The lesson here is new ideas are evil
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: Jun 8 2005 12:22am

Of course, sometimes they are. Mein Kampf? Certainly, I find that to be pretty bad, but the Communist Manifesto as the number one most damaging book of the 19th-20th century? Oh come on, at least they meant well. To go around saying that the people who started communism were all evil Limousine Liberals (In the 19th century, no less) is just... I don't have a word for how stupid this is.

Let's not even get started on how they hate, say, Dewey. "Oh My God! He's Suggesting that we should Actually Enforce Separation of Church and State! Not Only That, He Thinks Good and Evil Aren't Black and White and we Actually Need to Think About our Actions!" Yes, the thought that perhaps teaching kids to make their own decisions in life and figure things out is the fifth most dangerous thought ever concieved in the 20th century.

Also, apparently, Feminism is also evil and was one of the more damaging principles of the 20th century. No reasons are given as to why this is so besides the allegation that the book's author was a lefty journalist and communist, as if the very words mean that anything the person says is evil.

If you check the honourable mentions, you'll find - unsurprisingly, at this point - that Charles Darwin was also one of history's most villainous writers.

This whole article just makes me feel sick. I mean honestly, there is no reason to this, no valid explination, just "We hate feminists, weak-wristed liberals, and the damnable godless commies! ARGZ!" It hurts my brain and chills my mind that other people will come, read this, and - this is what really gets me - nod in agreement with the sentiments of this website guy. There is no rationale to this, it's just a hitlist of ideas they hate.

I'm going to go lie down for a while.
Posts: 2377
  • Posted On: Jun 8 2005 12:41am
god lives in a box downstairs.
Posts: 2453
  • Posted On: Jun 8 2005 1:13am
15 conservative scholars and public policy leaders

All you need to know there is that they are conservatives. But how Mein Kampf was less harmful than The Communist Manifesto I don't know. Its not like Mein Kampf was written by the guy who started the Holocaust where as The Communist Manifesto was written by a guy trying to improve the lives as the masses or anything like that.
Posts: 5387
  • Posted On: Jun 8 2005 1:19am
Mein Kampf is not so bad. It is an introspective, talking about his ideas and his life and his feelings. It's not like it's subtitled "And How You Can Eliminate Das Juden!", it's just a fucked up book by a fucked up guy with fucked up ideals. Dangerous, sure...

...but the Communist Manifesto is, actually, a guidebook to a political revolution. Argue whether the effects of change would be for the better, but we saw that when perverted they are definitely for the worse, the bottom line is that the book accepts and states that a revolution is not possible without eliminating, by violence, the top tier of society, as they will never relinquish power willingly.

To western civiilization, both books prevent a very set of dangerous ideals that seem scary and powerful, but Mein Kempf stops short of actually commanding anything.
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: Jun 8 2005 1:25am
Hm, interesting point Ahnk.
Posts: 5387
  • Posted On: Jun 8 2005 1:29am
Make note that I personally think Mein Kempf is more dangerous when read by an intellectual, but for most people, since it doesn't say "Go now and wipe out the Jews!", whereas The Communist Manifesto does say "Go now and wipe out the rich people!", TCM is a more dangerous book.
Posts: 666
  • Posted On: Jun 8 2005 11:36am
Origin of the Species
by Charles Darwin
Score: 17

... and yet some of the judges are professors and doctors.

This makes me a very sad panda.
Posts: 93
  • Posted On: Jun 8 2005 3:34pm comes 2 things, that suck in this world...Or the other one sucked, Facisim and Communisim. I see both to be only tyranies allthough the communists always talked about sharing everything and so on... Both have left millions people dead. The nice Nazi decided to kill some jews and so on...BUT of course on the eastern side of europe we had dad sunny(or whatever that is in english cause i only know that we call him: Isä aurinkoinen) Anyway Stalin was paranoid and so he decided to chop of some heads...was there any sanity or even the slightest sense in these kills? Nope....Mein Kaumpf is a book about Hitlers own expriences in world war 1 and so on... The communist manifesto was more terrible than mein kaumpf i think....but I don`t really know, but everyone should consider these rotten.....the 20th century was a sucky time....Even the finnish people supported communisim, (god thanks only half of them) which of course lead to the finnish civil war, but I`m not going to talk about these stuff anymore...allthough i knew much of it.... :D
Posts: 40
  • Posted On: Jun 8 2005 4:08pm
*throws all the Bibles into the list and calls it a case closed*
Posts: 7745
  • Posted On: Jun 8 2005 4:13pm
Dolash, I'm suprised that you would read that list and come away with the phrase you titled this thread with.