echo."

The female Colonel nodded her understanding and, with the standard Imperial speed, set about her task.

The fleet moved like a three headed snake, the first two groups of Gunships arraying themselves in front of the command ship in a standard attack formation. Their overlapping shields would give them a sharp edge in the coming battle; one which they would need, if the size of the enemy battle group was any indication.

But size and numbers were not everything, as had so often been drilled into Admiral Sez at the academy. And the High Command had authorized him to liberate Averam by "any means neccessary".

The fleet waited, inviting the Jutraalians to make the first move.
Posts: 171
  • Posted On: Jun 8 2003 12:39am
Admiral Sabrino stood on the bridge and watched at the enemy fleet formed up and waited. Sabrino held up a hand siganling his comm officer to order the flotilla to slow until Sabrino could assess the situation.

"So thats how you're going to play, eh?" Sabrino asked rhetorically as he stood there watching the enemy fleet form up. Sabrino walked up to the viewport to get a better view of the enemy fleet.

"Defensive tactics to lure me in," Sabrino muttered, more to himself than to his crew. "Does this mean you have some sort of surprise for me?" The way Sabrino was carrying on, it looked to his crew like he had gone completely mad. They would have grabbed him and put someone else in charge if they hadn't seen him do this during fleet exercises. It was simply how he strategized and arranged his thoughts. Though no other fleet officer had ever done something so ludicrous as have a conversation with himself to figure out the problem.

"Sir, should I order the advance to continue?"

Sabrino quickly hushed the man as he went on with his one sided conversation. "You must have something ready for me or you wouldn't sit there like a smug Hutt," Sabrino said as he watched the enemy fleet. The vessels weren't of any recognized manufacture and from the scans he was being handed, the ships were somewhat organic.

"Now I know I'm not being paraoid because if you didn't have an advantage of some sort, you'd be attacking me. So we have several options, I just need to figure out what those options are."

Sabrino stood there in thought as he looked at the enemy fleet. They just kept sitting there which infuriated him the most. It was practically a challange, but he wasn't stupid enough to go charging right into something like this. This reeked of a trap. The difference, though, between Sabrino and whoever the enemy commander was, was that Sabrino could out-wait his opponent because he was defending this world. The enemy fleet was trapped by a trio of interdiction fields and they were jammed, completely cut off from the rest of the galaxy. If they wanted to take Averam they would have to get rid of the Panzer Flotilla.

"All ships to full stop. Move Carracks, Nebulons, and Lancers into defense positions around the Indigo, Maker, and Charlemagne. Move the Dreadnaughts and Marauders up with the Star Destroyers. Have the Three Interdictors form up behind the rest of the fleet. If they," he said pointing at the unknown fleet," want this planet so damn badly then they're going to have to come through us, not try and draw us into a trap."

Captain Torv briskly nodded and relayed the orders to the ship and the rest of the fleet which came to a full stop directly between the enemy fleet and Averam. The ships moved into their defense positions and waited.

"Its all a waiting game now," Sabrino said with a smug smile as he watched the enemy fleet. If they wanted the planet, they would have to attack.