Questioning ones motives...
  • Posted On: Aug 14 2002 9:18am
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> As the Royal seal of the Hapes Royal family disappears, it is replaced by the stern visiage of the Crown Prince of Hapes and Consort to the Queen Mother, Dakkon Darksword. He clears his throat slightly before begining.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->

"Good evening sentients of the galaxy of all alliegances. Today, I come before you to voice my concern over the motives of certain groups in adding their voice to the cacophany of threats and counter-threats issuing from the maws of all involved in this great galactic wide conflict.

Oh these groups, some threats are are more than just threats. Groups such as the former Rogue Empire, the Galactic Defence Initiative and the New Order, whos threats can and should be taken seriously. But other groups have added their voices to this for little reason. Groups such as our allies, The Divine Order.

They have made constant threats and have engaged in constant sabre rattling against the Former Rogue Empire. We disagree with this policy. We also note that is not our place to tell our allies and friends what their policies should be. But we do disagree with TDO going against the traditional neutrality of Hapans.

As such, in order to avoid the loss of Consortium lives, we will be removing our standing planetary defence forces from Dreena. That being the Royal Hapan Expeditionary Force. This is not to say that should The Divine Order come under assault, we will not move to defend it. Quite the opposite, we will have no external sovriegnty over Hapan planets as long as we can help it. But as said, the loss of Consortium lives in a fruitless act of agression will not be tolerated, regardless of the instigator.

Thank you and good night."

<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> With that, the Royal Hapan Monarchy logo reappears, before the entire scene fades from sight.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
Posts: 141
  • Posted On: Aug 14 2002 11:17am
The New Order will gladly provide defense forces to fill the void left by the retreating neutralists, if so called upon. Apparently unlike Prince Darksword, the Empire will not punish political idealists for daring to speak out against the evil Death Star.
  • Posted On: Aug 14 2002 4:37pm
Queen Malyndar, her face pale, and worn, stepped up to the podium in her conference halls, and began to speak, her voice tired, and worn.

"Citizens of Dreena. IT is with a great deal of regret that I tell you this: The Hapes Consortium has withdrawn all protective forces from out planet. And it is with a great deal of suspicion that I say this:

I am worried. Hapes planets have always been there to help one another in times of parol. This, my friends, is a time of parol. I will not cringe before a ruthless, murderous Rogue Empire. I will not hide behind my citizens, or allied fleets. I do not fear death, I fear for the safety of my citizens.

If it is in the wishes of The Hapes Consortium to bluntly withdrawl there forces without reason or question, then I must offer my humble appology, and terminate our Alliance. The Divine Order does not need your simpathy, or your mighty fleets. We need only ourselves, and the careing and love that flourishes within The Divine Order.

I am also suspicious of The Hapes Consortium's actions. They speak out against The New Order, The Rogue Empire, and the Galactic Defense Initiative. Please know that The Divine Order considers two of those three noble, and significant friends, and I assure you, The Rogue Empire is not one of those friends.

Did the Divine Order back down when The Hapes Consortium called upon all Hapes planets to assist them in there relief effort for the Refugees currentlyswarming the Galaxy? No. Have we ever done anything to the Hapes Consortium that would cause them to so bluntly withdrawl? I do now know, but I'd like to if we have.

Once Again, I say this. The Divine Order does not need to cringe behind allied fleets, or the support of the corrupt Hapes Consortium. If it is there wish to withdrawl there fleet without reason, or question, then I bid them farewell."
Posts: 63
  • Posted On: Aug 14 2002 6:46pm
Approaching the podium, the Lord Regent stared straight ahead into the camera, his eyes blazen as he re-listened to the Queens last given speech. He shook his head with her every comment. As the recording stoped he began his own speech.

"Dearest peoples of the Hapes cluster, I wish to issue a formal appology from the current administration of the Queen. Events as of late have gotten to her emotionaly, in ways that the rest of the galaxy wouldnt begin to understand. Not that the process of our Queen divine are something you need, or even should think of.

"To The Hapan government we owe you our gratitude for your most generous gift of protection by one of your many powerful battlefleets. If you could possibly find it in yourselves to forgive us for our transgressions im sure it could all be avoided a second time. Either way we wish to maintain our close ties with our closest and greatest neighbor.

"To the New Order, we appreciate your kindness as well, freedom of speach is a most important right issued to all citizens of the divine. As it should be a right shared galaxy wide. We do so wholly accept your offers, but only under the pretense of defense only, and not as a spot to set up tacticaly, or a form of blackmail over our heads. We are a peaceful people and that would not due.

"In closing, I would like to give my own formal appologies for TDO actions as well as my personal promise that any actions in said future will not be sanctioned by me, and be stoped to the best of my ability"
  • Posted On: Aug 14 2002 8:07pm
<font size=5>Questioning Another One's Motives</font>
<font size=3>By Viryn Quell</font>

Good evening sentients of the galaxy who wish to be more confused than Admiral Snowkan in an Abolisher field. I am Dakkon Darksword, and today, I come before you to repeatedly contradict myself in an effort to cast the illusion of my taking the high moral ground. I find the factions adding their voice to the cacophany of threats and counter-threats issuing from the maws of all involved in this great galactic wide conflict to be in grave error. In order to express this, I will join the factions adding their voice to the cacophany of threats and counter-threats issuing from the maws of all involved in this great galactic wide conflict.

For those who actually intend to kill the denizens of other societies, it's perfectly acceptable to use propaganda and news reports played incessantly on all channels in the worlds of their control -- but for people who just want to express an opinion without doing physical harm to anyone, well, damn, I am sickened. I have no grasp of the concept of freedom of speech or loyalty to one's affiliates, and so, I bring to your attention the actions of my allies, and, by relation, lower my own prestige.

The Divine Order has engaged in constant sabre rattling against the Former Rogue Empire. We disagree with this policy. It is our policy not to dictate to our associates what their policies should be, but it should not be the Divine Order's policy to express free opinion. Despite the fact that I am unbound by even my own policies, and am in fact rattling my sabre right now, it should not be the policy of the Divine Order to speak out against anyone. But, as I said, it is not my policy to correct the policies of other factions, and certainly not by speaking out against them -- after all, the Divine Order shouldn't be doing this, so neither should I.

Their policy goes against the traditional neutrality of the Hapan Consortium. The only time it is permitted that anyone may break this policy of neutrality is when it benefits me and fills my warchests while satisfying my lust for control and power. (OOC: The Empire Strikes Back: Carpe Diem.) Allowing the Divine Order free speech does not at all quench my constant thirst for power, and as such, I cannot condone it. I am now retracting my protection of Dreena, to funnel my resources into more power-grabs. We will not tolerate the loss of Hapan lives in a fruitless act of aggression, like the expression of an opinion. I will only tolerate the idle waste of the people I consider to be expendable when it gets me something, like power over more people, because I think people are currency.

And so, I am buying power from the Rogue Empire with the lives of your people, Divine Order.

Have a nice day.

You have to wonder who is kidding who.

-Viryn Quell,
Freelance Author
  • Posted On: Aug 14 2002 9:36pm
Reading over the article of Mr. Quell, the Queen began to laugh, lifting her spirits, and hope for this propaganda war she had begun to wage.

Finally, a man that would not only stand up as she had, but would also state an opinion that could get him killed.
  • Posted On: Aug 15 2002 4:32am
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> The solidity of Metropolis was not only on his face as he stood on Dellalt's HQ steps, it was in his posture as well.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->

"Queen Malyndar, know this: While the Alliance is in no shape or form to assist in a militaristic assault, as a Rogue Jedi, I stand, firmly supporting your ideals and the guts with which you speak them. I have never, in my lifetime, seen a royal with the guts you portray, and it pleases me that finally, someone besides the Jedi wish peace amongst the galaxy. While I cannot support you as a Rebel, as a Jedi I can. In the event that protection is needed, I will die before allowing you to. War rips a galaxy apart, that is obvious. But, as I stated, no matter how a war goes, I, as a Jedi, will support the ideals of the Queen of Dreena."