Privateer for Hire
Posts: 1549
  • Posted On: Jul 19 2002 11:52am
<!--EZCODE BOLD START--> Bio-<!--EZCODE BOLD END--> Prince Lupercus Darksword

<!--EZCODE BOLD START--> Prior Positions-<!--EZCODE BOLD END-->

~Governer over Hapan Colony World of Democles
~Commander of Hapan Anti-Piracy and Smuggling Fleets
~Hapan Naval Academy Graduate
~Former Pupil and Provost Marshall of the Hapan Guild of Assassins, the Krypteia
~Commander of 'Joint Operations: Special Unit' of Hapan defence forces
~Former member of Jakkata Corporation and Strategist for the CEO
~Co-Designer of the Darkstar Class Cruiser and Manticore Gunboat

<!--EZCODE BOLD START--> Fleet Manifest<!--EZCODE BOLD END-->

Victory Class Star Destroyer- <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Blood of Hapes<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
Battle Dragon Class Cruiser- <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Bane of Hapes<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
Nova Class Cruiser- <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Razor<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
Nova Class Cruiser- <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Blade<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->

Plus Snubfighters.

<!--EZCODE BOLD START--> Personal Information<!--EZCODE BOLD END-->

Trained under Ki Adi Mundi in the Force at an early age, Lupercus Darksword is a Vengeful soul. Consumed with Hatred and jealousy over his brothers rise to promenence in the Galaxy, Lupercus and a large band of likewise Hapans up and left, seeking either a place within the stars for their own or a way to remould Hapes in their image. His skill with the sabre lead to gambling and illegal arena battles, and his desire for power has lead him to seek training in the Dark Arts of the Sith.

He is a skilled military tactican, accomplished in Naval and Ground commands. Second in the Cluster only to his brother in both abilities of the force and of strategy, this bred the hatred and discontent that fueled his rise as an opponent of Hapan Policy, and an ally to any who would assist him in his endevours.

But with times as the are in the Galaxy, the renegade Hapans have moved from the spiritually rewarding art of revenge to the profitable ways of Privateering. Henceforth, he is for hire by any who could afford his services, but special deals are granted for any actions against Hapes.
  • Posted On: Jul 22 2002 6:38am
Please get in touch with me ASAP - I may be in need of your services in the weeks to come.

Contact me on AIM @ Heenster01 or The Imp Admiral
Posts: 1549
  • Posted On: Jul 22 2002 12:43pm
Will do...
  • Posted On: Jul 23 2002 1:44pm
Hmm I am tempted to use this guy...but the whole sith thing kinda' scares me.
  • Posted On: Jul 23 2002 6:50pm
I thought the Empire didn't go so low as to employ mercenaries?
Posts: 2915
  • Posted On: Jul 23 2002 9:51pm
ehem, forgot who you were talkin to eh?
Posts: 1549
  • Posted On: Jul 24 2002 9:21am
Didnt Vader?

And Mr Fearsons, i really dont think Sith and Shadow Jedi would mix, having looked at the history on your site and all, i think it would be hazzardous to my health...

But then again, if the price is right.....
  • Posted On: Jul 24 2002 12:47pm
lol Gue...for once get your story straight.

Lupercus, the thing that attracted me was your Hapan heritage and your hatred for the standing government, LOL.

But the sith part and the being a mercenary part kind of made everything else seem pointless.
Posts: 224
  • Posted On: Jul 25 2002 12:46am
Argh!! Don't you even quit chadd??
  • Posted On: Jul 25 2002 12:22pm