Stephen Hawking- Is he really as smart as he is said to be?
Posts: 157
  • Posted On: Aug 5 2006 6:38pm

Even I could tell you as much as he does.
Posts: 2504
  • Posted On: Aug 5 2006 7:15pm
Read one of his books and then say the same thing :)
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: Aug 6 2006 12:57am
I read two of his books that were specifically dumbed down for the general public, and was still overawed and confused enough to curl up in the corner and fear the void.

Yes, I would go so far as to say that he is intelligent.
Posts: 68
  • Posted On: Aug 6 2006 1:02am
He's a smart guy, but it seems that often what gets the limelight is the whole issue of overcoming his adversity. I certainly wouldn't figure him to be king of the hill in his field. I read some stuff a while back that I unfortunately have no link to that essentially explained the effect of his popularity.
Posts: 2915
  • Posted On: Aug 6 2006 1:56am
Its not so much his current work that makes him a genius, but his early stuff that went against conventional knowledge at the time... Like an Einstien of his age....
Posts: 157
  • Posted On: Aug 6 2006 9:11am
A book that confuses people...hmmmmmm. I like Sitchin better because his books actually make sense.
Posts: 1142
  • Posted On: Aug 7 2006 12:48pm
Zecharia Sitchin? He is a crackpot.
Posts: 138
  • Posted On: Aug 7 2006 1:57pm
Hawking is extremely intelligent. His movies are boring, if you took high school physics you might have watched them, but when I perused his books at one point I was lost. He's beyond smart.
Posts: 157
  • Posted On: Aug 7 2006 5:14pm
Either he's really smart or he just jibber jabbers until no-one understands him, hence coming to the conclusion that you did. And Sithcin isn't a crackpot!