Posts: 765
  • Posted On: Aug 5 2007 7:14am
HOLY SHNIKE I really wasn't expecting this. It seems like TBC just came out and now we're already talking about WOTLK or will it be WLK? Ya probably WLK. Seems like Blizz has given me a reason to start playing WoW again.

It's on like Donkey Kong.

BTW - I wish there were more information on this shizz. Death Knights???? HOW THE FUCK DO YOU BECOME A DEATH KNIGHT? I don't know... but I have a feeling I'll be spending way too many hours doing so.
Posts: 4025
  • Posted On: Aug 5 2007 11:12am
You become a Death Knight after you reach lvl 80. It's sort of like how when you reach a high enough lvl in your profession, like Blacksmithing, when you can choose what to specialize in.

From what I've gathered by reading around, Death Knight will be able to raise from the dead anything that he kills, and can have more than one "undead pet" at his at any given time.
Posts: 2788
  • Posted On: Aug 5 2007 1:30pm
Good god what is the level cap now?
Posts: 18
  • Posted On: Aug 5 2007 2:04pm
It says under "Features" 'Quest to level 80, gaining potent new abilities and talents along the way'.
Posts: 765
  • Posted On: Aug 5 2007 5:59pm
Park Kraken
You become a Death Knight after you reach lvl 80. It's sort of like how when you reach a high enough lvl in your profession, like Blacksmithing, when you can choose what to specialize in.

From what I've gathered by reading around, Death Knight will be able to raise from the dead anything that he kills, and can have more than one "undead pet" at his at any given time.

Well that's just speculation, I did manage to find this nugget though...

World of WarCraft's first Hero Class is a plate-wearing tank/DPS hybrid that works a little something like this: When players hit level 80, they'll be able to embark on a quest (similar in difficulty to the Warlock's epic mount quest, back before the level cap was raised to 70) that unlocks the ability to create a Death Knight character. The Death Knight starts at a high level (somewhere around 60 or 70, though Blizzard isn't certain yet), so you won't have to grind your way back up all over again. It's intended as an alternative, advanced class for end-game use only.

Rather than using rage, energy, or mana, Death Knights have a special "rune sword" displayed beneath their health bar, onto which the player can etch six different runes (choose between Frost, Blood, and Unholy). Different abilities require different mixes of runes, and using abilities consumes the requisite runes until a cooldown timer causes them to be available again. Stuff like talents, spells, and other specifics are still being finalized. So are key questions like what races can be a Death Knight (start a Gnome petition now) and whether unlocking the Hero Class on one server means you can create a Death Knight on any server.

I find this VERY interesting. I can't wait until more details are released on this. The new professions sound pretty cool too.

BTW Hyfe the level cap is going to be 80 now. Seems way too soon though imo. There aren't that many guilds which are progressing very quickly through the current end game content.

I don't know how this is going to affect current endgame raids such as Hyjal/BT etc. which many guilds have yet to venture into. If the expansion comes out and all of a sudden level 72/73 greens are equivalent to level 70 raid epics (which was the case when TBC came out, level 60 epics were quickly replaced through green quest items).

So what I'm wondering is how this will affect the current raids that many guilds have yet to experience, i.e. Hyjal. When TBC came out most guilds had never gone into Naxx, and many of the ones that had never got very far. Once TBC came out nobody cared, I can count one time that a guild went back into Naxx after the expansion and I know my guild did a 10 man MC after the expansion.

Who knows, I can't wait until more information comes out though.
Posts: 5711
  • Posted On: Aug 5 2007 8:21pm
When is Wrath set for release, again?
Posts: 1584
  • Posted On: Aug 5 2007 8:50pm
Interesting timing, I had just gotten bored with BC and kicked my WoW habit, now this is out and I am interested in the game again.

Interesting timing indeed...
Posts: 765
  • Posted On: Aug 5 2007 9:11pm
OS I was thinking exactly the same thing. I haven't done shit with my 2 70s in the past few months besides PvP when I was bored. But news of the expansion definitely has me interested in hitting level 80.

Beff - as for release date I have no clue. I've heard it could be a year from now, it could be early '09, and I've heard it could be end of this year. They did have a playable demo of the expansion at Blizzcon but from what I read it really only consisted of taking a boat to Northrend which is the new continent, none of the new skills or anything were available.

I'd prefer sooner rather than later but we'll see.
Posts: 2558
  • Posted On: Aug 5 2007 11:47pm
You have no idea how much the announcement of that expansion angered me. I infact cancelled my WoW account the second I caught wind of it.

Why? New content and blah blah blah. Yeah, well you see the problem is my patience. I have been for the past two weeks attempting the 45-60 grind. I have found no parties for dungeons. I have found no groups running the quests. The great wide of world of warcraft is so very lonely. Now that grind will get even worse.
Posts: 2788
  • Posted On: Aug 6 2007 1:15am